super decomposition system

Chapter 835 Kindness Is My Greatest Sin

Chapter 835 Kindness Is My Greatest Sin
Lin Yaoyang's mind went cold, and the system gave him help at a critical moment.

Lin Yaoyang's mouth was already slightly opened, and his eyes seemed to be in a state of confusion, but immediately Lin Yaoyang's eyes were filled with divine light again.

He looked at the woman sharply, as if he hadn't been affected at all.

However, in just an instant, Lin Yaoyang's face changed into a smiling face, and he gently raised his palm.

Picking the woman's chin with his finger, looking into the woman's eyes, Lin Yaoyang stuck out his tongue and licked his lips,
"Is everything okay?~"

There was a playful smile on the corner of Lin Yaoyang's mouth. Seeing that his move was unsuccessful, the woman's eyes shone in shock.

At this time, Lin Yaoyang picked up his chin, his whole body was like a frightened deer, he jumped back and moved away from Lin Yaoyang.

A small face of the whole person also turned red,

Lin Yaoyang looked at this woman, and there was a smile on his face, but Lin Yaoyang couldn't laugh immediately.

Sensing Lin Yaoyang's expression, the woman walked behind her, her complexion immediately turned pale.

At this time, the Wuji-level cultivator took the lead and was in mid-air. He looked at the woman with a cold expression and said, "It should be enough to play after running away for so long. You should thank me for allowing you to live for so long, otherwise you would have been killed before." He should have died, but now everything is over. Did you recruit this person to help? You should die too."

This Wu Ji said the last sentence to Lin Yaoyang, he didn't even look at Lin Yaoyang, as if Lin Yaoyang was just an insignificant bug, he didn't need to care about it at all.

The corners of Lin Yaoyang's mouth twitched. Is this guy so arrogant that he didn't even feel his own strength?

But when that Wu Ji shot at the woman in front of him, Lin Yaoyang frowned, then shook his head and murmured: "Oh, kindness is my biggest sin."

I just don't know what kind of reaction it would be if He Qingyuan and the others in the storage space heard this sentence.

At this time, when the woman saw Wu Ji in front of her raising her hands high, her face turned pale.

At the same time, my heart sank, knowing that I was completely right this time.

In such a close situation, he was in a state of nowhere to escape. He himself was only at the level of Wu Zong. He was able to escape for so long before, relying entirely on the various things on him. Magic weapon to delay time.

But no matter how long he can delay.In the end, they could all be found by this Wu Ji.

The longest time he even got rid of this Wu Ji was a full hour.

But when he rested and regained his strength, this Wu Ji still chased after him with a group of people.

It can be seen that it is a little too easy for a strong man of this level to lock down a low-level monk like him.It is simply a state of no escape.

The woman closed her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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