Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 872 Oh, the whole world was lied to him

Chapter 872 Oh, the whole world was lied to him

Ye Ziye looked at him suspiciously, still not quite believing what he said.

So Zuo Zhe explained his plan in detail. It turned out that Zuo Peng used his position as chief hall master to force him to marry Shangguan Lu as his wife, but he did not intend to compromise on this and decided to leave for a while.

He has arranged for Qin Jun and the others to be the internal responders. If there is any sudden change in the gang, he can discuss countermeasures with him.

He evacuated on the surface, but in essence he just gave the elders a blow.

They didn't believe that he could harden his heart and withdraw his hands from the affairs of the gang, so he let them see his cruelty.

According to the plan, he will leave until Zuo Peng and the others are willing to admit defeat.

And he just took advantage of this time to leave China with Ye Ziye and go to other places for mountain tours.

When the old men couldn't take it anymore and asked him to come back, he still had to check his mood.

This is a good strategy to kill two birds with one stone.

Ye Zi's eyes widened when he heard this, and he punched his chest, pretending to be angry: "You are so good, you actually used me. Make me think that you are doing it for me..."

Zuo Zhe smiled slyly, and declared: "Nana, don't get me wrong, I hinted to you early on."

"When did you hint?" She stared at him with a smile.

It turned out that he had his plan, so she didn't have to worry too much, and she was even happier that they would come back again.

"When I was racing before, I said it several times. Not only did I tell you, I also told everyone loudly that my resignation from the position of chief hall master has nothing to do with you, not because of you. "

It was because he wanted to fight against his old man.

He smiles badly and treacherously.

That's right, he said that at the time, but speaking like that in such an environment will only make everyone think that he doesn't have 300 taels of silver here.

Who would guess his true thoughts, just like what he said.

Oh, the whole world has been lied to him.

"So, you don't have to think too much, just follow me. This is our study abroad trip. We will come back eventually."

Because here are their relatives and friends, as well as his career and ideals.

All these beautiful things cannot be bought with money, so how could he be willing to give up?
And Ye Ziye was also unwilling to give up.

She has come through the tempering, learned to love others, and learned to cherish everything around her.

(End of this chapter)

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