super decomposition system

Chapter 673 Battle Mage

Chapter 673 Battle Mage
But he still didn't forget that Guo Zhengxin was a monk at the peak level of the Martial Emperor, and the gap between himself and him could not be easily made up.

Lin Yaoyang was present, followed by two phantoms of ant soldiers, holding long knives and rushing towards Guo Zhengxin, wanting to kill him in one fell swoop.

Guo Zhengxin pushed his wife away and stayed in a safe place.

He himself stood at the same spot, looking at Lin Yaoyang with hatred in his eyes, and plausible words in his mouth. Lin Yaoyang knew that if Guo Zhengxin really had a mage, he must be chanting a spell now.

After Guo Zhengxin finished chanting the incantation, Lin Yaoyang hadn't noticed before, a bracelet on Guo Zhengxin's hand began to emit light.

A burst of light began to shoot towards Lin Yaoyang. Even if Lin Yaoyang didn't meet him, he could still feel the fierce energy inside, but Lin Yaoyang was not afraid.

He waved his iron fist, but what Guo Zhengxin didn't notice was that a black hole condensed on Lin Yaoyang's fist, which was devouring everything around the black hole.

Lin Yaoyang is controlling the decomposition function of the system, although this decomposition function cannot affect the battle situation too much in actual combat, especially in this kind of high-level battle.

Otherwise, when Lin Yaoyang fights with others in the future, as long as he turns on his decomposition function, all the opponent's attacks will be nullified by Lin Yaoyang, so what else will others fight.

But although the effect is not so exaggerated, the effect is still real. The moment Lin Yaoyang touched the white light, more than half of the white light disappeared directly into Lin Yaoyang's hands in a strange way.

Just like in the center of Lin Yaoyang's fist, a vortex formed by white light suddenly appeared, and the vortex spun for a while before disappearing on Lin Yaoyang's fist.

Although he didn't completely absorb all those energies, Lin Yaoyang could easily carry the rest by himself.

Lin Yaoyang scattered the white light with a punch, but when the white light in front of Lin Yaoyang dissipated, he suddenly saw Guo Zhengxin appearing in front of Lin Yaoyang.

At this time, Guo Zhengxin raised his flaming fist and threw it at Lin's chest.

While punching, Guo Zhengxin yelled at Lin Yaoyang: "I heard that you smashed my father's heart, today you can also bury my father in the same way."

However, just when Guo Zhengxin's punch was about to hit Lin Yaoyang's chest, a familiar roar exploded in Guo Zhengxin's ear.

This time it was really close. Although Guo Zhengxin's mind exploded and he regained his composure, Guo Zhengxin still punched Lin Yaoyang with his fist. This point has never changed.

Lin Yaoyang snorted coldly, this Guo Zhengxin, as a battle mage, gave him quite a surprise, actually being able to move in front of him at such a fast speed as a mage.

And with the physical fitness of a mage, he swung such a powerful punch, if Lin Yaoyang didn't have the sonic combat skill of Lion's Roar Five Levels to interfere.

(End of this chapter)

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