super decomposition system

Chapter 803 Let's Play Cover

Chapter 803 Let's Play Cover
The master of Tianximen returned to the mountain gate of Tianximen with all the puzzles in his mind.

It wasn't until the next day when the disciples of the Zongmen ran up to him in a panic to report to him that he didn't know what happened.

Now it is very hot in the outside city that the Tianximen and the Great Devil Lin colluded to deceive the various sects, and now the Great Devil Lin wants to sell the disciples of those sects in his hands as items.

Let Tianximen collect the stolen money by name!

After the head of Tianximen heard this, his complexion turned dark immediately. They can't bear this blame. Now the reputation of the big devil Lin in the city is really too stinky. We are in a situation where everyone gets it and kills it.

Even swearing, you are the same thing as that big devil Lin.

Now their Tianxi Sect has been pushed to the forefront, and it has become a sect colluding with the big devil Lin. This is a serious blow to their Tianxi Sect's reputation.

Now the head of the Tianxi Sect wants to find Lin Yaoyang and tear his mouth open, you bastard, what the hell are you talking about outside!

Now the head of the Tianxi Sect understands how painful it is for Lin Yaoyang to be slandered as the Great Devil Lin by others.

But he, Lin Yaoyang, is a real bastard. Our Tianximen just sold his position and did nothing else!
The head of Tianxi Sect knew that this was Lin Yaoyang's means of revenge, he was deliberately pouring dirty water on them.If you don't go out to explain it now, if you let more people believe it, then the explanation will not be clear.

He is quite clear about the meaning of the words that words are awesome.

The head of the Tianxi Sect quickly sent someone out to clarify. The person who was selected by the head to clarify, when he was selected, his face turned bad.

If he goes out, maybe he will be despised by others, but he can't fight back yet, he can only obediently give others his smiling face, and tell others facts that others don't believe.

"Here, our Tianximen solemnly announce that Tianximen has nothing to do with Lin Yaoyang. This move by Big Devil Lin is completely revenge. He selflessly offered the position of Big Devil Lin before taking revenge on Tianximen. The words that Big Devil Lin said are nonsense and unbelievable for the monks who are going to hunt them down. Believe in justice and feel free!"

The guy who was kicked out by Tianximen was explaining to others in the city.

But no one believed it at all. Good things don't go out and bad things spread thousands of miles. No one believed Tian Ximen's explanation. They all thought that Tian Ximen and Lin Yaoyang colluded to defraud them of their money.

Now Lin Yaoyang has decided to close the net. Fortunately, these people have not directly attacked. If he directly beats up this person from Tianximen, he really has no place to reason.

After someone heard his words, he sneered and said: "If the big devil Lin is not with you, why don't you Tianximen continue to selflessly dedicate the position of the big devil Lin now? I see you It's just a cover for Big Devil Lin!"

(End of this chapter)

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