Chapter 640

Three words, just three words, but Long Xuan waited all her life. In this whole life, until she died, she never heard Bai Hong say it with her own ears. The feeling is like seeing a white rainbow, but in a word, it is a lifetime.

Looking at Long Xuan, Bai Hong's figure flickered, and she came directly to her. That figure was ethereal, illusory, real, existing but not existing, her cheeks were like pear blossoms with tears, and the love in her heart seemed to be a little more blame.

"Xuan'er! I'm the one who's sorry for you!"

Bai Hong opened his mouth, and tears rolled down. He didn't dare to touch Long Xuan, but he was afraid that if he touched Long Xuan, she would dissipate between the heaven and the earth. Touching, even a little wind, can blow it away.

"Through this journey, there have been joys and sorrows, sufferings and joys, hatred and resentment, anger and anger, but you have always been with me. Although you are silent, you have always been by my side, so silently. Follow, although you don't say it, but I understand, your heart, although I don't say it, but I know you can feel my love for you."

"That day, in the Gentleman's Building, when the love reached my peak, I immediately understood that in my life, you are the only one, and you are the only one. The entanglement between me and you has become an indelible mark, an era. , two epochs, thousands of epochs, nothing will change..."

"I said I would marry you. It's true! Xuan'er, do you know? In the illusion of Xianjie, there is a person who is exactly like you. She wants me to say those three words to her, but I say I don't want to say it, because my love is all on you, and only when I face you can I say those three words."

"It's you who woke me up in the illusion of immortality. It's you who made me come here step by step. Everything is because of you! Xuan'er! I love you! I love you!"

His long pale hair fluttered, Bai Hong's heart was throbbing, and Bai Hong's tears were rolling down. He looked at Long Xuan, and there seemed to be a picture of the two just meeting in front of him.

That's the East China Sea, that's the blue sky, that's the blue sea, that's where the sea and the sky meet in a line, that's the lost land, that's the Xinghai riot, that's the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, that's the four princesses of the Dragon Palace, that's A little white dragon, that is a woman, slim and tall, she is smiling, yes, she is smiling.

That is the setting sun, that is the end of the world between two people, that is leaning against each other, that is leaning on each other, at that moment, it seems that a lifetime has been privately decided, at that moment, love is sprouting, at that moment, two hearts are getting closer, The threads of love are twining and binding.

That is the forbidden area, that is the forbidden sea, that is an excuse, apprenticeship, but only to be able to be with him, that is a sword box, that is a big ship, that is an opportunity for the sea storm clan to give alms, that is That continent, that is the woman's playful smile, yes, still smiling.

That was a long journey, that was the imperial capital, that was the top of the Star Reaching Tower, that was bad news, that was a thunderbolt from the blue sky, that was a mad bloodbath!
That’s Shangguan Bai’s house, that’s Houshan Gorge, that’s weeping and bewildered, that woman, that’s faint qin music, that’s awakened by a word, she smiled, yes, with tears on her face, but she smiled .

That's Gongsunzi's house, that's life and death, that's Honglu mountain range, that's Zhusuo Tianling, that's the golden pen nomination, that's on the Golden Luan Hall, that's in front of the general's platform, that's the frontier, that's a Then I swear, that is the wild war, that is the ten gates of immortality, that is the Tianyuan War, that is Senior Brother Bai Hong, that woman, that is blood red and gorgeous! !

That is the law of fire, that is becoming a fairy immediately, that is returning again, that is descending to the mountain, that is a large formation, that is fighting wits and courage, that person, that is the figure in the mind, that is her Soul!She was laughing, yes, she was laughing, so contented.

That is Sixuan City, that is the love of monsters, that is rioting in the wild, that is the source of ice water, that is the cloud and ice valley, that is the alliance between the strong, that is the building of a gentleman, that is the change of the East China Sea, that is It's the light of the immortals, that's the battle of banishing immortals, that's the gentleman's tower!That was that figure, yes, she was still smiling, but behind him, in an unknown corner, she just smiled like that, smiling for him.

That was a shocking change, that was a long river of history, that was the chance of a fairy, that was Xiao Yu's marriage, that was the five declines of heaven and man, that was the beginning of the Great War, that was the Nine Heavens, that was the fulfillment of emotions, that was the incarnation of heaven, that was destiny The battle, that is the reappearance of the inner demon, that is the failure of the immortal robbery, that is the appearance of the jade dragon, that is the second coming of the fairy gate, that is the blow of the dragon's tail, that is the soul flying away! !
Wrong, she didn't smile, she cried, tears fell little by little, little by little, she looked at him, and just said: "Can you... say, you love me?"

