marriage order

Chapter 22 Patience

Chapter 22 Patience

Although it was night, the Pingkang Square was still lively with people coming and going.Little Liuniang stood guard at the door and looked out through the crack of the door. Seeing strangers coming and going, she was very scared and worried.

She was then alone in the house.Pei Qu was invited to Wu Wang's Mansion, Nan Shan heard her talk about Feng Niang and immediately left the house without saying a word, and Shen Fengge also chased after Nan Shan after learning that Nan Shan was going out, leaving her here alone.

Sixteen Niang is still a child after all, she can't figure out the point of many things, and all she can do is wait.She closed the door, moved a wooden stool to guard the door, and tried her best to reflect on the lingering and mournful singing of Beiqu.

At this time, Nanshan had left Pingkangfang.When she first woke up, she didn't know where the strength came from, but she climbed over the wall and went to Chang'an County.Nanshan was only thinking about Fengniang, and when he climbed over the wall, he was a little out of his mind and almost fell directly.She was already some way away from Pingkangfang, leaving Shen Fengge far behind.

Shen Fengge guessed that she was probably going to Qianniuwei Mansion's Yamen, so he went there to look for it, but unexpectedly, this girl went straight home.She didn't rush to open the door, instead she quietly sneaked into the lady's house next door, and after making sure that there was no one hiding in her house, she knocked on the door.

The lady next door was about to go to bed at this time, when she heard someone knocking on the door, she quickly put on her clothes and got up, when she opened the door and saw that it was Nanshan, she exclaimed, but she tried her best to suppress her voice: "Miss Nan!"

Nanshan was much calmer now than when he first came out, but after all he was just waking up, neither his complexion nor his physical strength were optimistic.She subconsciously stretched out her hand to hold on to the door frame to support her body. Seeing that her face was so pale, the lady next door quickly supported her and urged her anxiously: "My lady, hurry up and take a rest, and talk slowly if you have something to say."

As she spoke, she dragged Nanshan into the house and sat down, poured tea for her in a hurry, and after thinking about it, she even took out some slices of wild ginseng from the innermost cabinet and soaked it in tea for Nanshan: "It's nothing. Good ginseng, it’s better for the lady to eat some first.”

Nanshan didn't reject her kindness, nor asked about Fengniang.She probably guessed too clearly that she didn't want to hear someone explain it a second time.The lady next door knew how important Fengniang was to Nanshan, but seeing her current appearance, she didn't take the initiative to mention it. Instead, she asked where she was and what happened to her recently. Nanshan shook his head and didn't go into details. back.

Nan Shan sat for a while, and when he regained his strength, he thanked the lady next door and said goodbye.The lady next door was going to see her off, but she quickly climbed over the wall and entered her own room, so she didn't make a sound.

The lady next door stood in the courtyard for a long time, but she didn't hear any movement from the next door, so she wondered if Miss Nan had already left?But just when she was about to enter the house, she heard some movement from the next door. She tiptoed to look and saw a black shadow flash by, but she couldn't see anything.

At this time, the child who was sleeping in the house suddenly woke up, and seeing that she was not crying, the lady next door had no choice but to go back to the house to take care of the child.

The lights in King Wu's house were still on, Pei Qu waited in the west hall, and waited for a long time before the deacon arrived late.The deacon didn't say much, he just said that the king of Wu invited him to go, and then led him to the king's bedroom.

The east bedroom is also brightly lit at the moment, and the corridor is also bright.As soon as Pei Qu entered the room, he saw broken dishes on the floor, and the soup and medicine spilled on the ground had dried up, leaving only some medicine stains, which was very ugly.

He stood calmly, his eyes turned to the other side, and he saw King Wu coming out from behind the screen.He was still very weak, but he looked very energetic, and there was even some anger that had just subsided in his expression.Angrily dropped the medicine bowl, could it be because he was tired of his weak self?Is there another secret?

What is the purpose of leaving these broken dishes here for such a long time, without letting people come to clean them up, and let him see them?
Even though Pei Qu had thought a lot in his mind, he didn't ask any questions, only bowed and pushed his hands in a calm salute, and didn't say any more.

King Wu sat down on the couch and asked: "I heard that you were injured, are you better?" His voice was calm and calm, as if he was really greeting.

"Your Majesty only suffered some minor injuries, which is not a hindrance. Your Highness is concerned."

The two of them used to be old friends, but now they are so far apart.Nine years seem to have the arrogance of changing everything, and they have to change everyone beyond recognition before giving up.Wu Wangdao: "You and I haven't been in touch for many years because we have so many worries. Now these worries are gone, why are you acting like this?"

Pei Qu's response was a brief silence.

"Because you have a new plan, are you deliberately keeping a distance from me?" After Wu Wang finished speaking, he coughed a lot. He lowered his head and coughed very hard, as if it took a long time to recover.He looked up and saw that Pei Qu was still indifferent, as if the sky had fallen.He also remembered that Pei Qu did not stand in line from the beginning to the end in this gladiatorial battle of changing emperors, and he felt that Pei Qu was hard to fathom now.

"I don't have any plans. It's enough to be a county lieutenant." Pei Qu bluntly stated that he didn't have any plans to join the team again.No matter the faction of Jiuchen or the faction of Shangyuan, it has nothing to do with him.

