super decomposition system

Chapter 802 The Hidden Depth

Chapter 802 The Hidden Depth
Although Tian Ximen also announced to the outside world that their losses were quite heavy, but seeing how happy they are collecting money, it doesn't look like they have suffered heavy losses.

The representatives of several sects began to look bad. Now they strongly feel that the previous incident must have been colluded by Tian Ximen and Lin Yaoyang to harm them.

And it seems that they have been successful so far. These sects have spent a lot of money to buy Lin Yaoyang's first-hand position.

And now not only was the money spent, but no one was caught, their own disciples in their sect fell into the hands of Big Devil Lin.

"The Tianxi Gate is really well hidden today. If it weren't for the big devil Lin, there is really no way to know that the Tianxi Gate has come together with this devil's tradition."

At this time, the master of Tianxi Gate had also appeared outside the mountain gate, standing in Lin Yaoyang's original position, and began to feel the direction of Lin Yaoyang's disappearance.

But it didn't take long, the sect master stopped his movements, Lin Yaoyang disappeared completely in this world as if he had evaporated from the world.

The head of Tianxi Sect looked at the group of people not far away, and frowned slightly. He didn't know that each sect sent people to search for Lin Yaoyang's trace.

But the master of Tianxi Sect has already earned a lot of money from Lin Yaoyang.

Decided not to take this troubled water again, so I didn't send anyone to get involved with them.

At this moment, these people saw the head of Tianxi Gate appear, and he was still standing at Lin Yaoyang's original place.

Immediately, someone looked at the head of the Tianxi Sect with a strange look and said, "Hehe, the head of the door is really fast. This big devil Lin has just left. Have you come out to help him collect the stolen money?"

The head of Tianxi Sect frowned slightly when he heard the man's strange tone, and he didn't understand why this man spoke to him like this.

Faintly, the head of the Tianxi Sect had a bad feeling in his heart. Did the big devil Lin say something nonsense in front of these people just now?

This day, the master of Ximen looked at them and said, "Why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

Those people sneered when they heard the words.

Another person said: "Don't pretend, we have to go back and report to the door owner. Don't look like you received the stolen money today, go back and wait for an answer!"

The head of the Tianxi Sect was even more confused at this time, and at the same time he was certain in his heart that the big devil Lin must have said some nonsense words to smear their Tianxi Sect in front of these people.

Although he is already a strong man at the level of a martial saint, he is still a little nervous like a child who has done bad things and was discovered by others. Could it be that the big devil Lin knows about their Tianximen Is there news of the sale of his position?

There is no reason, this business is only done with these few big sects, there is no reason to leak it.

But before he asked a few more questions about why the people on the opposite side acted like this, all these people quickly left here without looking back.

Before leaving, those people all looked at the master of Tianxi Sect with a hint of disdain on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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