Chapter 16 Comments (2)
Now traveling around the world is the main force that can stimulate creation.Especially in China, on days like this, when those eyes see something, the tongue immediately wants to speak urgently, and even sings and weeps!If the creative world is still a bit sluggish and lonely—little efforts are made, attempts are rare—it may be for other reasons.We asked: what encourages the activity of the creative world?Can publications relieve this depression?People who have worked hard at the birth of publications must know that publications often die due to other complicated reasons.It is often a very fragile child... such a pen with creative impulses, and arms dedicated to publications, why not join together at this moment, and once again cooperate to force a new sprout in the creative world!Regardless of whether it can become fields, forests, or rivers and mountains in the future, every bud is a bud.Crispy?Only because it is crisp and tender, all of us should cherish it even more.

This era is unique to us, and as a result, we only have emotions but no art to express these emotions. Seeing future generations laugh at us as dumb in the dark age, without art, without articles, and even doubt whether we have emotions!
Looking back and seeing the mantle of grandeur handed down by our ancestors, how can we not feel ashamed!Talking about the chaos in the world, what kind of life did old man Du live!Xin Jiaxuan's indignation that day should make us sympathize!Why bother to sue, I can't finish it.Don't we now have all kinds of characters in our age, comedies and tragedies as life problems?Have we no beauty, no elegance, no ugliness, no panic, no emotion, no hope?Couldn't we even describe these natural disasters and wars, and wouldn't we sing indignantly and burst out a stream of boiling blood after suffering so many piercing humiliations?
Are we really numb?Is it true that the language of our time is too poor to convey the meaning?Is it true that our age has no knowledge and no articles?Friends, try hard to push out a living sprout, remembering that this era is ours.

published in
September 1933, 9 "Ta Kung Pao Literary Supplement" No. 23

what's going on
What is it about writing poetry?

Writing poetry, or it can be said, is to grasp a flashing power, while following the ups and downs of the subconscious, to explore the emotions that linger in one's heart and focus on them-joy, sorrow, sorrow, love, deep, shallow, or deep. Lingering, or passionate, and on the other hand, follow the intuition, understanding, taste, and the images touched by the senses in front of the eyes or in the memory-color, shape, sound, movement, or meticulous, or kind, or majestic, or weird On the other hand, it pursues rational exploration, analysis, and understanding of these different natures, different weights, and indeterminate emotional images that are fused with each other, intertwined and instigated; , to express the inner image, emotion, and understanding of the waves of adaptation or contradiction at the same time or at different times.

Poetry writing, or it can be said that it is one's own emotional, subjective, experience and understanding; and rational objective perception and discrimination, to a certain extent at the same time, full of excitement, regardless of the object and host. Function, due to the instinctive impulse, with a natural interest and dexterity, control a series of words with sounds, pictures, and emotions to express the intimate connection between the inner and the outer world, and the resulting understanding or realm.

Writing poetry, or it can be said that if you don't know why, deft, sincere, when interpreting to an ideal sympathizer, when the emotion flowing in your heart passes through complex images, it is pryed by reason and by intuition and consciousness. Divide and remember the character record!On the one hand, it seems to be an infiltration management—at least it is a sincere tribute; on the other hand, it seems to be borrowed from the usual inadvertent preparations, and the skill of "writing with a god" came by chance; loyal to emotion, loyal to imagery, and even more loyal to the string of moments The perception of the overall flashing in the heart.

Poetry writing, or it can be said that after some subconscious brewing, it comes suddenly, and realizes such a coincidental moment in life; coincidentally, supernatural, uncontrollable, flowing with a thick or deep emotion , agglomerating the complex and evolving emotions, or condensing into a simple and outstanding artistic conception, and instinctively forcing you to portray a suitable expression.This expression is positive, like weeping and sighing or singing and cheering, dancing performance; negative, like wanting to be alone and meditating.In other words, the combination of the two is to be innocent and unrestrained, to confess enthusiastically to invite sympathy and understanding, and at the same time to be lonely and silent, to maintain a leisurely perfection and seriousness by being solitary!
In this one tiny moment of coincidence (emphasis on that coincidence), all your intuitions, intellect, senses, emotions, memories and fantasies, independent and interactive, burst out with their unusual sharpness, tension. , strong, magnificent and deep.Between the flow of their subconsciousness—independent or interactive integration—there is a sudden and inevitable flash of insight, and taste—or so-called inspiration—or the kindness of self-gain and loss. ; or the vastness of nature to the universe; or wisdom to historical humanity.This flash of perception is either chaotic and hazy, or transparent and clear.Like the light, it can illuminate insight at the same time, and at the same time, it can figure out the various qualities of "life" that includes all the "life" that you have tasted, still tasted, and imagined to taste, and it is also active in the intricate and overlapping meanings of people and me .

This flicker of feeling and interest - the footsteps of inspiration - when it comes lightly, it is like gurgling clear water, gentle and smooth, natural washing, infiltrating the emotions of all things, reflecting the moon, dreaming and singing, the aesthetic feeling whirls a surreal feeling Weighing the weight, it can be sung into a generous and lingering long song, and it can leave three or two lines of poetry like a deep throat and a slight sigh.The joyful voice of the heart and the light heart painting are often like singing birds and falling flowers, the breeze is full of the moon, mixed with colorful emotions; the tear stains are clever and laughing, unrestrained and light, whether intentionally or unintentionally left on various words and characters.