"Your position shouldn't be there." King Wu stared at his face, and said slowly, "You also had great ambitions. But after going to Fanbang for a few years, have you become as unmotivated as you are now? "

What King Wu said was not nonsense.Pei Qu had great ambitions at that time, and the king of Wu made friends with him because he thought he was a beautiful piece of jade that could be carved.Later, when Pei Qu was implicated in the conspiracy of the kings, when he was forced to go to the country and leave home, before he left, he received the "Jiaojiao Baiju, in the valley of the sky. A bunch of grass, the person is like jade. Don't say gold and jade, but "You have a heart" note was also a gift from the king of Wu, implying the sorrow of not being able to retain a sage in the court.

Not long ago, when Pei Qu stayed overnight in Lishan, he found the same note in the corridor late at night, which was also written by King Wu.

At that time, the king of Wu gave a signal, probably hoping that he could stand in the same team on the basis of the old friendship.But Pei Qu just glanced at it and didn't respond.

Pei Qu doesn't have much time to spend with him right now, but he has been going around in circles.

Pei Qu then asked: "Your Highness summoned the lower officials late at night, shouldn't it be just to catch up with the lower officials. If you have something important, you might as well speak up."

King Wu was silent for a while.He was distracted looking at the broken porcelain pieces on the ground, thinking of the years of long illness, a faint loathing flashed in his eyes.It is true that he is in poor health, but if he is treated properly, he will not be where he is today.

His condition has always been under the control of others, and he has no possibility of deciding what doctor to see and what medicine to take.Are the so-called "good medicines" he swallowed these years really good medicine?
Whether it was the first emperor or Shangyuan, they tried their best to find a doctor for him, so that his illness would get worse and worse.

Shangyuan had been looking forward to his death earlier, so as to avoid multiple people vying for the position of the crown prince, but he was dragging it half-dead, and Shangyuan was probably anxious to die.

As he thought about it, he gradually sneered, he wouldn't just let it go with this tone.He stopped all the medicines prescribed by the doctors sent by Shangyuan, which was tantamount to openly challenging Shangyuan.As long as he is around for a day, Shangyuan will never want to control half of the government.

He looked at Pei Qu: "I want the Imperial Seal in your hand."

"Isn't the Imperial Seal in the palace?"

"That's a fake imperial seal." King Wu's tone was firm, "I don't know what the real imperial seal looks like? It doesn't matter if you don't want to give it to me, smash it up in front of me, anyway, it can't fall into other people's hands. "

"The lower officer doesn't understand."

"Don't pretend to be confused with me." He almost paused every word, "I handed over the Zhen Guoxie to you back then, you can't explain it to me, are you slapping yourself in the face?"

The atmosphere in the house suddenly fell into a stalemate, while on the other side Nanshan had sneaked into the Qianniuwei mansion, avoiding Qianniuwei who was on duty at night, and planned to carry Fengniang's body out.

Everything was going well at first, but when she saw Feng Niang's body, she almost lost control, and she lost her balance.She came back to her senses, just as she was carrying Feng Niang's body, dozens of torches suddenly lit up outside the house, lighting up even the inside of the house through the window.

With Fengniang on her back, she had nowhere to escape for a while, looking at the burning torches outside the house, she felt extremely sad and indignant.At this time, she no longer wanted to distinguish between right and wrong, and she couldn't calm down at all when she recalled the bloody past many years ago.She still remembered her mother lying on the ground in pain, with blood bubbling from her back, the warm and fresh blood kept spreading along the clean and cool floor, soaking her shoes all the time...

She stood beside her mother, standing in the pool of blood, and her ears were filled with screams and wailing.It was a real massacre. Entering the mansion, no matter the old or weak, women or children, as long as they stood up, they would be killed with a knife, and the corridors were wet with blood.

With the last ounce of strength, the mother said painfully: "Chaoge, go away...they will kill have to, you have to get out of here, and live well..."

She couldn't react at all at that time, and lowered her head to pick up the book that fell on the ground.The book was drawn by the mother herself, and it has absorbed blood at this moment, and it has become damp and sticky. When you pick it up, blood drips down the spine of the book, just like the life of the mother is disappearing.

She was completely stunned, at this moment Feng Niang rushed over, picked her up and ran away.Feng Niang ran fast, but in the end she couldn't dodge the knife coming from behind. When Feng Niang fell to the ground, she pressed her down to protect her, and the blood splashed out of her mouth as she spoke: "I can't run away, my lady is quick to pretend to be dead!" , just pretend to be dead..."

At this time, Nanshan had nothing in his mind except blood and fire.Holding up the sword, her eyes turned red and she said, "The sword is highly poisonous, I will kill anyone who stops me."

It was nearly midnight, Nanshan's face was terribly pale, and the struggle with Qianniuwei seemed to be on the verge of breaking out.

On the other hand, King Wu gave up on continuing to press the question, but asked the deacon to arrange a guest room for Pei Qu, forcing him to stay in the mansion.

It was a long night, Pei Qu's injury was still not healed, and there was something worrying in his heart, so he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.He occasionally fell asleep in a trance, but woke up suddenly again, covered in cold sweat.