And now, yes, she is smiling, Lihua is smiling with tears, as if all the pain and torture have disappeared without a trace, as if all the sadness and sorrow have become so worthwhile, as if the endless Waiting crazily, waiting behind the scenes without complaint or regret!
"No, love me again..."


Long Xuan smiled, looked at Baihong, left the most beautiful picture behind, and then dispersed with the wind, turning into a stream of light in this space, shattered and fluttered, and disappeared little by little. In the dark.

"No! I love you! I love you! Xuan'er! From the beginning, I have fallen in love with you! From the beginning, I have loved you! I love you, I love you so much! Where are you? Don't go, don't leave me alone, I have nothing left, I can't lose you anymore! Come back, come back, okay? I am willing to exchange everything I have now for you!"

"I have caused you to suffer too much, too much tiredness, I haven't compensated you, I haven't loved you well, cared for you, how can you just disappear like this? How can you cruelly leave my world Leave? Do you know that although you are silent, I am used to you smiling behind me. Whenever I am tired, as long as I look back, I will feel a little bit at ease, because I can see that The most beautiful, most intoxicating smile in my life!"

Bai Hong knelt down in the void, her whole body seemed to be emptied, curled up at the place where Long Xuan died, there seemed to be a trace of residual warmth, as if there was a pair of jade hands gently stroking Bai Hong's cheeks, as if wanting to make a living for her. He wiped away the teardrops that kept rolling down, but it was just a feeling, a hallucination, in the blurred eyes, Bai Hong seemed to see Long Xuan again.

Those pictures kept appearing in his mind and in front of his eyes, as if he had returned to the pictures at that time. Those experiences seemed to be just yesterday, but yesterday was so far away that even the white rainbow could not reach it.

At this moment, Bai Hong understood what it means to be heartbroken, what it means to love so painfully that the prescription is true. He has never said those three words in his life. When Xuan asked that sentence, Bai Hong realized that he was wrong. Love had to be said out loud. He wanted to say it, really wanted to say it, but it was too late.

On the vast river of history, Nezha and Shikong looked at the picture in the bubble, and couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing. Long Xuan's death was really too sudden. In fact, even if Long Xuan died, it would be nothing. It's just that her soul was pinched by the dragon's claws at the moment of death, and she was taken to the dragon's cemetery somewhere.

In this way, even if Bai Hong wants to revive Long Xuan from history, there is no possibility at all. If the soul and spirit are not there, even if it is resurrected, it will only resurrect a body. The figure pulled out, it was just a walking corpse, a flesh body.

"The immortal calamity has been passed, but the emotional calamity has not survived. Bai Hong is wise, but he is also an emotional person. I just don't know how long he will last this time. This world, this vast history, still has to wait for him to repair it. Those people have to wait for him to be resurrected, although we can do it with the strength of the two of you, but there is no guarantee that there will be mistakes, this matter is indeed absolutely flawless."

Nezha opened his mouth, looked at Bai Hong, and lamented in his heart. He also knew that Bai Hong's heart was ashamed at this moment, but sometimes the reality is like this, it will not let you go because of your pain, but will continue to torture you.

"The ancients said that the extreme of wisdom will hurt, the deep love will not last, and the strong will be humiliated. A gentleman is humble and gentle like jade. I am afraid that Bai Hong's wisdom is unique in this world, and his emotional way is so deep. This time, I'm afraid it will take a long time to recover, everyone says modest and gentleman, but how many people can do it?"

Time and space sighed softly, but there was nothing they could do. Now that they were going to disturb Bai Hong, it would be really inhumane and too much. After all, this is the most painful period for Bai Hong, so no one should disturb him, let him A little recovery, one day, will wake up.

"Let's go, you and I are going to restore this world first. Now this world is only one-tenth of the original size. The one-horned jade dragon snake is too ruthless to shrink this world so drastically. It is difficult to have the power of law anymore, and the next era will be a brand new era, and Tao will no longer exist.”

Time and space waved his hands, and he and Nezha disappeared, reappeared, and came to this broken world. Here, all the laws have disappeared. Although they have not turned into chaos, they are almost the same as chaos.

As soon as the two appeared, Nezha had a thought, and his magic weapons floating here suddenly sent out bursts of induction, pierced the void, and appeared directly in front of Nezha, wearing it to protect it.

"Come on, first fix the time and space of this world, and then use aura to guide and repair the space of this world little by little. After the space is restored, we can just freeze time and slowly restore this place to normal little by little."

Nezha opened his mouth to burst out half-celestial aura, filling the space between the heaven and the earth, repairing the world space bit by bit, and time-space also sacrificed its own natal magic weapon, fixed time-space, and then continuously condensed those half-celestial auras , and finally fix the broken space.

