Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 867 I have something to tell you

Chapter 867 I have something to tell you
Ye Ziye watched the water start to boil, so she threw the noodles in and stirred it with chopsticks.

Thinking about how to speak to Zuo Zhe, she just wanted to delay leaving for a few days.

Zuo Zhe looked at her, that pretty face that couldn't hide a secret, was written all over at the moment: I have something to tell you.

He chuckled and asked in a teasing tone: "Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Eh? I didn't." She looked at him sideways, surprised, and quickly turned back, pouring the cooked noodles into the bowl.

Then she fumbled about the fried eggs, and suddenly she realized that she had forgotten to put the vegetable leaves into the noodles and cook them.

This absent-mindedness can no longer be hidden.

Zuo Zhe watched her busy and frowning in thought, but she refused to say anything, and he didn't force her.

The washed dishes were not cooked, so she simply didn't want them, and walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of hot noodle soup.

Zuo Zhe took it with one hand, looked at the noodles and fried eggs on it, without any dislike or dissatisfaction.

This time was no different from the past, he once again confirmed that Ye Ziye was a girl who couldn't cook.

The same kind of noodles, cooked in the same way, have been cooked more than ten times, but they are still not delicious at all, they can only be said to be barely used to wrap the belly.

Ye Ziye turned back to get the chopsticks, trotted back to the living room with him, and handed the chopsticks to him.

After he took it, he reached out and pulled her into his arms at the same time, letting her sit on his lap.

He looked at her, thought about it, and decided to give her a chance, otherwise he might not have to sleep tonight.

Ye Ziye is a person who can't hide secrets, when he has something on his mind, he will roll around in bed.

I don't need to sleep anymore, and he doesn't need to sleep either.

He decided to play her tricks: "Where did you go today?"

"Well, let's go to class."

"and then."

"Go home and have dinner with grandpa."

"Oh." He nodded understandingly: "What did grandpa tell you?"

"Grandpa said..." She looked at his face, bit her lower lip and murmured, "Grandpa said to hold a birthday party for me."

He nodded again: "Hmm, not bad."

"But next Sunday."

Zuo Zhe was slightly stunned, and instantly understood what she was worried about.

"Fool, we can put off leaving for a week."

She was ecstatic: "Really?"

"Are there any fake ones?"

Ye Ziye looked at him with a moved face, cupped his handsome face, and kissed him forcefully: "You are so kind."

(End of this chapter)

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