super decomposition system

Chapter 1288 Official Cheats

Chapter 1288 Official Cheats
An old man walked in from outside the courtyard, Lin Yaoyang turned his eyes, it was not the elder Kong.

The old man looked at the young people standing in the middle of the yard who had all come out of the house at this time, nodded and said, "I believe you all know what day it is today. The academy selects a person You can only participate once in your life, I hope you are all ready. Come with me."

After finishing speaking, he just turned around and left the yard. Lin Yaoyang was uncomfortable with the angry eyes of the men next to him, so he quickly took the lead and walked out.

Following the old man, Lin Yaoyang and the others didn't go far and stopped. The old man turned around and looked at them and said, "This time, the election is the same as usual, and it will be held in a secret place. Someone sends a rule introduction, and you have 5 minutes to read it."

As soon as the old man's voice fell, the complexion of a large part of the people changed, even Lin Yaoyang's complexion also changed slightly.

What does it mean to introduce another book of rules to them?
But the old man immediately explained it to them, and several young disciples walked over, apparently from the academy, each of them holding a stack of booklets in his hand.

Then a book was thrown at everyone's hands.

Lin Yaoyang held the booklet above his hand, and only saw two words written on it that made him feel very familiar.



After Kled saw what was in his hand, he couldn't hold back and started laughing.

Isn't this fucking brochure exactly the same thing as that stinky guy who slept on the recliner yesterday sold the same thing.

But when they opened it, they found that it was still a little different, but in general it was still the same, except for the location of a few secret realm signs.

But this is an official cheat book issued to them from Yuzhang Academy.

That must be much more accurate than the brochure sold by the guy lying on the deck chair!
Immediately, some people in the crowd began to scream. They are not fools, so they can naturally realize that they were deceived by others.

And there are not a few people who bought cheat books from that guy yesterday.

Many people are happy because they have a cheat book like this in their hands and others don't, and feel that they have taken a certain opportunity.

But now the pamphlet handed out by the old man is mercilessly destroying their hearts.

The words Cheats on this booklet, the two big words written in black ink, seemed to be mercilessly mocking their IQ,
How could these people bear such grievances? As soon as they turned around, they began to search among the crowd next to them, where was the guy who sold them the brochure yesterday.

It was agreed at the beginning that this is his exclusive secret book, and no one can copy it.

As a result, now they are holding a more detailed record in their hands, and they are still fooled by the cheats given to them for free.

Originally, these people who bought with money were still complacent, thinking that they had made a smart decision,

(End of this chapter)

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