super decomposition system

Chapter 1289 IQ Insulted

Chapter 1289 IQ Insulted

Now they are starting to look extremely stupid.

Lin Yaoyang's complexion was also quite weird. Fortunately, he was stopped by Hua Rong at that time, and he didn't pay for the purchase, otherwise he would also join this group of crazy people.

At the same time, Lin Yaoyang also understood what the surprise that Huarong told him meant.

This is really a big surprise.

As if he knew what happened, the old man looked at the annoyed looks of the frowning juniors, with a hint of a smile on his face.

No words of consolation at all.

And those people wanted to find out the guy who sold the secret book yesterday, but they found that there was no such guy among the people who participated in the selection.

That guy didn't come to participate in the selection at all. Judging by his appearance, he was clearly an old man who was in the academy before, mixed in with them, and made a fake cheat book to defraud them of their money.

And this guy's deception was quite successful, at least he got twenty seventh-level magic cores.Not to mention that there are quite a few sixth-level magic cores.

That guy made a fortune.

Quite a few people stood there and roared angrily. This feeling of finding no one to settle accounts after finding out that they had been cheated really made people feel a little bit aggrieved.

Lin Yaoyang suppressed a smile while looking down at the secret book in his hand.

, not how long passed.The old man just looked at them and said, "In five minutes, the selection begins. Life and death are fate, everyone, please do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, the people who participated in the selection were all surrounded by a burst of light, and then turned to a huge mirror in front of them. The mirror was ten meters high and five meters wide. People are surrounded by light.

Then rushed into the mirror.

Not long passed, Lin Yaoyang felt down-to-earth again, Lin Yaoyang blinked and saw the scene in front of him clearly.

At this time, the scene in front of me was in a forest,
Lin Yaoyang shouted: "Yuehong!"

But no one responded to Lin Yaoyang, Lin Yaoyang was stunned for a moment, and when he looked back, there was no one beside him.

Lin Yaoyang's heart was suddenly startled, could it be that everyone in this trial is not in the same place?
Lin Yaoyang's heart suddenly sank, it seems that this is really the case, but why didn't that Hua Rong tell him at the beginning.

Thinking about it, Hua Rong didn't know there was such a change.

Lin Yaoyang is not too worried, Guo Yuehong, Lin Yaoyang is quite confident in Guo Yuehong's strength, Guo Yuehong is the inheritance owner of the Martial God of the Hunyuan Jade Rabbit Clan.

Although Lin Yaoyang usually takes the lead in fights, but this does not represent Guo Yuehong's fighting strength at all.

What Lin Yaoyang was most worried about was Ke Lie, who was only at the level of a Martial Emperor. What he was thinking about was that Ke Lie could rely on Lin Yaoyang's strength to give him a few famous cards, and he could Take it with you to pass the level, but if the people are scattered at this time, whether you can find them is a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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