Chapter 131
After hearing Lin Yaoyang's introduction, everyone showed puzzled expressions on their faces. What does it mean to be able to show the power of this sword when you hold it in your hand?

If it is really a real spiritual weapon, it should not be so simple.

Gradually, everyone was unaware of themselves and should continue to doubt the authenticity of what Lin Yaoyang said. They all unconsciously took what Lin Yaoyang said to be true. Just hold it in your hand.

If he is a spiritual weapon, then he is a spiritual weapon, but no one expressed doubts, but just sat there quietly waiting for things to happen.

It's not true that there are no doubts in the hearts of the people, but now everyone dare not speak up at all. Just look at how jumping and arrogant Lin Quan was just now!He looked so invincible, as if everyone had nothing to do with him.

But what about when Lin Quan meets Lin Yaoyang?As if things were about to reverse, Lin Quan couldn't do anything he wanted to do. ,

On the contrary, he kept slapping his old face shiningly, making himself lose all face. Now everyone only thinks that Lin Yaoyang is a little too weird.

When this incident was first reported, many people did not believe it. What did Lin Fang say? After Lin Yaoyang touched the sword he was waving with his hand, suddenly the sword in his hand changed instantly. It became a pile of powder and dissipated with the wind.

Whoever hears this kind of talk for the first time will not go back and believe it, and the powder is still scattered. If you say that Lin Yaoyang's strength has recovered, and slapped your sword to pieces, others are willing to believe a little bit.

But from their point of view, Lin Yaoyang, who has no power to restrain a chicken, has any ability to make a sword disappear out of thin air, let alone turn the sword into a pile of powder. .

But then, many family members were willing to believe the truth of the matter after seeing Lin Yaoyang running out of the Lin family in a panic. It seems that Lin Yaoyang really did something to the family's sword.

Back to the present, even if someone has other ideas, they are suffocated in their hearts, and they dare not show any lies on their faces. Maybe Lin Yaoyang has noticed it, and God knows what will happen to him thing.

Since there is no way to cause trouble for Lin Yaoyang, why don't you just watch quietly? If Lin Yaoyang is really pretending, then it's okay to laugh at Lin Yaoyang with others.

Lin Yaoyang held the sword in his palm, and the qi in his body was suppressed to the lowest point.

After a long time, Lin Yaoyang only felt that he was uncomfortable all over, he was holding too much breath, and the position of his dantian in his lower abdomen felt very bloated and very uncomfortable.

The sword in Lin Yaoyang's hand also looks ordinary, but the weird print on it is still very eye-catching.

However, even if Lin Yaoyang suppressed his qi to death, because of his limited strength, he would still show a little bit of qi.

Therefore, on the spiritual power weapon in Lin Yaoyang's hand, the patterns that resembled small snakes also emitted a strange green light for a while, and then they were pressed down again for a while.

After Lin Fang saw the green light, his pupils shrank immediately, and he shouted in a trembling voice in his heart: "This... this **** can't really be a spiritual weapon, that's too... ..."

Lin Fang shook his head desperately, put aside all distracting thoughts, looked at the Lin family behind Lin Yaoyang, Lin Jia didn't even look at Lin Fang at all right now,
Lin Jiazheng was putting her attention directly on Lin Yaoyang's body. Standing behind Lin Yaoyang, there was a gleam of girlish joy in her eyes, and her little face was flushed.There is a look of spring on his face.

Even a fool can tell that Lin Jia must be interested in the boy he is looking at,

Lin Fang snorted coldly, breathed a few rough breaths from his nose, glanced at Lin Yaoyang angrily and said, "Ghost knows what kind of silver-like pewter tip it is! I'm not afraid of delaying other girls.!"

Lin Yaoyang froze for a moment, didn't hear clearly, frowned and said, "Lin Fang, what are you talking about!"

Naturally, Lin Fang would not repeat it again, and sneered, but a voice suddenly came out of Lin Yaoyang's head, "He said you are a silver pewter gun head!"

The voice of the system suddenly appeared in Lin Yaoyang's mind, and Lin Yaoyang's body trembled in fright.

Lin Yaoyang said unhappily to the system: "Okay, okay! Don't let me talk about this kind of trash in the future, I'm a little blind."

Back to reality, Lin Fang walked up to Lin Yaoyang, and didn't plan to say anything to Lin Yayang, leaned forward, just stretched out his hand towards the sword in Lin Yaoyang's hand, ready to force him. .

Lin Yaoyang snorted coldly, and didn't intend to argue with this guy too much, if he really wanted to use his physical strength.

With the addition of the power of the Ant King, even if there were more than a dozen Lin Fans, they didn't know that they could handle one Lin Yaoyang.

Today is a special day, Lin Yaoyang endured his anger, but his actions showed no sense of respect.

Lifting it up, he threw it vigorously at Lin Fang's hand. With such a throw, Lin Fang was stunned. He walked up to Lin Yaoyang, and stretched out his hand to grab it directly. He wanted to see what Lin Yaoyang was looking for. What kind of supernatural power does the spiritual weapon that came have?
As a result, his hand hadn't touched the sword yet, but Lin Yaoyang's movements were a little faster than his own, and he struck back and threw it towards the sky. Lin Feng himself was two heads shorter than Lin Yaoyang.

After Lin Yaoyang threw it into the sky like this, Lin Fang had to raise his head to think about which one he saw in the sky that Lin Yaoyang recognized.

However, when the people around saw this scene, they all shook their heads secretly, guessing one by one, Lin Yaoyang estimated that [-]% of them came here to cheat and abduct, and whoever has a spiritual weapon there is not to be confessed as a treasure, not the key When fighting, there will be people taking it in their own hands and ruining it like this.

But Lin Yaoyang didn't feel the slightest bit.

(End of this chapter)

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