Chapter 21

Shen Fengge is now able to get out of bed and walk around, but he can't do too many activities.He also knew that the rumors outside were very tight, and now Qianniuwei could not wait to go from house to house to search for traces of the inner guards.

However, although the old ministers' faction condoned Qianniuwei's arrogance, there were also factions among the twelve guards. Under mutual restraint, Qianniuwei would not be too domineering.

In addition, now that the new king is on the throne, the young faction is very ambitious. Shangyuan even put on a posture of actively promoting the New Deal, and even fished out Pei Liangchun's pawn again. In one matter, it was even stricter than before.

Shangyuan almost controlled more than half of the forces in Yushitai, and nearly half of the twelve guards belonged to her, and the old officials had to be afraid.

Shen Fengge also only heard some fragmentary news from the stupid servant, so he pieced together the current situation and made a clear guess about the general situation.

He doesn't have much desire for power itself, what he is most worried about right now is actually the little child in the Grand Master's Mansion.But he couldn't bring her over, after all, his ability to deal with children was basically zero.What's more, this child has lived in Yuan's family for so many years, has a father and a mother, even if he thinks about it, he refuses to recognize him.

Although Shen Fengge persuaded himself to open up more, he still couldn't let go of this matter.

While he was waiting for news from the small house in Pingkangfang, someone finally knocked on the door, and then Pei Qu's voice came: "It's me."

Shen Fengge didn't hear from him for a long time, so he quickly asked the stupid servant to open the door.

When the carriage reached the door, Pei Qu turned back into the carriage and carried Nan Shan down, and walked straight to the house.He didn't have time to explain too much to Shen Fengge, he only settled Nanshan properly before leaving the room.

Shen Fengge had been waiting outside for a long time, but Pei Qu went straight to avoid him, walked into the room with a white cloth medicine bottle in his hand, sat down, and began to take off his outer clothes as if no one else was around.

Shen Fengge saw that his face was very pale, so he guessed that he was injured.Sure enough, the cloth belt he took off was stained with blood, and it seemed that it was not a minor injury.

Because the wound was in the back, it was extremely difficult for Pei Qu to change the medicine, Shen Fengge pursed his lips, and simply walked over to help him change the medicine, and took the opportunity to ask the Emotional Committee.After listening to it, he even said sarcastic words: "Did I ask you to stay away for a while, and you all ignored it?"

Pei Qu didn't answer, so he can say whatever he likes.

Shen Fengge swiftly changed the medicine for him, and pulled up his coat, but Pei Qu, who had been silent for a long time, asked, "Since when did Nanshan lose its taste?"

"Before you go to the country and leave home." Shen Fengge's tone was cold, and there was no emotion to speak of.

Sure enough, it was before leaving home.

Pei Qu had always thought that she accidentally ate something after leaving Pei's mansion, but he never expected that she was so outrageously wrong.

He remembered that one night before leaving Chang'an, someone in the palace brought exquisite fruits, saying that the Holy Majesty practiced them for him.

He was busy packing his luggage, and the fruit box was placed on the table. Chaoge lay down in front of the table to watch him pack up, and then took it and ate it.

At that time, it took him a long time to pack his things, and he turned his head to look at Chao Ge who was lying on the low table, and saw that she had stopped eating the fruit, so he asked her if it was not good to eat.Chaoge froze for a moment, then shook his head, and reached out to take another fruit.

She was silent and didn't speak, but he thought it was because of the close parting, so he took extra care of her emotions, but when he walked over, he saw that there was only the last one left in the fruit box.

He happened to be hungry too, so he picked up the last fruit, and was about to eat it, but Chao Ge stretched out his hand, opened his fingers with difficulty, took the last fruit he was holding, and opened his eyes With big eyes, he ate it bite by bite in front of him.

The box was empty, and all the fruit went into her pitifully small stomach.

At that time, he smiled wryly and said, "Is it so delicious? You won't leave any of them to me?"

The child nodded desperately, and a forced smile appeared on his face, which was flushed from trying to swallow.

All these years he has never understood the true meaning of this reluctance.

Until today, he finally understood that Chao Ge gradually tasted bad in her mouth after eating. She was vigilant and guessed that there might be something wrong with the dim sum, and she was afraid that he would eat it by mistake, so she swallowed them all in a hurry.

That effort to swallow was the saddest thing in the world.

