super decomposition system

Chapter 152 Chapter Remembrance

Chapter 152 Memories
"Wujieshenhu? Are you sure? Are you fucking kidding me? You told me it was stolen from Wujieshenhu's nest? Do you think it's so easy to steal egg waffles from a hen's nest?"

The Fire Rat scratched his ear hole, as if he thought he heard it wrong, and shouted at Lin Yaoyang, obviously he didn't believe what Lin Yaoyang said at all,
Lin Yaoyang didn't make too many excuses. It's a little bit shocking to say this kind of thing, and no one would believe it if it was put on anyone.

Lin Yaoyang touched his cheek, and said to Huoshu with a smirk on his face, looking at you like this, you must have been a very awesome existence in the past.

As soon as the Fire Mouse heard this, his chest straightened up, and he proudly said to Lin Yaoyang, "That's right! I think about what I... I... what I did back then. Never mind, I can't remember, but , it must be the supreme monster of the monster clan who is admired and respected wherever he goes!"

When Lin Yaoyang heard this, he was secretly startled for a while. This fire mouse had no reason to lie to himself. It seemed that what he said was true, but if this was the case, this guy's background was a little too big. what!It must be an existence at the same level as the Wujie Shenhu.

The Wujie Shenhu is an eighth-level monster, and the corresponding combat power is... Wu Sheng!

Lin Yaoyang touched the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and said to the fire mouse: "Then you are so powerful, you must have dealt with Wujie Shenhu before, even if the breath of his heir is as good as his Wujie Shenhu is different, but not too different, even if you have no strength now, you will never forget this feeling."

After hearing what Lin Yaoyang said, Fire Mouse's eyes lit up, and he said to Lin Yaoyang, "You're still a little clever!"

After saying that, Huoshu closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about something. Not long after, Huoshu opened his eyes, looking at Lin Yaoyang as if he was looking at a monster.He said to Lin Yaoyang: "How did you do it, kid? I don't believe that you just ran into Wujie Shenhu's lair to take out his heir like that. With your strength, can you find it?" The location of Wujieshenhu's lair is quite embarrassing."

Huoshu was still very clear, and soon realized that the matter could not be so simple, Lin Yaoyang definitely had external help, otherwise it would be impossible to steal his child from Wujieshenhu's nose.

Now it was replaced by Lin Yaoyang with a strange expression. After taking a breath, Lin Yaoyang said to Huoshu: "It's true! I can't find where the Wujie Shenhu's lair is. Someone really helped me, do you know Who is that person?"

As soon as the Fire Rat heard the interest, he quickly asked: "Who is it! There is such a skill."

"You! It was you who hadn't recovered and brought me there!"

Lin Yaoyang looked at Huoshu with a strange expression. After Huoshu heard it, he was also stunned, "Me? How is it possible? I'm fine and I'll take you there to do something."

Lin Yaoyang rolled his eyes and said, "How do I know. You took me there!"

The Fire Rat had no doubts about him, and began to ponder, and murmured: "Could it be... Is there any enmity between me and that Wujie Shenhu? Maybe this old thing got involved in me becoming like this, otherwise If so, why did I lose my sanity and still think about getting someone to take revenge on him, but I even found such a weak person, so it can be seen that Wujie Shenhu did something that both humans and gods hated me at that time."

Lin Yaoyang was not happy when he heard it. What is it to be such a weak person? He frowned and said, "Hey! What are you talking about? If it weren't for me, you would still be eating corpses outside with those fire rats! You Is that how you treat your savior?"

After Huoshu heard this, he also had a chill. He is a powerful monster, so it is impossible for him to eat raw food like a monster with low intelligence. That possibility, there was a gurgling sound in the fire mouse's stomach, and it wanted to retch.

However, Huoshu was still very stubborn, and said to Lin Yaoyang: "What's wrong? You are a young man! To say that you are weak is to motivate you! How do you compare with the strength of an existence like Wujie Shenhu? How does it compare to my normal strength? Hmph! It's nice to say that your strength is weak, but if I was normal, people with your strength are not worthy of talking to me!"

After all, the Fire Rat had a proud look on his face, making it look like he really wanted to beat him up.

Lin Yaoyang was in a hurry, and said to the fire mouse: "Okay! You are so capable, I will send you to the butcher Zheng next door tomorrow. I have never eaten fried rat meat. What is the taste of fried rat meat? Look at you so small. It looks so tender, the meat must be so tender! I think you are a generation of monsters! You are going to be eaten by me, Lin Yaoyang, and it is a bit exciting to think about it!"

Lin Yaoyang said viciously to Huoshu, Huoshu saw Lin Yaoyang's appearance as if he was really angry, his heart went numb for a while, he was really afraid that Lin Yaoyang would really go crazy and blow himself up and eat him. A little bit aggrieved.

If he really died like that, he could really be regarded as the most embarrassing death of the Monster Race Supreme.

How could the Fire Rat allow such a thing to happen? He quickly said to Lin Yaoyang: "It's alright, alright! Young man! I think your strength is good. When I recover my sanity, I will definitely repay you! The worst case will make you You have reached the level of a Martial Emperor peak, "

Huoshu's promise can be said to be very tempting, but Lin Yaoyang doesn't follow suit, who needs Huoshu to help him achieve it.

With the help of the system, Lin Yaoyang himself can reach that level. As long as he has enough time and Lin Yaoyang's life is big enough, Lin Yaoyang believes that he can definitely reach the level of Wujie. The kind that exists on an equal footing.

Lin Yaoyang also knew that Huoshu was giving in, and he couldn't go too far. God knows if this guy has any hidden means. Lin Yaoyang searched when he saw him, snorted at Huoshu, and said: "You have to remember you said."

It was like giving Huoshu a step to go down. Huoshu frowned when he heard it, and replied: "That's right! This demon sage is very eloquent, how could he lie to you, a junior."

(End of this chapter)

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