Until the fifth watch, there was a knock on Pei Qu's door.King Wu went straight in, ordered someone to light up the lamp, and asked Pei Channel through the dim light, "Have you thought about it?"

Pei Qu sat up and didn't speak.

"What if Chaoge is the condition?"

King Wu was not the only one who wanted to threaten Pei Qu with Chaoge. Pei Qu was sitting on the bed without saying a word at this moment. It weighs two pounds in his heart.

The King of Wu said again: "Chaoge broke into the Qianniuwei's mansion last night, but the wet nurse's body was not stolen, but she was arrested. If you think it's nothing important for her to fall into Qianniuwei's hands, just delay it." , I will not force you to give an answer."

After he finished speaking quietly, Pei Qu's eyes changed slightly.It is impossible to say that he is not worried, but it is useless to show worry, he can't mess himself up now.

Pei Qu raised his head to look at the condescending King Wu, and asked concisely, "What about other options?"

King Wu stretched out his hand to play with the tassels hanging from the roof of the tent: "I played Chao Ge and sent her to Heshuo; you hand over the imperial seal and stay at court as an official, standing by my side."

Since King Wu can say these words, it means that Qianniuwei is currently under the control of him and the old ministers. Previously, he wanted Chaoge everywhere and exhausted his efforts, but now he can let go as soon as he says it, which shows the weight of King Wu.This amount has probably been suppressed desperately for many years, and has been covered up by a "sick body" for many years, and now it has just revealed the tip of the iceberg.

Pei Channel: "The lower officials don't think His Highness's conditions are so good." He had a dull pain in his back, and his recovery was affected by the long time no change of dressing, and it seemed that blood was oozing out again.Pei Qu closed his eyes briefly, "If Your Highness moves Chaoge, I will bury Chaoge with him. And when I die, no one will know the whereabouts of the national seal. Your Highness will guard the fake national seal to fight against the princess and the old officials." Bar."

"According to what you said, if I don't get the Imperial Seal back, no one else will be able to get it. If the Imperial Seal is destroyed, then it's a good choice to kill you."

"Your Highness really thinks so?" Pei Qu pressed his shoulder lightly, and suddenly smiled lightly, "Everyone says that the Imperial Seal is not that important, but everyone is watching very closely." He looked at King Wu and said seriously. , "It's fine if you really don't want to kill me, there's no need to threaten me with Chaoge."

King Wu lowered his head and coughed for a while, then said slowly, "The Imperial Seal is of no use to you. Give me the Imperial Seal, and I will leave Chao Ge with my life. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could take what they needed?"

"For His Highness, everyone gets what they need, but not for the lower officials." Pei Qu endured the pain in his back and smiled, but did not elaborate on the reason.

"Of course not to you." Just as he finished speaking, a familiar female voice suddenly came out.

Along with that voice, there was Shangyuan who pushed the door in.

Shangyuan has been rampant in various mansions in Chang'an City for many years, and King Wu's mansion is naturally random.She had heard the informant say that King Wu dropped the medicine bowl last night, so she came to take a look, but she didn't expect to hear such a "wonderful" conversation.

King Wu was also taken aback when he saw her suddenly barging in, but he had never told the servants in the mansion to restrict Shangyuan from entering the mansion before, so Shangyuan went in and out quietly.After all, since Li Jiayin ascended the throne, Shangyuan has never set foot in this mansion again. He really thought that she would never come again, and now he really regretted it.

Shangyuan was not in a hurry to pierce his face, and went straight into the house, glanced at Pei Qu sitting on the bed, and said with a smile, "You don't want to give the imperial seal because you want to keep it for yourself?"

"Why did the princess say that?"

Shangyuan stared at him, with a smile on his face, his upper and lower lips parted and closed lightly: "Isn't it because you have other ambitions?"

Pei Qu vaguely guessed what she was going to say next, so he pursed his lips and did not answer.

Seeing his reaction, Shang Yuan suddenly turned around and glanced at King Wu: "Do you still think that he is an old friend and everything can be discussed?"

King Wu had listened so much because he didn't know how far away he was. At this moment, he was a little guilty. He just lowered his head and coughed, without saying anything.

"He's not your old friend Pei Qu. He's your cousin, my cousin, and the same surname as us." Shangyuan looked at Pei Qu as he spoke, with a hint of sarcasm flashing across his calm face, "I'm still I thought that bit thief was really cut off from his descendants, but you still have to continue his incense."

The ridicule turned into a sneer, but Pei Qu still sat upright.He didn't intend to get up, and he didn't have much strength to get up.He wasn't sure where Shang Yuan knew about his background, and he didn't want to have a dispute with her, so he just replied: "Xiaguan doesn't understand."

"Didn't your father tell you? Your mother, who lost her widowhood, had an affair with a thief, and later gave birth to you, but because she couldn't raise you uprightly, she gave you to Pei Jin'an to raise you." Shangyuan's wording was a bit harsh, aiming to anger Pei Qu.

Pei Qu knew her intentions well, instead of being angry, he said with a smile: "The mother of the lower official is Pei Xiangzheng's wife, she has always been upright, how can she allow the princess to slander her?"

