The strongest sword fairy

Chapter 641 New Era

Chapter 641 New Era
An empty lament, how much bitterness is exhausted?
An empty lament, how many heroic youths have you sighed?
A song of empty lamentation, how many disasters of Taoism and dharma have been sighed?
An empty lament, only sigh that the world is changeable!
The sword wind fell, but it looked so desolate, the sword fell, and the tears stopped, Bai Hong raised her head, looked at the world that had been restored, her eyes were a little more colorful, and above the sky, a big sun shone on her. On Bai Hong's withered body, a bit of vitality was added to it.

It was as if the dry land had encountered a heavy rain, and the dark world suddenly ushered in light, and the white rainbow was illuminated by the sunlight, just like the spring grass was burned to the ground by the fire in autumn, and it burst out of the ground again in the next spring!

After the endless darkness, he saw the long-lost light again. A smile suddenly appeared on his face. The smile that had disappeared for an era reappeared on Bai Hong's cheek, causing Shi Kong and Nezha to look at each other and smile. This time After the love calamity, Bai Hong finally got through.

A sword song, telling the brilliance and sorrow of the last era, the road to immortality is long, but the end is so unpredictable, only Kong lamented, Bai Hong calmed down, put away the divine sword in his hand, and stood up Xing, looked at Shikong and Nezha, said nothing else, only said: "Let's go."

The three of them walked in the void, but they took a step of a million miles. They just looked at this world with just a cup of tea. It can be said that this world has been repaired by Nezha and Time and Space. Some places in it , Bai Hong also made a slight modification, nothing else.

On the long river of history, Bai Hong sat cross-legged, looking at the rolling river, staring at the historical pictures one by one, the corners of his mouth involuntarily turned up, it was the image of him and Long Xuan when they were together.

"Now that the world is complete, it's only a matter of time before everyone is brought back to life. Let's see who will return first." Time and Space said, looking at the long river of history below him, he couldn't help but smile lightly.

The long river of history had already been cut off after the catastrophe, and the rolling river no longer flowed into the ocean of history. However, after the restoration by the three of Time and Space, the river continued to rush into the sea and completely resumed its normal flow.

"I hope it's not that wretched guy like Han Wei."

Nezha opened his mouth with a smile on his face, Honglu Mountain Range, he still remembered the situation at that time, that Han Wei was indeed quite wretched, but in his heart he still wanted him to return very much. In fact, no matter who it is, as long as it is the return People, they will all be very happy.

"Time and space, first control the flow of time in this world to the minimum. It is best to make time stand still. Stillness is for the outside world. You are the law of time and space in the whole world. It is still possible to fix this world. "

Bai Hong spoke, ignored the words of the two, stared at the new world, and spoke.

"Fix the time of this world?" Time and Space was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, and said: "I understand, I will try my best to do it, it may be impossible to completely freeze the time of this world, but an era is one year , it should still be possible. In fact, when this world was repaired, I completely fixed this world. Now that the world is repaired, I only restored the speed of time here three months ago, so you don’t have to worry too much about it. Too worried."

Bai Hong nodded, and didn't say anything else. After that battle, Bai Hong's words became few and short, and she didn't say a word for almost three days. Long Xuan's death was a serious blow. If someone else was there, he would have fallen into the love calamity long ago. It was a little low, but it survived.

Time and space waved, and the power of time surged in this world, surrounding this world. Immediately, the flow speed of this world was much slower than that of the outside world. Of course, although the flow speed of time was much slower, everything in the world Nothing changes, day to day, year to year.

"Xuan'er, wait for me! It won't be too long. After I resurrect everyone, I will find you, Dragon Cemetery... Even if it is the ends of the earth, I will find you! Revive you!"

Bai Hong whispered in her heart, but slowly stood up, saying: "I'm going to look for Long Xuan's body, are you willing to follow?"

Shi Kong and Nezha were stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what Bai Hong was going to do. These kinds of things are not something ordinary people can do. Since he said it, he must have full confidence. The two immediately got up and followed Bai Hong. .

