1555 Mist
After Lin Yaoyang disappeared into the mist, Lin Yaoyang also felt that something was wrong, why his perception ability was only limited to within one meter around him, this little perception ability is useless.

Lin Yaoyang is basically blind now.

After Lin Yaoyang knew that something was wrong, he didn't force it, and immediately started to back away in the direction he came from, but Lin Yaoyang retreated in that direction for a quarter of an hour. Lin Yaoyang found that he was still there. Did not get out of this fog.

Lin Yaoyang knew that something happened to him.

Lin Yaoyang closed his eyes, calmed down and began to feel his surroundings. At the same time, Lin Yaoyang also began to control the Zerg in the water, not only on land.

When Lin Yaoyang discovered that there were Zerg races responding to him in the water, his face immediately became overjoyed.

But before Lin Yaoyang could be happy, the Zerg in the water immediately sent an early warning message to Lin Yaoyang.

Lin Yaoyang was startled immediately, the Zerg would definitely not deceive him, so where did the danger come from?

Lin Yaoyang's current perception is limited by the fog to within a radius of one meter, and he doesn't know where the danger will come from.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yaoyang found that the water surface under his feet began to fluctuate, and Lin Yaoyang immediately started to fly towards the sky with all his strength.

However, when the water surface began to fluctuate, Lin Yaoyang also felt that the existence of the water had already come under his feet.

It's already within one meter. For someone who has the courage to attack Lin Yaoyang, what is a distance of one meter?

In an instant, Lin Yaoyang saw a black shadow jumping out from under the water, and directly opened his bloody mouth and bit towards Lin Yaoyang.

Lin Yaoyang saw it clearly now, it was actually a giant crocodile with wings growing from the back, but inside its mouth was a snake-like mouthpart.

The huge mouth bit towards Lin Yaoyang, although Lin Yaoyang was taken aback, but after Lin Yaoyang felt the strength of this guy, Lin Yaoyang sneered.

Instead of running away, he turned around and punched the giant crocodile's mouth.


Lin Yaoyang punched down, and punched the guy's mouth easily.

That giant crocodile obviously didn't expect Lin Yaoyang's attack power to be so powerful. He only planned to attack after he felt Lin Yaoyang's current strength was weak.

But when Lin Yaoyang moved his hands, it was not the case at all.

After this giant crocodile suffered from Lin Yaoyang's loss, he immediately wanted to retreat into the lake and leave here.

But since Lin Yaoyang had already been hit with a punch, how could he give him a chance to leave so easily.

Lin Yaoyang directly grabbed the sharp teeth in the giant crocodile's mouth.

The giant crocodile was directly dragged out of the lake.

The giant crocodile struggled violently in Lin Yaoyang's hands.

Lin Yaoyang felt that the blood of this giant crocodile seemed to be very corrosive, trying to erode his bone arm, but this level of damage was nothing to Lin Yaoyang's bone arm.

(End of this chapter)

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