Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 871 Leaving, Only Temporarily

Chapter 871 Leaving, Only Temporarily
Before the dance started, Ye Ziye chatted with Zuo Zhe.

Zuo Zhe usually wears a casual and energetic outfit, but today he wore a black suit for the first time.

The straight suit outlines his tall, thin and strong figure very chicly and charmingly, and he has a good appearance, like a nobleman.

Ye Ziye wore a knee-length tube top short skirt, a light green color that accentuated her slender and tall figure, youthful and cute with a soft and sexy sensuality.

She specially put on the diamond neck key given to her by Zuo Zhe today, and the dazzling white light shone.

"If I say we stay and live, don't you think I'm repeating myself too much?"

She chose to go straight to the point because time was running out and she had to persuade him to change his mind.

They missed the plane on the [-]nd, and Zuo Zhe planned to book two tickets for tomorrow afternoon.

He couldn't wait to leave, even more urgent than her.

Zuo Zhe looked at her, stretched out his fingers and gently stroked the skin of her cheeks, it was so slippery and fascinating.

"No!" His reaction was expected.

But Ye Ziye's reaction to him was unexpected, she was stunned: "Why?"

"Because I know your character." He gently lifted her chin with his fingers, leaned down and kissed her lips extremely gently.

"You mean you can guess that I will be reluctant to leave in the end?"

"Yes." He let her go, put his hands in his trouser pockets gracefully, and an unpredictable smile rose from the corner of his mouth: "But this time, whether you want it or not, we have to leave tomorrow .”

"I don't understand."

"I know what you are worried about. You are worried about the operation of Baihutang, right? Don't worry, I have arranged everything."

This time, he wanted to give his father a shot in the arm. Baihutang had changed, and they had to let the younger generation take over.

Instead of hiding in the dark, pointing fingers, treating him and Qin Jun as puppets on strings.

Both he and Qin Jun need real power, a truly unstoppable position.

"But did you really decide to leave?" She was still worried.

"Leaving is only temporary."

He took her hands and held them tightly.

"I have a plan, and this plan is called death and survival."

Ye Ziye looked at him suspiciously, still not quite believing what he said.

(End of this chapter)

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