Over the long river of history, Bai Hong walked on foot, but was suspended in the sky above the long river. Even though the river was rushing like a waterfall, it couldn't touch him at all. After walking dozens of steps, he looked down at him. Where failure dies.

"The existence within the fairy gate is too powerful. I am not sure how to snatch Long Xuan from him. I can only take Long Xuan away from the moment of Tiandao's death. However, I can only take away her body." Body, in the future, her true spirit has disappeared, so the body naturally has no soul, just like a dead thing."

Bai Hong opened her mouth and slowly stretched out a hand. This hand was as dry as a branch. In these years, Bai Hong hadn't taken good care of her body at all. Even a fairy body would wither and die after being tortured like this by him.


The big hand bluffed into a claw, and Bai Hong's hand directly penetrated the historical river and entered a bubble in the water flow. The dry palm turned into a giant hand that held up to the sky, and directly grabbed Long Xuan's figure, and then suddenly Pulling, but suddenly caused the entire historical river to roar, and the bubbles of the big canopy turned into monstrous waves and slammed towards the white rainbow.


With a cold snort, Bai Hong's body burst out with a burst of fairy spirit, and a supreme coercion suddenly descended, directly crushing the huge waves of the long river of history below him, and that hand also swept Long Xuan's body from the long river. The body was pulled out.


Nezha and Shikong were stunned, this is a long river of history!This is the eternal past!At this moment, Bai Hong pulled Long Xuan's body out of it, and the long river of history resisted, but was directly suppressed by Bai Hong with momentum, this is the power of a fairy!
A body appeared in front of Bai Hong. That person was lifelike, but she no longer had the breath of life. She had a peaceful expression, her eyes were closed, as if she was in a deep sleep, but Bai Hong knew that this was just Long Xuan's body. The soul is real, and in the long river of history, that Long Xuan is still there, what Bai Hong is grasping is just a past, and the past is eternal.

Stretching out the other arm, Bai Hong hugged Long Xuan, looking at the person in his arms, he wished to integrate it into his own bones, he carefully observed Long Xuan's eyebrows, never at this moment, he could be so close Appreciating this person deeply, he suddenly felt that Long Xuan at this moment was so beautiful.

Holding Long Xuan, Bai Hong had never felt that this person was so beautiful and lovable at this moment. He looked at her cheek and saw every inch of her skin clearly. At this moment, It was as if there was no boundary between the two of them. He had never looked at a person like this before, never observed a person like this, even for Long Xuan, he had never observed him so seriously or so closely.

"Xuan'er, you are so beautiful."

Bai Hong opened her mouth, and hot tears fell on Long Xuan's cheeks, sliding down gently, hugging Long Xuan, Bai Hong turned around gently, returned step by step to the spot just now, sat cross-legged, hugged Long Xuan in her arms, as if she Still alive, she was sleeping soundly in her chest.

"Infatuation is deep, but it is also depressing, hey!" Shi Kong shook his head, watching Bai Hong's actions, he couldn't help sighing, he is the true body of the law, but he is ignorant of the so-called love.

The three of them plus Long Xuan's physical body sat down in this area. Except for Bai Hong, Nezha and Time and Space were all watching the changes in this world. At the beginning, there were no living things in this world. Some plants appeared in it, some extremely tiny creatures.

After another 3000 years, the animals and plants in the oceans gradually moved to the land, and on the land, some strange creatures appeared in some places where the aura was at its peak. , or the aura turned into a seed and began to grow and evolve.

This is the beginning of the era, and all living beings are gradually evolving and changing, and after the catastrophe, a new life begins.

After 1 years, some animals and plants have gradually evolved into fish and insects, all of which are no more than the size of a palm. Occasionally, some fish are more than three inches, but they are not particularly large. These fish and insects are molluscs and cannot withstand Any impact, one touch will kill you.

After 3 years, some places with extremely prosperous spiritual energy have bred those fish and insects to become extremely terrifying. These fish and insects devoured spiritual energy and other species, and gradually evolved into strange and strange beasts, occupying an area and occupying mountains. As a king, gradually began to practice.

