Chapter 1556
Lin Yaoyang turned around, opened the giant crocodile's mouth with two hands, and wanted to tear the giant crocodile apart.

After the giant crocodile felt Lin Yaoyang's actions, it immediately exuded a strong uneasy expression, twisting its body, trying to break free from Lin Yaoyang's grasp.

But how terrifying Lin Yaoyang's physical strength is, how can he tear it apart easily.


Although Lin Yaoyang's body shape seemed to be quite different from this giant crocodile, the entire head of the giant crocodile was directly torn into two by Lin Yaoyang.

Blood was scattered on the surface of the lake like raindrops, and ripples appeared on the surface of the lake.

The body of the giant crocodile also fell straight towards the lake like a kite with a broken string.

The surface of the lake suddenly changed its color, and it was all stained by the color of the giant crocodile's blood.

Lin Yaoyang held a magic core emitting black light in his hand.

It was the magic core that Lin Yaoyang pulled out from the giant crocodile's head when he threw it down.

This is a martial arts monster, Lin Yaoyang shook his head, this guy is really tired, he dared to attack him.

However, Lin Yaoyang was suspended in the air, and suddenly felt something was wrong. Although Lin Yaoyang's current perception range was only limited to the area in front of him, Lin Yaoyang could still clearly feel that there were countless things in the lake under his feet. His breath became restless.

Lin Yaoyang was stunned. Could it be that this giant crocodile is not one, but a group of them.

Lin Yaoyang's thought just came out of his head, and he only heard the sound of water breaking from the lake under his feet. Now Lin Yaoyang saw a large group of giants with wings growing on their backs. The crocodile jumped out of the lake.

They all look the same as the one I killed just now.

The leader was a giant crocodile twice as big as himself, with various wounds that had healed on his body, which showed that this giant crocodile obviously did not fight with people less on weekdays.

After the giant crocodile sprang out from the lake, it flapped its wings on its back, looked at Lin Yaoyang with a fierce light in its eyes, and said, "Human, you killed my son, and today you must make a blood sacrifice." My son!"

After hearing this, Lin Yaoyang's complexion changed immediately, his luck was really a little too bad, a monster that came out randomly and killed himself was the son of the Beastmaster.

Now killing the little one and provoking the big one, Lin Yaoyang is not too scared, this Beastmaster is only the peak of martial arts.

But there is more than one giant crocodile rushing out with this giant crocodile king!

Lin Yaoyang looked around, although there was fog blocking Lin Yaoyang's vision, but Lin Yaoyang could still see a lot of giant crocodiles hovering in the air, staring at Lin Yaoyang, just waiting for their beast king to give an order to rush out Tear Lin Yaoyang into pieces.

Lin Yaoyang looked at everything around him, and his face turned cold. After entering the Hundred Heavens, everything is really not going well, everything is not going well, and there is always resistance. The place is gone.

(End of this chapter)

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