"Did you make a mistake? Your mother's surname is Pei, and she is Pei Lianjun, the talented girl who is well-known in the Pei family but has the deepest secrets. It's really embarrassing to do such an outrageous thing after entering a Taoist temple," she said. Even worse, Pei Qu's face remained calm.

The comments he heard about Pei Lianjun over the years were almost all negative, and Shangyuan's words would not anger him.He was just a little disgusted, disgusted with the dirty water full of malice, and poured it on the dead for no cost.

Next to him, King Wu had never guessed that Pei Qu still had a secret about his life experience. When Shangyuan told the whole story, he was taken aback for a moment.

It was really unacceptable to him for a while for his old friends to become brothers.

Pei Qu finally looked at Shang Yuan: "Princess, please give me the evidence for this matter, the lower officials will not believe the hearsay."

The corners of Shangyuan's lips twitched lightly: "Prove that you were born of that man and woman? Isn't your unwillingness to stand in line and hand over the Imperial Seal the best evidence?"

Pei Qu was about to speak, but suddenly someone knocked on the door.Shangyuan turned his head, Wu Wang coughed for a while and walked out.Shangyuan seemed very worried, so he followed out, leaving Pei Qu alone in the room.

Pei Qu looked around, and carefully listened to the movement outside, only vaguely heard some words such as "running water" and "disappeared", followed by King Wu's cough and low reprimand—"Why? Will be gone" and "find it back". As for Shangyuan, he said a few words of sarcasm at the end.

After the officials who came to report the letter left, she said to King Wu sarcastically: "Have you recovered from your illness? How happy is the medicine bowl falling? Is it useful to suspect that I will kill you? If you have time to turn against me, why don't you do it?" Let's get down to business. The old ministers are ambitious right now, and they have taken up all the assistant positions, so you don't fight them, but fight with me instead, aren't you out of your mind?"

She was probably too irritable these days, and she didn't hide her words at all.King Wu endured it for many years, even if he broke out, it was only a moment. It is naturally impossible for him to directly charge into Shangyuan now, so he just lowered his head and coughed in disguise, and didn't answer anything.

Shangyuan glanced at him lightly: "The bargaining chip with him is gone now, Qianniuwei is really a bunch of trash."

Pei Qu in the room opened his eyes, and suddenly let out a soft breath.Although he didn't hear everything clearly, he also judged from a few words that Nanshan should have escaped from Qianniuwei for the time being, and he let go of his gripping heart.

He looked around again, and finally lay down helplessly, looking at the dark pattern embroidered on the ceiling and thinking, if his lover is trapped here, she will definitely find a way to get out, but he, an incompetent teacher, can only do so at this time. There is no way to wait like this.

Nanshan was woken up by someone. Someone whispered a lot of words in her ear, like a little mosquito or a fly, and the "buzzing" seemed to never stop.

She turned over and opened her eyes, only to see little Liuniang lying on the edge of the bed, talking with snot and tears, muttering: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong, sister Nanshan Hit me and scold me to wake up quickly..."

Sixteen Niang was crying so much that her vision was blurred, she wiped her eyes casually, and suddenly saw Nanshan opened her eyes, she didn't believe it, she rubbed her eyes hard again, her eyeballs didn't move, she stared at Nanshan for a while, to make sure she Indeed, she woke up and suddenly burst into tears: "Sister Nanshan finally woke up, woo woo woo..."

It's hard to stop crying with joy, Nanshan can only let her wipe her snot and tears on her clothes, stretch out her hand and pat her on the back: "If you cry again, I will continue to sleep, if you have anything to say to me, just do not Cry."

The next moment, Sixteen Niang stopped crying immediately, wiped away her tears and nose but didn't know what to say for a moment.

Nan Shan then asked, "Where is this?"

"I don't know where this is, but it's not in Chang'an City."

Nanshan sat up.Out of Chang'an City?She raised her hand and rubbed her temples vigorously, remembering something.She broke into Qianniuwei's mansion at night and was found. She carried Fengniang's body on her back and planned to kill her, but then she couldn't bear it anymore and passed out, and she can't remember what happened afterwards.

But she vaguely remembered some scenes of the fire, as if someone rescued her from the fire.

Seeing her confused face, Little Liuniang hurriedly said, "Sister Nanshan was covered in ashes when she first came back, and so was the host's father."

Could it be that Shen Fengge set the fire and rescued her from the fire?Not impossible.

"Where's your host's father?"

"Sleeping behind a screen."

Nanshan looked around and confirmed that this was an inn room, so he stood up.She was still a little dizzy, so Little Sixteenth Niang quickly brought her a teacup and asked her to drink some water.

After drinking the water, Nan Shan went straight to the screen and looked inside, only to see Shen Fengge lying on his side on the narrow couch and sleeping facing the wall.He seemed to hear the movement, so he sat up suddenly, and looked up at Nanshan: "Fengniang's body will be rescued in time."

Nan Shan pursed his lips.

Shen Fengge took out a bundle from under the bamboo couch: "Only the bones were recovered." He said again, "The fire was bigger than I expected, I'm sorry."

He handed over the burden, Nanshan hesitated for a long time before taking it, endured it again and again, and finally his eyes were red.

