Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 865 Your Little Hei Has a New Mission

Chapter 865 Your Little Hei Has a New Mission
Now he can only give it a try, he doesn't believe that Zuo Zhe will really leave one day.

After all, Baihutang, he put too much time and effort.

Zuo Zhe couldn't really leave.

Jiang Yongbang didn't think so, he didn't want the matter to reach the point of no return, he persuaded Zuo Peng: "Talk to Xiaozhe, where is Xiaolu, why do you have to force her everywhere?"

"This is what Xiaolu deserves, and this is what I owe Shangguan Chaoqun."

The past is like smoke, when Baihutang was established at the beginning of the year, everyone was young and energetic, with great ambitions, and the disputes in the gang were particularly fierce.

He used secret means to successfully defeat Shangguan Chaoqun, and became the chief hall master for a while. Later, because of guilt, he abdicated to Jiang Yongbang.

Because of this incident, there has always been a gap between the two.

Now that Shangguan Chaoqun is dead, he only wants his descendants to have a stable life.

However, Zuo Zhe repeatedly demoted Shangguan Lu, so he decided to marry her to Zuo Zhe in order to keep Shangguan Lu in peace forever.

As long as Zuo Zhe is in Baihutang for one day, Shangguan Lu will be the wife of the hall master who is above ten thousand people.

It can also comfort his guilty heart.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
When the doorknob was turned, Ye Ziye thought it was Yan Xiaozhu who came back.

After counting the days, she should have returned from the United States, but she has not been seen for a few days.

The door opened, and it was Zuo Zhe, a cold and savage ice-beautiful boy who walked in.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to see me?"

Now living on the roof of dozens of floors, he can't climb through the window like he used to.

"No, I thought it was Xiao Hei's." She fell down on the sofa in disappointment, and she began to miss her little bodyguard.

Zuo Zhe changed his shoes, put the keys and mobile phone on the table, and stretched himself on the sofa.

"Your little black has a new mission, and it won't appear in the short term."

"What? She has a new mission? Is she in America?"

"Yes!" Zuo Zhe raised the corner of his mouth, smiling happily.

"Why didn't you call me?" Hmph, Xiao Hei, you are too heartless, it's in vain for her to miss her day and night.

Zuo Zhe bumped her with his elbow: "Hey, I'm hungry, cook some noodles for me."

She glared at him: "Didn't you say that the food I cook is not raw? Is it terrible?"

"Hey, you just need to cook some, good boy, go."

This scumbag now treats her like a cook.

(End of this chapter)

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