Near dusk, after Shen Fengge changed Pei Qu's medicine, he lit the lamp himself.Pei Qu swallowed the old things alone, Shen Fengge also had something to think about, and there was a long silence in the room.

This silence is intermittent with Beiqu's singing and music as the background.The sound of the pipa is sad and jerky, and the singer's voice is not very moving. Together, it sounds very uncomfortable.

Shen Fengge got up and went to the courtyard, looked around, then turned back, and said to Pei Channel who was silent in the house, "The melon seedlings you planted before are almost drying up, so you don't care if you plant them?"

Pei Qu almost forgot about the melon seedlings in the yard.I have encountered so many things recently that I have been out of farming for a long time.But as long as he remembered the situation of Chaoge eating fruit many years ago, his heart was so blocked that he couldn't do anything.

At that time, she was only a young child. Although she had experienced cruel things in the world, she must have panicked the moment she couldn't taste the food.He couldn't imagine the loneliness and struggle in her heart when she ate the fruit and fell silently on the low table.

Because he was afraid that he would know, and that this matter would hinder him from going on a long journey, he still chewed and swallowed all the fruit after knowing that the fruit was poisonous. How much courage was spent in that little head to make such a decision, and how much fear was overcome afterwards , which he had never experienced before.

What's more, at that time, she was still facing the unknown future of leaving the house, and after that, she went through various changes and endured many pains, blood and tears that he didn't know about, but she still lived like this.He has specialized in planting for so many years, and has never seen a plant so resilient.He couldn't understand her experience in these years, and he couldn't know what supported her to come to the present, but all these made his heart ache.

Back pain was nothing in comparison.

Pei Qu was rarely so sad, even when he knew about his biological mother at that time, he never lost control like this.Just because he once held that child's fate in his hands, but left it halfway.

At this time, Shen Fengge had turned back into the house.He walked up to Pei Qu, and suddenly handed him a ladle of water.

Pei Qu didn't look up.

Shen Fengge calmly said: "Since the melon seedlings have been planted, you should know better than me, a person who has never done farm work." He looked outside lazily, "It's hot in this season , If you let it go, you will probably die. No matter how you feel, it’s better to pour water.”

Shen Fengge's words seemed to mean something else, and the atmosphere suddenly fell into a stagnation, but it was broken by a sudden knock on the door.Pei Qu frowned abruptly, got up and glanced at Shen Fengge, Shen Fengge also squinted his eyes, carefully discerned the rhythm of knocking on the door, and quickly came to a conclusion - a stranger.

Pei Qu calmly took the water ladle from Shen Fengge's hand and said: "There is a hidden door behind the cabinet in the west bedroom, you take Nanshan to hide there first."

If it is just a routine search, theoretically it will not be searched too carefully.So Pei Qu responded, walked out of the house with a water ladle in his hand, walked into the courtyard, turned around and saw that Shen Fengge had gone to the west, after a while, he opened the door for outsiders.

Pei Qu saw the red armor in the twilight at a glance, and it was Qianniuwei who came.The leader, Qian Niuwei, glanced at him, and Pei Qu quickly recognized him: "Jiulang?"

"Brother Pei!" Xu Jiulang also recognized him, surprised and puzzled, "Brother Pei doesn't live at home, why did he move here?"

Pei Qu held the water ladle and said, "I couldn't grow vegetables at home, so I moved out. Besides, this place is closer to Wannian County, so it's more convenient."

Xu Jiulang thought for a while and replied: "That's true. But it seems that Brother Pei hasn't shown up for a long time, and my elder brother thought something happened to you."

"It's true that something happened and I was injured. I didn't go to the county again because of my poor health, and I have been recuperating here." He was honest.

Xu Jiulang saw that his complexion was indeed pale, and his voice sounded very hoarse, it seemed that he was indeed ill.He also thought of the rumors that "Pei Qu was on the assassination list of the inner guard" he heard a few days ago, so he should think that Pei Qu's injury was also caused by the inner guard.

At this point, he couldn't help telling Pei Qu a few words: "Although the court has tried its best to kill the inner guards recently, there are too many remaining forces. Brother Pei should be more careful to avoid further injuries."

Pei Qu nodded.

The naive Xu Jiulang led his subordinates to take a step back: "I won't bother Brother Pei anymore, rest more and take care of your health is the most important thing."