Looking at it this way, she is just a child who is just around the corner. It's just a pity that she has undertaken too much these years.

Shen Fengge said again: "When a person dies, he must be put into the ground for peace. When we get to our hometown in Huainan, let's find a place to bury the bones."

Nanshan raised his head eagerly after hearing the words: "Go back to Huainan?"

"Liliu Niang and I are going back to Huainan, you can come with us." Shen Fengge said expressionlessly, "But there is one more thing, your Teacher Pei seems to be unable to leave Chang'an for the time being."

Shen Fengge told her bluntly that Pei Qu could not leave Beijing, not to let her decide whether to stay or not.If Nanshan said that it would be best to go directly to Huainan or Heshuo regardless of the teacher; but if she insisted on staying in Beijing with Teacher Pei, then Shen Fengge would do everything possible to take her away.

Nanshan's choices and decisions have no meaning at this juncture. It is a big trouble for her to stay in the capital. Not only is she dangerous, but it is also detrimental to Pei Qu.

Nan Shan stood in front of the couch and thought about it calmly, and said, "I'm going back to Huainan. But before that, I want to see the teacher."

"You can't see him." Shen Fengge said without hesitation, "Last night he was invited to the Prince Wu's Mansion. As for why he went, you should know better than me. Naturally, with his temper, he will not hand over the Imperial Seal easily. If you haven’t returned, you must have been trapped in Prince Wu’s mansion. He has a lot of things to do. If you stay in Beijing and worry about him, he will shrink back and affect the game. You don’t have to worry about him. If he can’t solve the problem, there is still the Pei family behind. .Compared to you who are alone, he is not so easy to bully."

Shen Fengge's words were not unreasonable, Nanshan didn't respond.Sixteen Niang next to her looked up after pondering for a long time and said, "Aren't the host's father and sister Nanshan hungry..."

Shen Fengge got up: "You stay in the house, I'll go buy some food."

Little Liuniang nodded in a hurry, and almost said "I'm going too", but flinched from Shen Fengge's serious expression.

Shen Fengge went out, Nan Shan found Zhang Hu stool and sat down, rubbed his sore shoulders, then lowered his head to open the bundle, looked at the bones inside, and finally tied the bundle in silence.

Back to Huainan.

Since Pei Qu brought her out that year, she never went back.Memories about Huainan are fragmented, but none of them are clear. Only the orange trees all over the mountains and plains are impressive.It was related to that killing, and when she thinks about it now, she only feels a blurry headache, no one can really remember clearly, only blood, blood that spreads endlessly, as if a human skin is just a vessel for blood, punctured, Only blood flowed out.

Little Liuniang said from the side: "The mother who gave birth to me is from Huainan, so is sister Nanshan?"

Nan Shan came back to his senses and nodded.

Little Liuniang said again: "I heard that Huainan is very rich and the scenery is very beautiful..." After all, she is a child who has grown up and never been out of Chang'an. She is very curious about the unknown place in the future and pours her heart I lost all my beautiful imagination, so I babbled a lot like a little sparrow, as if I couldn't stop.

Nanshan didn't care what she was talking about, she remembered that when she was so young, she had fantasized about the two capitals in Huainan.Her mother patiently and tenderly told her about the old affairs of the two capitals. The capital is rich and has a long history. She was full of longing for that mysterious place, but she never expected to come to Chang'an in that way. She was not as happy as expected, but rather cramped. Scared again.

Pei Qu was the only person who gave her warmth and trust at that time.Even though she felt the warmth and coldness of the four seasons in Chang'an City alone for many years later, she would never forget the warm hand stretched out from the pile of bloody and smelly corpses.

She really wanted to shake that hand right now.

Because they were too tired, after a hasty meal, Nanshan and Shen Fengge each fell asleep for a long time, only Liuniang stood at the door with great energy, shaking her head and reciting the poems silently.

For Liu Niang, who has no talent for reciting poems, she starts to feel sleepy and doze off after reciting the fifth poem.She didn't know who carried her to the bed, she fell asleep for a while, and when it was dark, she woke up suddenly, turned over to look, and sat up again, ah!How could I be in bed?Where did Sister Nanshan go?

She hurriedly jumped out of bed, ran behind the screen and shook Shen Fengge awake: "Sister Nanshan is gone again! The host, father, wake up!"

Shen Fengge sat up from the couch and ordered: "Light up the lamp and see if there is any note left."

Sixteen Niang clumsily lit the lamp on the low table, and she found a note under the lamp stand, and hurriedly said, "Yes!"

"Read it to me."

Sixteen Niang looked at the note, read it for a while, and remained silent.

"Can't you read? How could you memorize poems if you couldn't read?"

"Just...just some characters I don't know." Sixteen Niang felt a little ashamed, and didn't say much. She took the note to Shen Fengge and handed it to him, muttering, "The master's father wants me to read the characters himself, bullying the little one." child……"

"It's not bullying, it's because I dislike you for being so big that you can't read all the characters." Shen Fengge quickly glanced at the short content on the note, put the note in his sleeve pocket, and actually lay down and continued to sleep.

Sixteen Niang hurriedly shook him: "Won't the master's father go and find Nanshan sister back?"

