Chapter 791

"You, you stop!" Ye Ziye was full of strength, supporting the ground with one hand and shouting at Carl: "Let him go! Let-go-he-ah!"

Carl held Zuo Zhe's neck tightly, watching his face turn from blue to pale and bloodless, watching his entire face become distorted and awkward.

If it wasn't for him, his girls wouldn't be like this.

It wasn't for him, his home wouldn't have been destroyed.

If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't be so unbearable.

Die, die quickly, no one can hinder his plan after death.

"Hahaha!" Seeing Zuo Zhe gradually lose his strength to struggle, Carl laughed wildly: "Can you beat me? Huh? Can you beat me?"

"No." Ye Ziye grabbed the saber and wanted to swing it, but found that his whole body was so weak that he couldn't use any strength.

And Yan Xiaozhu was injured and fell to the ground, struggling hard, trying to get up but in vain.

"Cough—." Zuo Zhe's hand holding Carl's shoulder began to soften, becoming powerless to resist and struggle.

I feel like my life is being lost, constantly being lost.

Suddenly, Carl's back trembled, and the force on Zuo Zhe's neck became lighter.

A sharp saber was inserted into his back, with the word Nie engraved on the hilt, and blood seeped from the blade, staining his white shirt red.

Even so, Carl still held Zuo Zhe's neck firmly and wouldn't let go.

He ignored everything and only cared about the Chinese boy in front of him. He wanted him to die, even if he died, he had to die before his eyes before giving up.

Zuo Zhe's skin turned translucent white, and the hand holding Carl slowly slipped down, and finally fell to the ground, his resisting body also became unable to move.

Limbs stretched out, stiff as death.

There was no coughing or struggling.


"No." Ye Ziye's whole body was icy, and he stared at the hanging hands with wide eyes in shock.

All the past rushed into her mind like lightning.

Nie Fan was knocked down by a car, then Ye Guya was knocked down, and then Zuo Zhe was thrown out of the van in the downtown area, rolled on the ground for a few laps, and finally stopped.

As it is now, motionless.

No!She doesn't want him to die!
(End of this chapter)

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