super decomposition system

Chapter 836 Surprised

Chapter 836 Surprised
As if he had given up, he was ready to wait for the end of his life.

But when he closed his eyes, he still felt that his eyes had become a little darker.

The woman froze for a moment, then opened her eyes.

Then the woman opened her small mouth uncontrollably, and he saw that Lin Yaoyang was appearing in front of him at this moment, her whole body was wrapped in black and blue aura.

Although he was still standing on the ground, the sky at this moment was filled with thousands of black spears, quietly floating in the air.

Without exception, those spears were all aimed at that martial-level cultivator at the tip.

That Wuji punched the woman, but Lin Yaoyang's figure suddenly appeared in front of him. This Wuji-level monk is also quite powerful, and he faintly felt that something might be wrong.

But his martial arts level cultivation base gave him unparalleled self-confidence, he is a martial arts level monk, can't he deal with such a brat?

This Wu Ji punch was still thrown out straight, but this time the target was changed.

Lin Yaoyang had a slight smile on his face, and the black spears in the sky remained motionless.

Lin Yaoyang's figure flashed and disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was in front of that martial-level strong man, and his two fists struck together.

There was an explosion sound.

But the sound hadn't been completely extinguished, and another sound exploded along with it.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

A total of eight sounds, the sound was as loud as thunder in the daytime, one after another, the ground raised up dust all over the sky, when the dust dissipated, Lin Yaoyang reappeared in front of the woman, his face full of tears. Still with that faint smile on his face.

The Wuji-level cultivator was holding his fists, with an incredible expression on his face.

Looking at Lin Yaoyang, he couldn't help saying: "How is it possible? How old are you? Emperor Wu? Are you kidding me?"

This Wu Ji uttered three interrogative sentences in succession. At the same time, this Wu Ji was covering his hand, and traces of blood flowed slowly between his fingers.

Lin Yaoyang looked at this martial-level cultivator, with a slight expression on his face, and said, "What? Can't I be the Martial Emperor?"

The woman standing in Lin Yaoyang's face was completely shocked. The man standing in front of him is actually a monk at the Martial Emperor level?

How old does this guy look like?It seems to be a little smaller than yourself?But he is already a monk at the Martial Emperor level?How exactly is this cultivated?

The martial-level monk standing in front of Lin Yaoyang looked at Lin Yaoyang's cold eyes, and didn't say a word for a long time.

After a while, that Wu Ji looked at the woman beside Lin Yaoyang, and said, "Unexpectedly, you still have such a hand, but no matter what, he is just a Martial Emperor, maybe he can still kill me!" What's the matter, besides, I'm not the only one here."

At this time, five figures appeared behind Wu Ji, who were the monks of the Martial Emperor who came here at once.

But just when those few people hadn't reached the back of this Wuji-level monk.

(End of this chapter)

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