super decomposition system

Chapter 674 Don't go away

Chapter 674 Don't go away

If he received Guo Zhengxin's punch solidly, Lin Yaoyang had no bottom in his heart. Even if Lin Yaoyang believed that his physical defense ability was very strong, Lin Yaoyang was still not sure in his heart that he could resist this punch.

Not to mention that he would die, but he would definitely suffer a lot of damage, because Lin Yaoyang was a little startled by the breath coming from that punch.

At that moment, the one next to Guo Zhengxin's head that could fight turned into the word "dangerous" in red.

It can be seen that the system's evaluation of Guo Zhengxin's combat power has increased a lot, but all of Guo Zhengxin's calculations were disrupted by Lin Yaoyang's roar.

Guo Zhengxin was still thinking about his next set of combined punches like this.

However, Guo Zhengxin's punch did not hit Lin Yaoyang as he imagined, and even pierced Lin Yaoyang's body directly.

Guo Zhengxin felt a pain in his wrist, as if he was directly grabbed by a strong force.

Guo Zhengxin's heart sank at that time, and he immediately wanted to withdraw his hand, and at the same time, the other hand also smashed towards Lin Yaoyang's face, but don't forget.Lin Yaoyang also had the help of two ant soldiers, phantoms, who were also at the Martial Emperor level.

Although these two ant soldiers could not defeat Guo Zhengxin on the opposite side one-on-one, it was very difficult even to make a few moves against Guo Zhengxin's hands.

However, at this time, Guo Zhengxin was completely controlled by Lin Yaoyang.

Guo Zhengxin only saw two black shadows above his head holding a long knife that didn't fit his body shape, and they cut off according to his sky cap.

If this blow hits the target, Guo Zhengxin doesn't think he can survive, and he is afraid that he will be directly reduced to two or three stages.

Guo Zhengxin raised his head and looked at the two rapidly falling phantoms in the sky, his eyes were full of emotionless murderousness, and his scalp was numb.

He wanted to get out of Lin Yaoyang's control, but his hand was caught by Lin Yaoyang, and he couldn't pull it out at all.

That punch was thrown out hastily and hit Lin Yaoyang's head. Lin Yaoyang snorted, but his body didn't shake at all, and he actually chose to endure the punch.

At this time, Guo Zhengxin was finally able to clearly see how Lin Yaoyang grabbed him.

Guo Zhengxin only saw Lin Yaoyang on the opposite side. On the arm that was wrapped in black light, it seemed to be composed of black light. There were several sticking out, with distinct joints, section by section, which looked like spider legs.

Those spider-leg-like things, coordinated with Lin Yaoyang's palm, were holding Guo Zhengxin tightly, preventing him from escaping.

At this time, Guo Zhengxin and Lin Yaoyang were standing very close to each other, and their eyes met. Guo Zhengxin clearly saw the playful light in Lin Yaoyang's eyes.

"Aren't you going to drag me to be buried with your father? It seems that it failed. It seems that you are the one who is going to die here today."

In Guo Zhengxin's eyes, for the first time, there was a gleam of fear. Looking at Lin Yaoyang, the black figure was like a demon god, invincible.

Guo Zheng was impatient, and the two black figures on top of his head had already arrived in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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