Chapter 870
Although Zuo Zhe was also what she wanted, he was not as important as Baihutang.

She couldn't let the Baihutang fall down.

She is a proud and independent girl, since the person Zuo Zhe loves is not her, she also doesn't want to pester her.

And because she is a person who calmly takes care of the overall situation, how could she allow the Baihutang to fall to the ground.

So she found Ye Ziye, only she can change Zuo Zhe's mind.

And only she is the one to untie the bell.

At this time, she could no longer care about face issues, Zuo Peng refused to discuss reconciliation with Zuo Zhe, so let her do it.

"We all grew up with the money of Baihutang. Without Baihutang, we wouldn't be where we are today." Shangguan Lu's tone became subdued: "Zuo Zhe really can't leave, Baihutang needs him to pay back now. At that time, the reforms he made were for you, and now he is stuck in the middle because of you."

"Do you really have the heart for Zuo Zhe to bear a bad name for you? Can you talk to him? Can you wait a few years before leaving? Just two years, okay?"

Ye Ziye lowered her eyes. Although Shangguan Lu was selfish, she even used all means to achieve her goals.

But what she said today is very reasonable, and it is also something that Ye Ziye understands very well.

At the beginning, Zuo Zhe also considered these issues, so he made a three-year contract with her in California.

The matter of Baihutang really cannot be left halfway. This is something that everyone knows very well.

Ye Ziye thought of his grandfather and brothers, as well as Nie Fan and He Yanran, and felt a little bit reluctant.

Maybe now is really not the time for them to leave.

Perhaps she is destined to live in China forever.

Ye Ziye gently pushed her hand away: "Let me think about it."

Shangguan Lu let her go, with a happy smile on her face: "Okay."

A light of hope ignites within.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
As the days approached day by day, Zuo Zhe and Ye Ziye did not take the plane on December [-]nd.

The trembling three giants and Shangguan Lu finally let out a breath.

Zuo Peng thought he had won the bet, but Zuo Zhe was just trying to scare him.

He will not really leave China and the Baihutang where he was raised.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Ye Ziye's birthday party was ushered in.

Before the dance started, Ye Ziye chatted with Zuo Zhe.

(End of this chapter)

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