"She will come back." Shen Fengge said lightly.He knew her temperament well, even if this girl agreed to go to Huainan, she would definitely try her best to meet her teacher before leaving, no matter how much she warned her, it would be useless.

Fortunately, she has almost recovered, and it's not a big deal to go to see someone secretly, as long as she remembers to come back.

The fact that Feng Niang's bones were not taken away meant that she would definitely come back.

It was night now, and Pei Qu was still trapped in Wu Wangfu.Shangyuan had a lot of disputes with the King of Wu. The conflicts between the siblings have been accumulated for so many years, and each has ambitions and scruples, and it is difficult to reconcile for a while.King Wu was even more anxious, and fell ill again, coughing so much that he almost coughed out his lungs. Seeing this, Shang Yuan waved his hands away proudly, so neither of them came back from noon to dusk.

Pei Qu hadn't eaten for a long time, he found a clean towel in the house to treat the wound, and took out a clean underwear from the cabinet.These clothes belonged to someone, they seemed a bit small, but since there was no better choice, he could only wear them as he wished.

He was recuperating on the bed at this moment, closing his eyes and thinking about where Nanshan would be at this moment, when he suddenly heard movement.When he found out, Nanshan had already slipped in through the small window, and tiptoed to his bed.

Just as Pei Qu was about to get up, Nan Shan suddenly pushed aside the curtain, put his fingers quickly on the center of his lips, and said softly, "Teacher, it's me."

Pei Qu didn't ask how she came here, but reached out and grabbed her shoulder.Hands went up her neck and rested on her cheeks, touching the slightly warm skin was a real feeling.

He hadn't seen the phantom once or twice, that's why he was so anxious to confirm.The light was dim, and the person in front of him didn't see very clearly, but Nan Shan suddenly stretched out his hand to hug him at this moment, because the hug was too firm, it pressed on the wound on Pei Qu's back, causing Pei Qu to hiss softly .Nan Shan quickly let go of his hand: "Is the teacher's injury still not healed?"

Just as she let go of her hand, she was hugged by Pei Qu instead.After staying so quietly for a while, Pei Qufang let go of his hand, and before he could speak, Nanshan took out various bottles and jars from his bulging sleeve pocket: "I think the teacher may need these poisons, so I went back Pingkang Fang took it."

Taking advantage of the faint moonlight shining in from outside, Pei Qu looked down at the bottles and jars, picked one of them and put it away, and calmly said: "You should take the others and get out of here as soon as possible."

But Nanshan immediately took out a medicine bottle and a white cloth strip from his bosom, and said stubbornly: "The teacher's medicine should not be changed for a long time, and I will leave after changing the medicine."

There were only some intermittent cicadas chirping outside the house at this time, and no one moved around, so it should be safe for the time being.Nanshan didn't care whether Pei Qu agreed or not, he climbed into the bed and wanted to change his dressing without any explanation.She uncorked the bottle, and the smell of the medicine came to her nostrils. She lowered her head and sniffed, and said to Pei Channel, "Teacher, do you want to lie down and change the medicine or sit?"

Pei Qu knew that she would not leave until she finished changing, so she turned around and sat with her back facing her, and took off the center sheet, revealing the injuries on her shoulders and back.Due to improper care of the wound, the wound opened many times, and there is still some blood oozing now, Nanshan patiently cleaned his wound, and saw that he didn't even grunt, so he said: "Teacher, don't hold back, if it hurts, you can say it. "

Pei Qu didn't make a sound.

Nanshan gave him good medicine, and tied him with cloth belts from back to front, and from front to back, and tied them at the end.She stretched out her hands in front of him, and when she tied the medicine belt for him, she almost whispered next to him: "I'm going to Huainan." She paused for a while, "Although Huainan is not very safe right now, I have to go to Huainan." Take Fengniang's bones back to her hometown." As she spoke, her upper eyelids drooped slightly, and she sighed with emotion: "I haven't gone back for many years."

Pei Qu felt quite uncomfortable when he heard that, Nanshan pulled up the singlet on his body, and was about to go around him to fasten it on him, when he suddenly heard footsteps outside.

The footsteps got closer and more obvious.Pei Qu also heard the voice, so he turned around. In the darkness, the two looked at each other briefly, and the footsteps outside the house suddenly stopped.

"Pei Shao's mansion has not eaten for a long time, His Highness specially sent someone to bring hot soup and rice, and asked Mr. Lang to open the door." The man who came was a servant of the mansion.

Pei Qu replied: "There's no need to bring it in, just leave it outside the door."

"Your Highness ordered that the food must be brought into the room." The servant was very persistent, and after waiting for a while, he said, "I'll go in now."

When the servant was about to push the door, Pei Qu pulled off the thin quilt that was rolled up in the corner, covered Nan Shan under the quilt and lay down, while he covered the other half of the quilt, exposing his shoulders.He lowered his head and warned quickly and softly: "Just bear with it for a while."

So the servant opened the door and came in, only to vaguely see Pei Qu sleeping on his side behind the gauze curtain, there seemed to be nothing unusual.He put down the plate and was about to light the lamp, but he heard Pei Channel: "Don't light the lamp, let me sleep for a while."

The servant looked again hesitantly, and then slowly backed out.