I don't know how long it has passed, but there is no concept of time here, time and space are completely static, so time and space and Nezha just feel like half an era has passed, and this world has been repaired in sevens and eighties. Most of the space has been restored, and only a small part of the space needs to be filled by the world itself.

But that would be very simple, moreover, the space of this world is strengthened by time and space and Nezha, if you want to break through the void, you can't do it without the realm of nine yuan.

After the space of this world was repaired, the two were amazed. The mountains, rivers and rivers of this world had been completely distorted and deformed, and it was impossible to repair them at all. Penetrating into the rocks, everywhere, pervasive.

"It seems that you and I have quite a lot of tasks, come on, repair this continent." Shikong smiled, his body fell, and suddenly crushed a mountain and river, directly turning it into dust, and then suddenly grabbed it with big hands, The dust turned into a mountain suspended in the air, extremely solid.

Nezha smiled, sprayed flames, and the billowing flames ignited the ocean. Large areas of sea water evaporated and disappeared, and the sea level immediately dropped. The rebirth of the two of them after destruction like this is gradually restoring this world to be suitable for biological survival. .

And this repair, another half an era has passed. On this day, Bai Hong, who had been curled up in the historical bubble, suddenly moved, and the dull sadness tormented him for an entire era!
In this era, his tears have never stopped, and his body has become a little thin, you know, he is a fairy body!It is impossible for the body of a fairy to age or change. Fat is fat, thin is thin, tall is tall, and short is short. The body of a fairy is many times stronger than that of a mortal, and it is very difficult to change.

Bai Hong trembled, his empty eyes flickered for a moment, then he struggled to stand up, looked at the surrounding pictures, but became extremely dazed, trembled slightly, and the whole person left the bubble.

Tears finally stopped shedding, Bai Hong dragged her body flying, but suddenly fell headfirst, fell directly into the long river of history, and appeared in the world space.

boom! !

His body hit the ground, and Baihong directly smashed into a mountain peak. His body was almost immortal, and he could break the mountain peak just by falling, which shows how powerful his attack will be.

Nezha and Time and Space sensed the changes in the world, suddenly flashed, and immediately saw Baihong, who was lying on the mountain at the moment, looking like a lunatic, dejected and sad.

"Give him the sword!"

Shikong opened his mouth and cast a wink at Nezha. Nezha nodded, and suddenly a long sword flew in the distance. It was the Baihong Excalibur. Ling also knew Nezha, so no one should disturb Bai Hong's situation at that time, including him of course.

Now that Baihong recovered, it immediately felt Baihong's aura. Before Nezha called, it descended directly, and appeared in front of Baihong, suspended in mid-air, trembling slightly.


Suddenly some brilliance appeared in the withered eyes, Bai Hong stood up, and slowly stretched out her trembling hand, tremblingly wanting to touch the sword, her eyes seemed to grasp the straw of life-saving, and she slapped it Hold it in the palm of your hand.

The sword light flickered, and Bai Hong stood up and danced. A sword, a person, and a long robe danced in this broken mountain.

"Sword song frenzy!
All things live, all things perish,
Life and death are unpredictable!

The path of love is murmuring, and the path of immortality is slim!
The way of heaven is blue and the way of tunnel is vast!
The avenue of man, waving your hand is an illusion!
All kinds of catastrophes, thousands of changes!
Why are heroes like that?
Love words are difficult!Difficult to go to the blue sky!
Immortals can be achieved, Buddhas can be crossed, and Taoism can be established!
Lovely, how do you read it?

Thinking endlessly, feeling but not seeing,
To see or not to see, to leave only thoughts,

Nian Nian Nian Nian Nian!
How do you pronounce it?
With my Dao sword in my heart, I will kill the immortal first and then the sky!
The devil is the father, the saint is the mother, the fairy and the devil are only in my heart!
Samadhi fire, red-tasseled spear, where do they come from?where to go
Taking the sky as a board and stars as a chess game, the night and night stars are confused?
Know the sky, know the earth, know the machine, but it is difficult to know what will happen tomorrow!

Feel the heart, feel the way, feel hatred, but it is difficult to feel the hearts of others!

ask!Who is the immortal at the end of the world?
Excalibur Baihong, ushers in an era!
The five declines of heaven and man are just to become immortals!
What's wrong?Everything!
One-horned Jade Dragon, fateful grievances!
The gate of the fairy, the calamity of the fairy!
Immortal calamity is not afraid, how can love calamity be overcome?

See the era flow through my heart,
My Dao Heart, My Destiny,
My emotion, my love,
My siblings, my faith,
In just a few thousand years,
all things have changed,
So what?

Waiting for the mind to flow in this world,
only stay...

Kong laments! ! ! "

(End of this chapter)

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