However, if the flickering of feeling and interest is strong, it can be like a stormy sea and flying sand, from the big to the small, from the small to see its changes, the universe and life are like a puzzle.Everything is tempered by burning fire, dispersed, and reduced into a pure flame temperament, and all emotional images are lifted into the illusory, mysterious, changeable, or unabated, absolute, and eternal realm of Xuanzhe. Excellence and mystery, seem to be separated from human nature and reason.Those who experience the body are either passionate and accessible, or Zen is quiet and far away, and they will inevitably struggle with super-emotional, super-image, and even super-verbal, heart-to-heart creation.Obscurity and confusion, such as Zen verses and profound poems, inevitably rely on words that are hardly suitable for the realm of illusion, and evaluate their right to survive.

Writing poetry... God knows what writing poetry is all about, after all.When writing poetry, or "I know, God knows"; after writing, it is best to learn from Browning's self-deprecation without avoiding suspicion, and only admit "God knows", and the world's pen and ink lawsuits about writing poetry will be saved.

We only hear the poet himself say that a strange wind blows, or a clear moonlight, a surprise, a vibration of the soul, and then he starts his attempt to write poems, and is fascinated by the struggle of artistic conception, words and music, but after all What is this supernatural wind and moon, the vibration and surprise of the soul?Is it still the activities that can be traced to the inner intuition; the intricately communicated emotions and images after the subconscious; the conscious and rational thoughts; and the instinctive impulse to express?The supernatural wind and moon refer to an accidental phenomenon in the outside world, but at the same time they also mean that they are a kind of fuse for inner activities.The poet speaks without using metaphors.

We have admitted long ago that poetry cannot exist without symbolic metaphors.In poetry, emotions must be attached to images, seeking more specific expressions; images must be clear or calm, and properly set off emotions and represent meanings.If this needs to be explained, common sense, we can ask: At a time when conscious or intuitive, sensory, emotional, intellectual, all at the same time, how can one or two simple sentences represent a pile of overlapping images and Is it easy or possible to create a subtle connection between inner emotions and thoughts without losing the quality and weight of the original emotion at the same time?A metaphor or a symbol can be very simple in terms of words or things, and at the same time, it can have sounds, colors, and shapes other than literal things, arousing associations between them and other things.This method can assist the exact meaning of each sentence in many ways, and increase the stimulation and satisfaction of every aspect of sensory, emotional and rational. The reason is very obvious.

No matter what kind of poetry, it never breaks away from metaphors, or metaphors.Most of the images in the poem are not ordinary and purely objective images.The clouds, stars, mountains, rivers, plants and trees in the poems often have human feelings, and at the same time, the inner human feelings become the external images, although they are simple, simple, obvious, profound, complex and different.But although poetry cannot lack metaphors and symbols, symbols and metaphors are not poetry.

The source of poetry, as mentioned above, is the integration and exchange of intricate emotional images and concepts between the conscious and subconscious; undoubtedly, the expression of poetry must be a language that integrates images, emotions and thoughts.But this kind of language cannot be just language, it must also be an expression similar to an action, and this kind of expression cannot be just an expression, but must be a communication of understanding concepts.At the same time, it must constantly interpret emotions, describe phenomena and interpret perceptions.It is not a shape, but it has to create a shape and color; it is a sound, but at most it only needs to keep a long and short rhythm.The most important thing is to stick to a string of individual or linked meanings according to the rhythm and limited sonorous tones; it must give intuitive consciousness, emotional reason, and overall pleasure.

Because of the belief that poetry is the fulfillment of such a complex and multifaceted set of conditions, we cannot but doubt the absolute impotence of purely conscious, intellectual, or, so to speak, "technical" creations—or so-called "workers."The reason why poetry happens is not called the coming of inspiration, but the main reason is that a flash of power comes suddenly, or a "coincidence" in a magical moment, which gathers all the complicated "poetic factors" into an accidental moment. in time.Therefore, the creation or completion of poetry should also mainly lie in the supernatural, coincidental, and accidental activities that partly belong to consciousness, partly to intuition, and more partly to subconsciousness, the so-called "wonderful" that is "wonderful without words".Rational and emotional, clear and obscure are not too biased.The images are majestic and blurred, yet simple and flat, as if they are confused and do not know where they came from, but if there is an inevitable fate to be found in the erratic, understanding the mystery and complexity, it seems that there are too many things to understand.But the clutter is mottled and distinct, and emotions are interspersed and connected among them, if there is nothing, it gives the vegetation climate and enthusiasm.It is sometimes a miracle that a good poem is in the presence of a knowing reader!However, the sentimental and fluent, extravagant images, and painted emotions are artificially linked together, and if you look at it inadvertently, it may not seem like poetry.Pretending to be mysterious and profound, reversing images, and piling up poems with heavy rationale and metaphors can also be impressive.

What is it like to write poetry, only God knows best!Reader and author, reader and reader, author and author's opinion on poetry, history tells me that the tradition is to always disagree and quarrel endlessly.Because to be honest, no one still knows what it is to write a poem, except that this text expresses that kind of special intuitive activity that is reluctantly described with many abstract terms and some concrete metaphors. A very unsatisfactory answer.

published in
On August 1936, 8, the 30th special poetry issue of "Ta Kung Pao Literary Supplement"

(End of this chapter)

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