When Pei Qu heard the sound of closing the door, he quickly loosened the corner of the quilt, and Nan Shan poked his head out from under the quilt, but unexpectedly bumped into his jaw.She blushed because of holding her breath, and frowned because of the pain of hitting Pei Qu's chin on the top of her head. She was about to raise her head to ask Pei Qu if it hurt, but Pei Qu lowered her head and pressed her lips gently against her forehead.

Nan Shan froze, and there was nothing in sight except his Adam's apple and thin neck skin.Because she was in a dark place, her ears and sense of touch became more acute, and only Pei Qu's breathing was left in her ears, and his warm breath filled her forehead and hair.

Nanshan closed his eyes.

She pressed her hand on her heart, and felt that some warm heat was brewing, and her breathing became heavy.The chirping of cicadas outside the house finally died down, and the servant who came to deliver the food had already left.She noticed that Pei Qu's arm stretched out to hug her, so she slowly curled up the hand that was pressing on her heart, and pressed her fist tightly, as if she was afraid that her heart would suddenly jump out.

For her, such a close hug is a luxury.After becoming an inner guard, you must be vigilant to everyone around you. If you trust someone or get too close to someone, you may expose your identity, break your wings and die without a place to die.

In the eyes of the superiors, she is just a cold tool, she is not a human being at all.If it weren't for Shen Fengge, she might be worse off than a tool.

Although Feng Niang has been with her all these years and she has so many colleagues around her, she is still lonely and without support.She missed her mother's embrace when she was a child, and also missed the unreasonable trust in him when she left Huainan and followed Pei Qu.Nan Shan suddenly breathed out a sigh of relief, from his chin to his shoulders to his arms, and even his whole body relaxed in his arms.

With her hands between the two, she could even feel the rise and fall of their chests at the same time.At this time, she was very close to him, and this kind of mutual trust seemed to go back many years ago, and everything in these years, when you close your eyes, seems to be just a big dream, all illusions, endless illusions. .

But growing up from a young child to a slim girl is the reality after all.Nan Shan opened his eyes, and suddenly broke free from his embrace, poked his head up, and put his hands on the back of his neck.In the interaction in the dark environment, it is almost impossible to distinguish the face of the person, and only the "rustle" sound of the cloth can be vaguely heard.

Then in a blink of an eye, Pei Qu felt his soft lips press against her.The tip of Nanshan's nose rubbed against his, and kissed his lips precisely, even though it was jerky and ignorant of tenderness, it clearly expressed that she was no longer a child.

Pei Qu lightly pressed the back of her head, trying to counter-control the rhythm, but accidentally knocked her teeth.Nanshan smiled and covered her lips. She smelled the smell of medicine in her hands and the fragrant food on the low table, so she pressed the teacher's shoulder and said, "If the teacher is hungry, hurry up and have dinner."

As she spoke, she sat up, and Pei Qu got up to get the food table.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nanshan quickly packed up the medicine bottle, took out the silver needle and handed it over.

Pei Qu came over with his rice bowl, saw the silver needle she handed over, and said calmly, "There are many poisons in the world that silver needles can't detect." He sat down, and Nanshan asked again: "Then teacher, isn't the food poisonous?"

Pei Qu shook his head, bowed his head and began to eat.Although he was extremely hungry, he still ate slowly.

Nanshan lit a lamp, leaned over to have a look, and said, "It looks like the best red pine rice, can I have a bite?"

Pei Qu could almost see her intention at a glance.Nanshan was worried about the food he ate, as if he had to taste it no matter what, if it was not poisonous it would be the best, if it was poisonous he would have to bear it with him.

In the early years, she swallowed all the poisoned fruit, which made him feel uneasy, so how could he let her do such a stupid thing again.He raised his head and said lightly, "They won't touch me until they know the whereabouts of the Imperial Seal. You don't have to worry about poison in the food." He paused and asked, "Do you want to wait for me to finish eating, or go first?"

Nan Shan didn't reply, he just lay down on Pei Qu's leg as a pillow.She had just recovered and was easily fatigued. It was not an easy task to jump over so many walls and jump into this place.

Pei Qu ate very little, and sat upright, as if he didn't move at all except his mouth and hands.

A person has eaten alone for nine years, eating the rice and vegetables grown by himself, and the loneliness is indescribable.Only heaven and earth are friends, and after a long time, they will become their own territories, and no one can disintegrate them.On this point, he followed Pei Lianjun.In the past, Pei Lianjun also fell into such a situation for a long time, and finally ended her life in her own territory.But he was much luckier. After blocking himself for many years, he was able to meet the life he had saved back then, breaking his hard shell again, and deftly penetrating into his soft core.

Nanshan saw him eating and swallowing alone in the dim light, his heart ached, and he couldn't help but think of him in his youth.

At that time, Pei Qu was only in his teens, and he had inherited the name of a talented person in a great country before he was weak, and he seemed to be able to devote his blood to the society.When he went to Huainan, he was still in high spirits, but when he came back, he brought a small oil bottle behind him, and he was suddenly preoccupied.He has no ability to take care of a child, he is unfamiliar and clumsy in many things, and he is not as smart as the legend says.He didn't even know how to coax the child, and he couldn't trick Nanshan into saying a word after many days.He has always been very knowledgeable in the matter of loving cleanliness, but he is at a loss because he doesn't know how to take care of children...

