super decomposition system

Chapter 130 Demonstration

Chapter 130 Demonstration
Now Lin Quan is not looking for much benefit, now Lin Quan's heart is full of single-minded hope that he can kill Lin Yaoyang, so as to relieve his hatred!

When Lin Fang next to him heard it, his eyes lit up. His face was already swollen like a pig's head. His eyes could only open a small gap, but he could still see it from the analysis. The divine light revealed.

It can be seen how much Lin Fang hated Lin Yaoyang.Lin Qinghe next to him was sitting there. ,
Originally, the mothers of Lin Qinghe and Lin Yaoyang sat there with smiles on their faces, and began to boast to each other about how knowledgeable their sons were, and with some abilities, they were able to recognize Lin Quan's spiritual weapon It's a scrap.

Feeling that his son must be safe, he completely forgot about it. Now that the Patriarch mentioned it, the faces of the two suddenly became ugly again.

Looking at Lin Yaoyang, there was a deep worry in his eyes.

Lin Yaoyang stood in the field, smiled noncommittally, and said, "Yes! I will let you see what a real spiritual weapon should look like!"

Lin Yaoyang said proudly, after all, he could show off in front of so many people, so he could satisfy Lin Yaoyang's vanity a little bit.

After the Patriarch heard what Lin Yaoyang said about flowers, he sneered and said, "I hope so! Don't let me down! Otherwise, the gods won't talk about you today!"

Lin Yaoyang just pretended he didn't hear it, and looked back at the group of family children there!Lin Yaoyang didn't look at those elders, although Lin Yaoyang noticed that several elders were very concerned about the sword in his hand, as if they had seen some tricks.

But Lin Yaoyang still chose an elder to help him, there was no reason, simply because Lin Yaoyang didn't have a good impression of any of the elders of the Lin family.

It's all because of Lin Quan, an old fellow, who has ruined his image, although Lin Yaoyang knows that this kind of thing can't implicate others.

Lin Yaoyang opened his mouth and said to those family children: "My body is useless, and there is no flow of Qi in my body, so I can't show the power of this spiritual weapon. I don't know if there is someone who is willing to come up and help me demonstrate this weapon! "

Naturally, Lin Yaoyang is not good at releasing the light of this weapon directly in front of the crowd, so that no fool would know that Lin Yaoyang must have recovered.

All Lin Yaoyang = I have to find someone to help me. After Lin Yaoyang finished speaking, no one responded to Lin Yaoyang for a long time, as if he didn't hear what Lin Yaoyang was saying at all.

Obviously, no one wants to be this early bird, afraid that Lin Yaoyang is still bluffing people, if he rushes to help, he doesn't know if he will make a fool of himself.

Moreover, Elder Lin Quan is standing by the side and staring at him covetously. Who knows, will he hold a grudge against him because of this, and will play tricks on him in the family life in the future.

Therefore, for a long time, no one uttered a word, and they each put their heads away.

Lin Yaoyang was not too surprised by this result. After all, everyone has their own concerns, so they can't be forced. Lin Yaoyang hesitated for a while, and he still wanted to find the elders to help him prove it!

Lin Yaoyang curled his lips. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a clear and crisp voice from a girl.

"Let me try it!"

Lin Yaoyang heard the female voice sound familiar, raised his eyebrows, and walked towards the direction of the voice. After seeing the real person, Lin Yaoyang was stunned, it was actually Lin Jia!

Lin Yaoyang was a little surprised that Lin Jia would come forward. Lin Yaoyang had a good impression of Lin Jia, and the relationship between the two of them was also very good on weekdays. At least Lin Yaoyang didn't have any bad feelings for her!

However, in the past few days, although the time has not been very long, there is a beautiful figure in Lin Yaoyang's mind, it is Guo Yuehong!Although the two have not been in contact for a long time, Lin Yaoyang feels that he and Guo Yuehong are quite close friends.

Unknowingly, Guo Yuehong's figure walked into Lin Yaoyang's mind, which cannot be erased no matter what.

Lin Yaoyang nodded to Lin Jia, didn't say much, just about to ask the Lin family to come forward, Lin Fang, whose face was swollen into a pig's head, couldn't help it!
Seeing Lin Jia's voice, Lin Fang's eyes lit up immediately. Lin Jia is among the younger girls of this generation of Lin family, and it is not too much to say which one is the prettiest.

As a junior of the same age, Lin Fang naturally cared about Lin Jia very much. Feeling of liking was unavoidable. The Lin family didn't know how many juniors liked Lin Jia. He would call Lin Jia in his dreams at night. There are many things for boys.

Naturally, Lin Fang couldn't escape the common customs. Seeing that Lin Jia was going to help Lin Yaoyang demonstrate, Lin Fang couldn't sit still!
With a stride, he rushed forward directly, and with his swollen mouth, he faltered and said: "Don't stop! Lin Linlin%...Cousin Lin Yaoyang, just let me come! Why bother girls! Cousin Lin Jia, just stand aside and watch me show off!"

While Lin Fang was talking, there was a wretched light in his eyes, and Lin Jia was shaking and uncomfortable, as if bugs were crawling wantonly on his body.

She only frowned, but Lin Jia couldn't say anything, she just nodded, and then quietly stood behind Lin Yaoyang, looking at Lin Fang as if she was looking at some kind of scourge.

Lin Fang's complexion froze immediately, and his eyes looking at Lin Yaoyang became unkind again.

Lin Fang roared in his heart!why!What's so good about this Lin Yaoyang!Lin Jia, you would rather stand behind him who has been crippled than have a few more words with yourself!Now he, Lin Yaoyang, has been abolished, and I am the most talented member of this generation of the Lin family!why!why!
Lin Fang looked at Lin Yaoyang with hatred in his eyes.

Lin Yaoyang naturally noticed it, and snorted coldly, this Lin Fang really felt a little better about himself, he naturally knew what Lin Fang was thinking. ,

Lin Yaoyang was too lazy to talk to him, and said to Lin Fang: "Actually, it's not that difficult to demonstrate, as long as you hold it in your hand, you will naturally see the effect!"

(End of this chapter)

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