Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 868 We Are Serious, Not Just Playing

Chapter 868 We Are Serious, Not Just Playing

Ye Ziye looked at him with a moved face, cupped his handsome face, and kissed him forcefully: "You are so kind."

He kissed her back, smiling even more intensely: "If I don't treat you well, who will treat you well?"

Her face was flushed, she clasped his neck, and kissed his lips deeply.

The touch of lips and lips brings trembling of body and mind.

He wrapped his arms around her waist tightly, deepening and deepening the kiss.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
Gangpei High School, women's restroom.

Ye Ziye came out of the toilet, and saw a delicate girl standing in front of the wash basin.

She clenched her fists tightly and faced her own direction, her cold face was full of anger and dissatisfaction.

Ye Ziye walked towards her, stood by her side, reached out to take the water from the tap, and washed his hands slowly.

She went back to school today to go through the withdrawal procedures, and she will go abroad with Zuo Zhe next month. She and Zuo Zhe have already discussed it. For the rest of this year, she will have fun as much as she can.

Tomorrow, she will find another school to study. As for where to study, she still has no idea.

Let's forget about next year's affairs.

The anger on Shangguan Lu's body was a little uncontrollable. She turned to look at Ye Ziye: "Are you really planning to leave? Are you leaving China on the [-]nd of next month?"

Ye Ziye turned off the water source, took a paper towel and wiped the water from his hands.

She didn't answer Shangguan Lu's question, and treated her and her question as transparent, turning a blind eye and turning a blind eye.

Go around her body and head towards the door of the toilet.

She has other things to do, including picking out a beautiful evening dress to wear to the birthday party.

Shangguan Lu grabbed her wrist: "Stop."

"Let go."

"You answer my question, what tricks are you and Zuo Zhe playing?"

"We are serious, not for fun." Ye Ziye stared at the clamp on his wrist, frowned, with displeasure and slight anger: "Can you let go now?"

She felt that she was being polite to Shangguan Lu, because she, like herself, had just lost a loved one.

She doesn't want to hurt her, people without close relatives are very lonely and lonely.

She sympathizes with and understands Shangguan Lu, and since she is about to leave, she doesn't want to cause any more troubles.

"No, it must be a conspiracy. You want to take this opportunity to compromise Uncle Xie Peng."

(End of this chapter)

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