Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 864 He Can't Be Softhearted

Chapter 864 He Can't Be Softhearted

This night, I ate very full at Nie's house and talked a lot of interesting things. Ye Ziye was in a very good mood.

Such a lively scene of a family was very rare in the past.

In the past, it was always just her and Ye Guya, but now as long as she wants, she can drive half an hour to have a meal with her elder brother, grandpa and father.

Nie Mansion is always visited by many people, sometimes Nie Hong and Jia Jun will come, and sometimes it is the second and third uncles.

When there are no guests, there are Nie Zhenlong, Season and Lan Xin, and they always have dinner at home every night.

Hee hee haha ​​talking and laughing, filled with the taste of home.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
"We have to talk to Xiaozhe." Jiang Yongbang sighed heavily: "As far as I know, he really, really doesn't want to stay in the Baihutang anymore when he comes back."

Qin Lang nodded in agreement: "Well, all the handover work has been completed, and Xiao Qin will take over from the first day of the next month."

Zuo Peng put the cigar out in the ashtray, opened his mouth, and breathed out thick smoke.

Diffuse smoke wrapped around his deeply furrowed brows.

His son Zuo Zhe has never been a fuel-efficient lamp, and he has never been a person who plays cards according to the rules.

Is it for real this time?Do you really want to withdraw from Baihutang?
Qin Lang looked at him and shook his head: "Xiao Zhe has ordered someone to buy a plane ticket to California."

As soon as these words came out, both Jiang Yongbang and Zuo Peng looked at him in astonishment.

"It's true, two air tickets for December [-], Xiao Zhe and that girl."

Now Zuo Peng fell down decadently, his eyes fixed on the ceiling.

Could it be that the Baihutang they worked so hard to build is just dragging along like this.

Before, he opposed Zuo Zhe's cleansing of Baibaihutang, but after the raid by the public security police, he agreed with their opinion.

Now that he is about to succeed, Zuo Zhe has retreated. What should he do in the aftermath?
He knew that Zuo Zhe must have done this on purpose.

He used his position as chief hall master to force him to marry Shangguan Lu as his wife.

And Zuo Zhe threatened him to give up that idea with the whole Baihutang's troubles.

The two father and son were evenly matched, gritting their teeth, seeing that the other was the first to be unable to bear it, and the first to compromise with the other.

He can't be softhearted, he can't compromise.

Now he can only give it a try, he doesn't believe that Zuo Zhe will really leave one day.

(End of this chapter)

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