Pei Qu thanked him logically, and Xu Jiulang led a group of Qianniu guards to leave in a mighty manner. The routine search did not even set foot in the courtyard.

After they had left completely, Pei Qu closed the door.He returned to the courtyard to water the melon seedlings, and then entered the hut on the west side, only to find that Shen Fengge did not bring Nanshan into the hidden door.

Shen Fengge obviously heard the conversation outside: "I was lucky to meet Xu Jiu today, but this place is no longer safe."

"There is no safe place in Beijing." Pei Qu glanced at Nanshan who was lying on the couch, and said, "It's the same wherever she goes in a short time. Now I can only hope that she will recover as soon as possible."

The land of the two capitals cannot accommodate her, just like it did many years ago.

Fate is so harsh on a person, but it is not without room for maneuver.Shen Fengge said: "Avoid the Central Plains and Huainan factions, and go to Heshuo as much as possible. She has food wherever she goes, but the more sleepy she gets in the two capitals, the more at a loss."

The Heshuo faction has been at odds with the imperial court for a long time, and a separatist regime has also formed.The court could not reach out to Heshuo, nor could it be the court's turn to speak for the appointment of officials in Heshuo.Even the dark and scheming old ministers have nothing to do with He Shuo, they can only turn a blind eye and let him continue to be arrogant.

"Where is the host planning to go?"

"It doesn't matter to me." Shen Fengge said, after thinking about it, he said, "If I have to choose a place, I will go to Huainan."

"Why Huainan?"

"There are the freshest fish carp." Shen Fengge is still obsessed with fish carp until now, as if there is a place where there are fish carp, he can start a family.He straightened his face, looked at the courtyard through the concealed door, and continued calmly, "Songhua is from Huainan. She should feel very sorry that she couldn't go back."

"Are you bringing Sixteen Niang with you?"

"No." Shen Fengge had been thinking about this matter for many days, but at this moment he gave a negative answer.Although the words were firm, there was clearly some reluctance in the tone.

Seeing this, Pei Qu did not continue this topic, but was asked by Shen Fengge: "Are you planning to go to Heshuo with Nanshan?"

Pei Qu didn't rush to give an answer.

The room fell into silence again, and the singing of Beiqu was temporarily interrupted, and soon a female voice began to sing again, tactfully and sadly, as if telling a sad story.Shen Fengge retreated tactfully, only Pei Qu and Nanshan were left in the room.

Nanshan fell asleep on his side, his forehead was wet and covered in cold sweat.Pei Qu took her hand to check her pulse, then lay down beside her, planning to sleep for a while.

While he was thinking about the way forward, Nanshan suddenly reached out and grabbed his front.That hand was very hard, the bones were protruding, the veins were exposed, and the wound on the wrist had scabbed over.Seeing this, Pei Qu reached out to wrap her arms around her, stroking her back to comfort her.I don't know how long it has passed, Nanshan's breathing gradually calmed down, Pei Qu put his fingers into her wet hair, calmed down a little bit, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Pei Qu dressed up and went out before the sound of street drums stopped.Pingkangfang is next to Xuanyangfang, even if you walk to Wannian County, it is very fast.

Pei Guangben heard the commotion outside, raised the small curtain of the public room and looked out, seeing Pei Qu quickly poked his head out: "I thought you were dead!"

"Good morning, uncle." Pei Qu greeted him from a distance, then walked into the public room and sat down opposite Pei Guangben.

Pei Guangben looked him over carefully, quickly came to a conclusion, and said: "Where did you get hurt? Does it affect your pen? If it doesn't affect you, don't miss work without incident." He couldn't help complaining, "A bunch of shit, just dial Give me a county lieutenant, and the county lieutenant is still not here, how can I be so busy!"

He said looking out the window anxiously.Xia Chan in the county hall started arguing endlessly early in the morning, just like those annoying twelve guards.Pei Guangben suddenly leaned forward and talked to Pei mysteriously: "Is my Xiaoshanshan really an inner guard? Do you know where she is now?"

"I don't know." Pei Qu said lightly, "I've also narrowly escaped death in the past few days, so I don't care about so much."

Pei Guangben sighed: "It looks clear this day, but it's actually a mess. It's really annoying." Although everything has settled down, it's hard to say whether Xinjun can secure this position.The old man who has been in the officialdom for many years can only say at this time, "I can only follow the trend."