In fact, the so-called cultivation is nothing more than their spiritual energy day and night. This world has long lost the power of law, as if the law has disappeared, and there is no longer any induction.

In fact, the Tao is not scattered, but has been integrated into every place in the world. The so-called no Tao is better than the Tao. This world is full of the source of Tao, but it can no longer be used for cultivation.

"I thought that this world would become very mediocre if it lost the power of Taoism. Now it seems that I was wrong. I really didn't expect that everything has vitality. Heaven and Earth cut off their Tao, but gave them another The power, those auras, can really turn these strange beasts into the level of Tianyuan powerhouses."

Nezha opened his mouth and looked at the changes in this era. He couldn't help but marvel. The beginning of all things is the most flawless origin. Countless epochs, not too surprised, just watched quietly.

Another 3 years have passed, and this world is finally on the right track. Flowers, birds, fish and insects, wild beasts, spirit beasts, spirit beasts, mountain and rock elves, tree and vine monsters, countless creatures and grand scenes appear!

Of course, when there are more creatures, the aura of this world will become scarce, and it is impossible to breed so many powerful creatures. Therefore, a battle for the entire world begins, and those big monsters and beasts cannot escape this bloody battle , This battle lasted for thousands of years, and in the end only one-third of the creatures were left, so let's stop!

"This is the law, the law of survival! When a carrier can't carry it, there will be a way to maintain this balance. The battle of competition, the disaster of the world, the shot of the strong, in a word, if this balance is broken, it will be There will be big events that will restore the balance."

Time and space opened his mouth, watching the changes in the other side of the world, he felt a little more in his mind. Although he is the real body of the law of time and space, he has never been so patient and sincere as this time to see and feel the formation of an era. Now The scene will inevitably touch his mind.

After 1 years, human beings began to appear. They evolved rapidly. It took almost 3000 years to control civilization, flames, culture, etc. After 2000 years, they rose up. Among human beings, there is no shortage of geniuses , They absorbed the thin spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth, and then there appeared an existence comparable to the strong man of Tianyuan!

Of course, their power does not come from the laws of Tao, but uses the aura of heaven and earth to forge their physical bodies. The physical body is like a big melting pot. They turn those auras into flames, continuously forging their bodies, and making their bodies With a little bit of strength, the last punch can smash a mountain peak, it is extremely violent!

There are even some practitioners who introduce spiritual energy into their own acupuncture points, and open up the acupuncture points of the whole body one by one, so as to develop the infinite potential in the human body, and finally reach the realm of the strong Tianyuan, and some geniuses have stepped into the The threshold of Kaiyuan!

There is no shortage of geniuses in every era. These monstrous geniuses stand at the top of this world. They are the brightest stars in the night sky!

Just like the first sect on the Quanlong Continent, the Body Refining Sect!

Body training is originally the most common practice method on this continent, but there are countless methods of body training, like some other sects, such as Shenquan School, Demon Claw School, Vajra Indestructible God King School, Thunderbolt Kamikaze The Liejutang and so on are all sects that specialize in one sect.

But this Body Refining Sect is the sect that includes all the conjoined methods in the Quanlong Continent. It is the most powerful sect. The sect is divided into outer disciples, inner disciples, and direct disciples. Among the direct disciples, There is a person named Xu Yang who has reached the Spring Dragon Realm after only 300 years of practice. The so-called Spring Dragon is just like the Tianyuan Realm in the Tianyuan Continent!

Suddenly, Bai Hong, who had been silent at the side, made a sound. He looked at the hundreds of millions of creatures, and his eyes suddenly shot out light, directly piercing through this world, and seeing through everything here in an instant.

In the southeast of Longquan Continent, there are two towering mountain ranges like two dragons coiled on the ground. These two mountain ranges connect end to end, forming a huge valley. The entrance of the cave that the next carriage passed was about [-] feet long. Inside, there were green grass, fairy flowers, spirit fruits, peach groves and bamboo trees, like a fairyland.

(End of this chapter)

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