Nanshan still vaguely remembers his appearance at that time, with a bun on the top of his head, wearing a round-neck uniform for scholars, the neckline is always white and clean like new clothes, and his face has just grown and has a strong green onion look .

She remembered his clean and smooth hands with well-defined knuckles, well-grown half-moon scars, well-manicured nails, and a slightly pink nail surface, which looked very healthy and bloody.Those hands once washed her clothes, soaked in the clear river, and carefully scrubbed the blood-stained coat, but they couldn't wash it clean.At that time, Nanshan turned his head away, staring at the sinking sun and was distracted. The clothes that were stained with her family's blood probably couldn't be cleaned anymore.But he didn't throw it away either, he washed it with all his strength and dried it in the sun, folded it carefully, and gave it to her together with the book she brought out.

Nan Shan lowered his head and sniffed the clothes, took a deep breath, the scent of acacia was mixed with the unique smell after being exposed to the sun, but there seemed to be some turbulent blood hidden in it.

He doesn't want her to forget her family members. Even though it's not a good thing to keep the painful memories, but if she blindly avoids and deliberately erases them, she may sink deeper and deeper into the quagmire.He hoped that she could face up to this past, accept and digest it.

Life and death are fait accomplis, and the situation cannot be reversed. The dead are already dead, and the living can only grit their teeth and live.Nanshan has achieved this, although it was a bit difficult, but he survived, right?

She had planned for the worst when they parted nine years ago, thinking that she might never see Pei Qu again, but finally heard the news of his return.When we met again, she claimed to be a matchmaker, while he was a man from a family who was obsessed with growing vegetables.In the sunset at the Luoyang market that day, she looked up and saw that familiar but unfamiliar face. Nine years can leave one or two wrinkles, leave behind wind and frost, and erase the redness in the original clear eyes. Chen, he is indeed different from nine years ago.

Nanshan could tell at a glance that he was preoccupied, as if he could never get closer.

In the next get-together, although he still had his thoughts in mind, and his words and deeds showed alienation from this world, but there were occasional moments when Nanshan could tell that he was still the kind-hearted, enthusiastic and somewhat not-so-intelligent green young man back then.

Occasionally retaining some naive thoughts about the world is a beautiful self-help.

Her teacher is obviously not to the point of despair about people and things.

Pei Qu's dinner was finally used up, he put the empty bowl back on the desk, and as soon as he lowered his hand, Nan Shan grabbed it.Nanshan spread out that hand by candlelight, and carefully touched knuckles one by one. When he touched some thin calluses, he stopped touching.The hand is still the same, but it is no longer smooth and flawless.The same is true for the heart. After time has passed, there will always be some bumps and gaps. Everyone is like this, but it does not affect people to continue walking.

"Is the teacher's hands calloused because of farming?"

"Yes." Pei Qu let her hold his hand.

"Is there anything the teacher wants to do in the court?"

Pei Qu pursed his lips lightly, and replied, "What do you think?"

Nan Shan thought for a while, and according to her understanding of Pei Qu, she finally said: "Instead of spending all day in scheming, the teacher may want to do some practical things. Whether it's water transportation or planting, although the layout is smaller, But the status in the teacher's heart is probably not lower than wearing a purple robe and being a gentleman. So the teacher wants to stay in the court and work in the Ministry of Industry?"

Pei Qu shook his head: "Although it seems easier to use the power of the imperial court to do things, you know better than me what the imperial court looks like now." He even sighed softly, "The country is not a country of one person, nor a country of a clan. It is not a country of a group of officials, and the change of power and dynasty is the law of reincarnation for thousands of years. No one can hold power all the time, but even if they know that no one can last forever, the battle will not stop."

Nanshan could hear the deep boredom in his words.If it wasn't for his scheming, his biological father would not have used his biological mother Pei Lianjun, then Pei Lianjun might not have left in a fit of anger, and he would not have been changed when he was still in his infancy, and he would not have to always be involved in power struggles later, even He was hunted down by his biological father.

And if it wasn't for scheming, her grandfather wouldn't have rebelled with the kings, and she wouldn't have suffered the disaster of exterminating her family. She wouldn't have become an orphan and been taken to the Plum Blossom Camp to survive, and she wouldn't have faced such overwhelming slaughter today. .

Nanshan sat up suddenly, she stretched out her thin but strong arms to hug Pei Qu, as if giving him some comfort and encouragement, just like when they parted back then.

She finally let go of her hand, held his face lightly, leaned up slightly and kissed his lips restrainedly, and then quickly parted: "I have to go, the teacher remembers to heal his wounds, come to me. "

She was afraid that she would be reluctant to part with it for a while, so she quickly turned around and got off the bed, smoothed the creases on her clothes and walked towards the small window with her head down.

Pei Qu only heard a very slight movement, and she disappeared from the house.She quickly disappeared into the mansion like a cat, and climbed over countless eaves and square walls.

She had pried out so many secrets and seen too many ugly deals.And tonight she dreamed that there were a lot of ripe oranges all over Huainan, and the aroma of oranges was everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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