Most of the people outside the power center can only be selected.

After finishing speaking, Pei Guangben stood up and patted the folds of his official uniform: "It's useless to think too much, go to work." He was about to leave, but he slapped his head and said, "Oh, by the way, if you know where my home is Xiaoshanshan, please do so. Tell her not to take Fengniang's body, those guys dug a hole for her to jump."

"Feng Niang?"

"Feng Niang is gone." Pei Guangben shook his head, "Probably because he was afraid that Xiao Shanshan would be troubled like last time, so he committed suicide. Qian Niuwei detained her body and waited for Xiao Shanshan to be fooled. That girl is quite calm in other matters. , when it comes to Feng Niang, she is completely irrational, but don't let her be impulsive."

When the old man told him this, he was clearly sure that he knew the whereabouts of Nanshan.Pei Guangben sincerely hoped that this girl would be safe, and it would be good if Pei Qu could protect her.

Pei Qu has been busy dealing with the case in the county office for almost a whole day. When the evening approached, he was about to go back, when he packed up his things, he saw a small figure standing outside the small window of the public house.

He opened the curtain and saw Liu Niang wearing a big hat.

Little Liuniang glanced at him, then turned around immediately and ran out the door with a "bass, bass, bass".

Pei Qu put down the curtain and went out, but Liu Niang was nowhere to be seen outside.He even thought it was all a hallucination, until after walking for a while and exiting Xuanyangfang, when he turned around, he saw Sixteen Niang panting behind.

Pei Qu stopped abruptly, turned around and asked, "What are you following me for?"

"Don't do anything..." a low childish voice.

Pei Qu was in a stalemate with her for a while, then turned around and continued walking, and Liu Niang also followed him.When they arrived at the small house in Beiqu, Pingkangfang, the little girl was already sweating.

Pei Qu stopped at the door, raised his hand and knocked on the door, while Liu Niang took off her big hat and fanned herself desperately.

When she was fanning vigorously, the door suddenly opened.

Little Liu Niang looked at the person, raised her head and opened her mouth, she really looked shocked.She's missing a front tooth, and she looks funny with her mouth open.

Shen Fengge who came to open the door was also taken aback for a moment.

She suddenly called out: "Uncle Master—" After a pause, "Daddy..."

Shen Fengge was stunned for a moment, and saw the villain in front of him with a bag slung across his shoulders, a big hat in his arms, and his head was full of sweat.Seeing that he responded, she rolled her eyes and shouted: "The host is my father, right?"

Shen Fengge came back to his senses, but looked at Pei Qu, his face returned to normal: "Did you bring her here?"

Before Pei Qu could answer, Xiao Liuniang confessed first: "I followed here secretly!"

An honest child should be praised, but he didn't expect Shen Fengge to drag Pei Qu into the house just after she finished speaking, and quickly closed the door, shutting her out.

Little Liuniang was completely bewildered, she looked up at the old wooden door in a daze, but suddenly she leaned against the door and listened carefully for the sound.

Inside the door, Shen Fengge frowned and asked Pei Qu: "Are you just letting her follow? Do you know how she left the Yuan Mansion, and how did she know to find you?"

The little girl came for an unknown reason, and she called him father as soon as she opened her mouth. She seemed to have run away from home, but who knew the reason?Children are pure and kind, what should they do if they are taken advantage of?
"Is the host worried that someone will follow Liu Niang to find this place? If it's just because of this, there is no need to treat a child so cruelly." Pei Qu paused, and continued, "After all, if you want to use ten It's not that easy to use Liu Niang as bait to fish."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a response from outside the door: "That's right! It's not that easy!"

The speaker is Xiaoliu Niang who heard the conversation between the two.

Shen Fengge was obviously a little surprised, but still asked Pei Qu: "Is there really nothing unusual along the way?"

Just as Pei Qu was about to answer, the naughty little boy outside shouted again: "No! No one encouraged me to come out to find Daddy. I came secretly by myself, and no one knew."

Hearing this, Pei Qu turned around and continued to ask Shen Fengge: "Then why did you think of looking for me?"

Xiaowa confessed honestly through the door panel: "I got lost... so I had to go to the county office." Her voice was a bit aggrieved, and Xiaowa who ran away from home actually felt aggrieved!Shen Fengge opened the door, brought in the little Liuniang who was drooping her head, and said with a straight face, "Aren't your grandparents worried when you walked out without saying a word?"

