super decomposition system

Chapter 151 Who Am I?

Chapter 151 Who Am I?

As the Fire Mouse spoke, his eyes showed a fierce look, as if he was getting angry, he waved his little fist again, and said to Lin Yaoyang, "I will definitely go back to take revenge in the future!"

Immediately afterwards, the Fire Mouse thought of something again, looked at Lin Yaoyang with unfriendly eyes, and said to Lin Yaoyang: "Boy! How did you find me! Have you ever done anything disrespectful to me! Tell you that I am ... I am... Who am I?"

When Huoshu said this, there was a trace of confusion in his eyes again, and he couldn't even remember his identity for a while.

Lin Yaoyang looked amused at his appearance, and said to him: "Okay! It's okay! You can't even remember who you are, so don't think about it anymore! It's always a good thing to recover some memories now!"

Hearing Lin Yaoyang's words, Fire Mouse looked better, and nodded to Lin Yaoyang. Lin Yaoyang briefly talked about how he met Fire Mouse. When Fire Mouse heard Lin Yaoyang say, he actually followed Lin Yaoyang on his own initiative. when.

The little head was shaking desperately! "Impossible! Impossible! How could I take the initiative to follow such a weak boy like you? Isn't this courting death, just relying on you? Your weak strength... By the way, boy, what kind of cultivation are you. "

"First-level martial arts."

"Oh! First-level martial arts, just relying on your weak strength of first-level martial arts... Isn't it right?! First-level martial arts? Are you bluffing me? How old do you think it is? Only first-level martial arts? Don't tell me I don’t remember, but I still know the small place you stayed in, the strongest old man here is a first-level martial arts master, and you are a first-level martial arts master if you are so big?”

Lin Yaoyang nodded with a dark face. The words of this "Fire Rat" of unknown origin were really a little bit unpleasant. Lin Yaoyang was still secretly happy that he had reached the level of first-level martial arts. As a result, this After only one meeting, Huoshu was crazily questioning his own strength in martial arts.

It's really a bit of a suspicion of hitting people.Fortunately, the Huoshu still has some conscience. After thinking about it, he said to Lin Yaoyang: "Given the barrenness of your place, it is not easy for you to be able to reach the level of martial arts at your age."

Hearing this, Lin Yaoyang nodded his head decently after finishing speaking, and replied angrily: "Okay, you, are you comforting me? Thank you so much, you really blinded me for nothing." Those magic cores for you!"

After Lin Yaoyang finished speaking, he made a distressed look, and the fire mouse stared at him: "Do I still need your devil core? Since you are so distressed, I will return you a bunch!"

After finishing speaking, the Fire Rat stretched out his little paws to move towards his bosom, but now he has no clothes on his body at all, and his body is only a little bit big, so where can he hide anything in his bosom? .

Naturally, he couldn't touch anything. For the first time, Huoshu showed a embarrassed look on his face. Naturally, he immediately recalled that he was not what he was before, let alone took out a bunch of magic cores. , the strength that even a martial artist like himself does not have.

If he goes out with this beautiful appearance without Lin Yaoyang's protection, it will be difficult to even keep his freedom, and he may be caught and taken as a pet by someone.

In comparison, Lin Yaoyang treated him pretty well, and giving him the magic core didn't make him do anything.

Lin Yaoyang saw the appearance of Huoshu, and said to Huoshu a little funny, "Huh? Where are the piles of magic cores? Bring them? I don't care who you were before. Be honest with me now that you have no strength. Otherwise, the magic core will not be given to you!"

Huoshu was a little itchy when he heard the words, but there was really nothing he could do about Lin Yaoyang. If it was him before, he could stare at Lin Yaoyang to death with just one look.

But now, apart from watching Lin Yaoyang flaunting his power to him, it could only grit its teeth, but couldn't take any real action. For a moment, it lowered its head and sighed deeply: "I What evil did you do, you might as well just die."

When Lin Yaoyang saw the Fire Mouse, his will suddenly began to sink, and he was at a loss for a while. He just wanted to say something to comfort the Fire Mouse, but he hadn't started talking yet.


The big white cocoon made another muffled sound, this time the sound was countless times louder than any previous one, Lin Yaoyang's face changed, it seemed that the Wujie pig inside had finally become I'm going to be born.

Both Lin Yaoyang and Huoshu quickly shifted their sights to the big white cocoon at the same time.

Lin Yaoyang asked the Fire Rat: "Did you just hear... the cry of a pig coming out of this big cocoon? Have you seen this kind of situation before... A tiger gave birth to a pig?..."

While Lin Yaoyang was talking, he also felt that this matter was a little too unbelievable, there is no such thing as a tiger giving birth to a pig.

But the pig's cry that was still lingering in Lin Yaoyang's ears was always reminding Lin Yaoyang.

Huoshu was not surprised when he heard Lin Yaoyang suddenly ask about this, but Huoshu also had some strange expressions on his face, obviously he felt very inconceivable about this matter.

Fire Mouse shook his head at Lin Yaoyang, and said, "No, but the world is getting bigger, and strange things will always happen. Boy, where did you get this big cocoon?"

The Huoshu changed the subject, and instead of answering Lin Yaoyang's question, he asked Lin Yaoyang instead. After hearing this, Lin Yaoyang was stunned. It seems that this Huoshu is really different from the innocent-looking Huoshu before.
How long has it been since this happened, and I will definitely not forget it. The only thing that can explain it is the soul of the Fire Rat... It must have been completely changed, the naive Fire Rat has disappeared.

Stimulated by the energy of the Wujie Shenzhu, the original soul has been revived, and Lin Yaoyang was not vague, and said to the Huoshu clearly: "I stole this from the Wujie Shenhu's lair! Three came out and one was returned, one was given away, and the one returned is right in front of you.”

"Oh! Wujie Shenhu!"

Huoshu rubbed his hands, and immediately, as if he realized something again, the expression on his face suddenly became exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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