super decomposition system

Chapter 1557 Ultimate Domination

Chapter 1557 Ultimate Domination
Little Shenhuang was still waiting for him to save him, Lin Yaoyang watched the giant crocodile go, if there was a fight, he wondered if those people on the island would notice something was wrong here.

In that case, it would be basically impossible for Lin Yaoyang to get the little Shenhuang out today.

The giant crocodile king seemed unable to bear the anger in his heart, and rushed forward to kill Lin Yaoyang.

Scream in the mouth, the bite of the deep sea!Waving a fan-like weapon in his hand, but clearly looking like a sharp blade, he attacked Lin Yaoyang.

Lin Yaoyang's expression changed, he held the bone spear in his hand, and directly blocked it.

"Bang bang bang!"

In just a split second, Lin Yaoyang felt that the giant crocodile king attacked him three times with the weapon in his hand, all done in a split second.

But what surprised Lin Yaoyang the most was not these, but after Lin Yaoyang was hit, a burst of strange energy came from the giant crocodile king's weapon, causing Lin Yaoyang to fall into a state of dizziness without the slightest resistance.

Lin Yaoyang couldn't move, he could only look at the giant crocodile king opposite, flapping his wings, and shouted the ultimate rule!
Lin Yaoyang only saw that the giant crocodile king flapped his wings in the air, his eyes became blood red, his body suddenly became bigger, and then a black energy appeared around his body.

To Lin Yaoyang, those things don't look like energy, but rather like a black lake turning into a bunch of small water droplets and surrounding the body of this giant crocodile king.

Lin Yaoyang's face was ugly, and the giant crocodile king rushed towards him again. Lin Yaoyang felt the energy entangled around this guy's body. of severe pain.

Moreover, Lin Yaoyang was surprised to find that his vitality was actually passing away crazily because of these black energies.

At this time, Lin Yaoyang finally broke free from this guy's dizzy state, and shouted angrily, a burst of blood sprayed out from Lin Yaoyang's body.

Lin Yaoyang was flashed by the vision behind him, tigers and leopards roared together, and Lin Yaoyang rushed towards the giant crocodile king with a spear in his hand.


There was a loud noise, like a thunderbolt exploding in the sky.

Both Lin Yaoyang and the giant crocodile flew away behind them.

The giant crocodile king's eyes shone with astonishment. He felt that he could kill Lin Yaoyang with just one blow, but he didn't expect that Lin Yaoyang's counterattack was so powerful that he repelled him.

Sure enough, this kid was able to kill his own heir, and he still had a little bit of ability.

The giant crocodile king did not show any intention of retreating, not to mention that there are so many helpers behind him, Lin Yaoyang can be said to be certain to die in his opinion, and Lin Yaoyang is just a monk of the same level as him, he is huge Although Crocodile King is still a monk at the martial arts realm, he has killed monsters that have just been promoted to the martial saint level before.

That kind of unique experience gave the giant crocodile king great confidence.

For killing Lin Yaoyang, there is absolutely absolutely no problem.I even killed a martial artist.

(End of this chapter)

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