"The mother in Taishi's mansion has returned to her hometown in Bianzhou... The father in Taishi's mansion has also been busy for a long time and can't go home." In Xiaoliu's words, he deliberately distinguished the parents who gave birth to her from the parents who raised her, attracting attention. Sniffing, still hanging his head.

Pei Qu took the hat she was holding in her arms, and she just freed up her hand to adjust the strap of the burden slung across her shoulders, straightened it, and continued: "I was wrong."

The little girl admits her mistakes faster than anyone else, she looks very good, but she has a lot of crooked bowels in her heart, she is simply a master in the world of cunning.

The aloof Shen Fengge didn't give her a good look, turned around and went into the room, so she could only raise her head and stare at Pei Qu.Pei Qu glanced across the room and motioned for her to go over and say something nice, but the little girl puffed her cheeks and stood still.

She thought, she finally met the host's father by luck, but the host's father still gave her a bad look, which is really disappointing.

Little Liuniang is also a bad tempered person, she thinks she has admitted her mistake once, and it is useless to bow her head again, so she does not move.

Pei Qu knew that she was at odds with Shen Fengge, and also understood that Shen Fengge was very incompetent in getting along with children, so he didn't plan to intervene, but went straight back to the house to watch Nanshan.

After waking up once on Nanshan, he fell asleep again, which is really worrying.The light in the room became dimmer, and the music of Beiqu began to sound again.

After Pei Qu fed Nanshan with water, he got up to light the lamp, rolled up the bamboo curtain beside the window, caught a glimpse of Shen Fengge walking into the yard, and confronted the little girl with staring at each other for a while, and finally took the little girl into the room helplessly. Room.

The hum of the cicada became weaker and lowered gradually.As the sun set in the west, the heat slowly subsided, and the food in the kitchen was full of fragrance. The servant brought the dinner to the main room and set it up, and the "family" who got together temporarily began to eat.

Both Shen Fengge and Pei Qu didn't have much appetite, and they ate slowly and little; Xiao Liuniang was holding a bowl and buried her head in eating, looking like she had been hungry all day.She ate all the food on the small table in front of her, and almost picked up the plate to lick it.After she finished eating, she looked up at the two adults, she wanted to say something but she shut her mouth honestly, she just wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said, "Why does the host's father live with Uncle Pei?"

Pei Qu remained silent, and Shen Fengge remained silent.The little girl stood up abruptly, pondered for a long time and said, "I want to take a bath..."

She was sweating all over her head and face, and she looked dirty and smelly. It was really unreasonable not to let her wash it.

Shen Fengge put down his chopsticks and went to the little girl's desk to pick her up, and threw her into Nanshan's bedroom without stopping, and was about to go to the kitchen to fetch hot water, but the little girl saw Nanshan on the couch with sharp eyes. Surprised: "Sister Nanshan!"

As she spoke, she rushed over to wake Nanshan up, but a hand stretched out behind her and pulled her aside: "Don't scream."

Sixteen Niang shut her mouth quickly, she caught a glimpse of the blood on Nanshan's sleeve, she was a little terrified, and after realizing it, she realized that the matter might be more serious than rumors.

Shen Fengge poured hot water into the bathtub, threw the burden to her, and then told her to "be honest and come out after washing" before closing the door and going out.

Little Liuniang made a face at the closed door, and then took off her clothes slowly, her eyes always looking towards Nanshan.She stepped on the short pier and climbed into the tub, rubbing her face, back, and hair, thinking that she would climb out after washing, but her hands and feet were slippery, and the tub was so high that there was even a stepping stone. No, it's really hard to climb out.

She worked hard several times, and finally fell back with a "plop", hurting her back and buttocks.She let out an "ouch", lying on her back in the water and said, "I fell again."

After falling several times in a row, the little girl suddenly heard movement not far away.She leaned over the bathtub and looked around, and saw a figure sitting up on the bed, and hurriedly shouted: "Sister Nanshan!"

Nanshan woke up for the first time, but he hadn't fully woke up yet.She had a terrible headache and felt very weak. She saw a person lying on the side of the tub asking for help in a daze. She struggled for a long time before she got out of bed, walked to the tub top-heavy, and stretched out her hand to hug her. come out.

Little Liuniang widened her eyes in surprise and said, "Sister Nanshan is so powerful, she can hug me just after waking up!"

Nanshan's voice was so hoarse that she could hardly hear it. She took the little boy out and sat down on the ground, weakly saying: "You really are 'plopping' and 'plopping' non-stop..."

"Sister Nanshan heard everything!" The little girl completely forgot that she was still naked, looked at Nanshan carefully, and wanted to ask some more questions. In the end, Nanshan pulled the cloth next to her and put it on her body. Only then did he let out an "ow", and hurriedly searched for clothes to wear.

Nan Shan sat by the bathtub, half-opened his eyes and asked in a hoarse voice, "Why did you come here?"

"I came with Uncle Pei." The little girl quickly put on her clothes, turned to face Nanshan and tied her belt, "I've heard a lot about Nanshan's sister recently, so I'm worried..."

"What matters?" Nanshan closed his mind and asked casually.

"Right now there are portraits posted everywhere, and among so many portraits is Nanshan's sister..." The little girl babbled on many rumors, and Nanshan sat quietly with his eyes closed and listened.

Shen Fengge waited in the main room for a long time, seeing that there was still no movement in the room, he couldn't help frowning, walked over and was about to raise his hand to knock on the door, but someone knocked on the outside door first.

It was inconvenient for Shen Fengge to show up right now, and because Liu Niang was taking a bath inside, he turned around and went to the kitchen.Pei Qu came out from the main room, went to the door and asked, and the other party replied through the door: "You are from Wu Wangfu."

Pei Qu hesitated for a while with his hand on the big bolt, and finally opened the door.

Standing outside the door was the deacon of Prince Wu's Mansion, and a carriage was parked beside it.Going in and out of Pingkangfang at night is something that some privileged people in Beijing are used to doing. It is not surprising that people come to Wu Wangfu at this time, and it will not make people suspicious.

Seeing this situation, Pei Qu had some speculations in his heart, but he couldn't fully understand King Wu's mind.

The deacon asked Pei Qu to get into the car, and Pei Qu called the servant to give some instructions in a low voice, and then left with the deacon.

The servant put the big bolt away, and when he saw Shen Fengge coming out of the kitchen, he told Pei Qu truthfully what he had told him, it was nothing more than taking care of Nanshan, it was not an important matter.

The focus of Shen Fengge's concern is the invitation from King Wu. It is said that King Wu has kept a low profile for many years and has little contact with courtiers. It is a bit inexplicable to invite Pei Qu in the middle of the night. However, Shen Fengge knows that King Wu and Pei Qu were old friends. Will still be friends.

Could King Wu want to find this old friend?

At this time, in King Wu's mansion, King Wu was lying on the bed receiving doctor's diagnosis and treatment.This doctor was sent by Shangyuan, and he had treated Wu Wang many times before.The doctor changed the prescription again after the consultation, and asked King Wu hesitantly: "Did you take the medicine on time?"

"Use it." Wu Wang looked down at his hand lightly, the blue blood vessels under the thin skin seemed to be broken at any time, "I'm tired, let's stop here."

For the first time, King Wu impatiently issued the order to evict the guest, and the doctor had to leave the prescription and leave in a hurry without stopping for a moment.The little servant over there went to boil the medicine, and the King of Wu sat and waited.

When Pei Qu arrived, the servant brought the medicine bowl into the room.King Wu stood up for the first time, took the medicine bowl from the servant, and the accumulated resentment and anger slowly spread on his dull face.

The servant accidentally caught a glimpse of that expression and was even startled, and hurriedly left with a bowed body. He had just closed the door, and before he had gone a few steps, he heard the sound of broken dishes in the room.

And at this time, in the Beiqu small house in Pingkangfang, Shen Fengge was sitting in the main room reading a book, but suddenly heard movement from outside.He put down the book, thinking that the little girl Sixteen Niang had finally come out of the bath, and he was too awkward to talk to her, so he picked up the book and continued reading.

But after a while, I heard Little Sixteen Niang screaming sharply: "It's not good! Sister Nanshan ran out suddenly!"

Shen Fengge hurriedly got up and went out, only to see Sixteen Niang standing in the corridor, pointing at the door in panic, saying: "Sister Nanshan ran out like crazy just now!"

"What did you say to her?!"

"I..." Sixteen Niang took two steps back, "I said her wet nurse..."

(End of this chapter)

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