Chapter 17 Poetry (1)
That night

That night my boat rolled out of the river's heart,
The clear blue sky is supported by dense stars.

That night your hand held mine,
Confused starry night closed heavy worry.

That night you and I set a direction,
The two each recognize their own life.

To this day my ship is still floating on the sea,

The thin mast is often shaken in the wind and waves.

Till now the sun hovers only behind me,

Layers of shadows remain around me.

I still remember the day of that night,
Starlight, tears, the white riverside!

Till now I miss your plowing on the shore:

Red flowers and yellow flowers are blooming vividly.

That day I hope to reach the top floor,

Honey generally brews the nourishment of that memory.

On that day I will mount an arrow with wings,

Watching you shoot a full string in your garden.

That day you will hear birds singing,

That's what I'm waiting for your admiration.

On that day you will see the scattered shadows of flowers,

That was the border where I broke into that year!

published in
April 1931 "Poetry" No. 4

"Who loves this constant change"

Who loves this constant change, her actions?
Urge a burst of rain, wipe the sky clouds, the moon,

The starlight, the shadow of the sun, are all her tricks,

Not to mention Fengluan and Jianghai stealing a moment of peace.

Proudly, she is on that absurd mission:

Watching the flowers put stamens and trees withering, the girl becomes a mother; the river is condensed into ice and snow, and the sky and the earth are changed; the noise of the city is turned into a vast night!
Though millennia have been manipulated in her grasp,

She never forgot the slightest humbleness.

No wonder she laughed that eternity is a lie made by men,
To comfort the disappearance of love, the pain of death.

But who can understand this illusory reincarnation,
Who has boldly loved this great transformation?
published in
April 1931 "Poetry" No. 4

lotus lamp
If my heart were a lotus flower,
A stick of lighted wax sticks out of the middle,
Although Yingying only cuts the light,

I also want it to be proud of its glory.

Not afraid that it is just my personal lotus lamp,

I can't see the ups and downs of life before and after - ups and downs, it depends on the waves of the sea of ​​people, and it has become the mystery of its heart.

Just the light flashes and the flower blooms—like a light boat sailing out of the river—as if it floats with the wave of fate and waits for the gust of wind to push it far away.

counted as a passer-by in the universe,
To know the exquisite life and the easy death,
This erratic journey is just—that is, a beautiful and beautiful dream.

published in
September 1933 "New Moon" Volume 3 Issue 4

midnight bell
pinch and knock

the desolation of the street
Listen—the sound of the circle,

straight down time



like crying,
like mourning,
make this dark

mid night
that never sees the dawn


- heavy - light...

This swaying sound,

Whose idea is it
put away the rest of the anxiety

With the cold wind - one after another

Throw it to those who have not yet dreamed.

published in
September 1933 "New Moon" Volume 3 Issue 4

Year off
Where did you come from and where did you go,
This constant, constant pedestrian,
Running around, this chariot?
Red lights, green and purple,
Weaving this horror, or
lovely night?tall building shadow

In the boundless sky, it all symbolizes

what phenomenon?in this noise
Why stare at this silence again;
Could it be desolate in this bustle?year, year,
Year after year, this passes through the city

This is the end of the year, the end of the year, there are people who have worked hard, tens of millions,
Walking through the streets, it is estimated that the blood and sweat of tens of millions of people,
The solitary shadow is slanted, and it will create a scene like tonight
One year, another year of hard work, this magical and terrible splendor!

The difficulties and difficulties of counting beads on a plate.Look, there is a shadow in the heart of the street
During the day you hold your breath, at night, blood-stained flowers bloom on the lamp

You breathe, a street, a street, in the cool fog and dust of the night

Follow the light of the sun back and forth,
—progress, progress, many mouths

People and people are like water flowing, panting for the end of the year, the end of the year...

published in
February 1934, 2 "Ta Kung Pao Literary Supplement" People are water, and buildings on both sides are mountains!

You are the april day of the world
- A tribute to love

I say you are the April day in the world; the sound of laughter lights up the wind on all sides; the light spirit dances and changes in the brilliance of spring.

You are the cloud and smoke in the April morning,

The evening wind blows softly,
The stars flashed inadvertently,
Drizzle drops in front of the flowers.

That light, that Pingting, you are,
The crown of fresh flowers and flowers you wear,

You are naive, majestic,
You are the full moon every night.

You are like the light yellow after the snow melts; you are the fresh green with buds; tender and joyful,

The water is floating with the white lotus in your dream and expectation.

You are a tree with flowers blooming,

It was Yan whispering between the beams,
——You are love, warmth, hope,
You are the April day of the world!

published in
May 1934 "Xuewen" Volume 5 Issue 1


The New Year is waiting outside the window, with a sliver of incense, half of the red flowers have just been released on the branches.

My heart is spinning, and the few words you have said are circling like white doves.

I have never forgotten, and I can never forget that the sky was clear and blue, and the sun was a little warm, shining obliquely on the tops of every tree, like a phoenix.

It was you who were laughing, looking up, how many brave words you said that day, you and I said it all, - like a kite to the blue sky, with a ray of strength.

published in
May 1934 "Xuewen" Volume 6 Issue 1

There is no light in the street, no lights,
There is one hanging in a corner of the porch; he and she tell the fate of their family
Vague, all to this bleak.

There is no light in the street, no lights,
On the shop window, there is half a light on the oblique corner.

Family-sized, modest heads,
Side by side, sleeping soundly on the kang.

There is a snowy night outside; there is mud; there is rice in the casserole that is not enough for tomorrow; the hut, keep the twilight quietly,
There is a lack of everything that is needed in life.

What is lacking is a pair of dry firewood and a glass of water; wheat flour...

For this food and drink, there is no faith, - life is already, fixed, relying on strength alone,

On the shoulders and arms, to support the guts of that life.

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow...

Everything is limited, who can say hope, - even in dreams, in dreams, flashing,

Is it still this lonely light?

There's a lamp on the street corner, a little light,

Hanging on the shop porch; shining on the window sill; he and she, the fate of their family
I understand, leave everything to this miserably.

published in
September 1934, 9 "Ta Kung Pao Literature and Art Supplement"

deep smile
Who is smiling so sweetly and deeply,
Round like that?a string of pearls

Size shines and bursts with innocence!
Floating at the bottom of the clear spring, flooding to the surface of the water,



Who has a good smile and a flower blooms?
So light, it won't startle anyone.

The fine fragrance unintentionally, with the wind passing by,

Brushing on the short wall, Sisi hangs nostalgia in front of the setting sun.

Who laughed so that the hundred-story tower towered,
Let unknown birds hover?
Who laughs into the rotation of these thousands of wind chimes,
From the eaves of each layer of glazed
shake up

published in
September 1936, 1 "Ta Kung Pao Literature and Art Supplement"

hang weide

Wade, is that so?

You feel tired and a little impatient,

You left for no other reason, which way?

Wei De, you are really smart; let the flowers bloom early
Those fresh flowers, just choose such a spring morning,
wave your sleeves
Facing the haze of dawn

go, softly, softly
Turning away from us.

It doesn't stop like a spring breeze!

Blowing like a spring breeze,

you stay
forever that one

youthful confidence; youthful smile

Sprinkled on other people's new branches.

we are proud
you are so proud
But you, Wei De, are not alone

our piece

Cowardly grief?
Gloom is the world
beauty doesn't come often
you know.

If there is singing, it is only in

A few lip twirls!

layers of dust,
Sadness is various arrangements,
Even if I can't afford to go crazy, I can't afford to go crazy,
This far and near is boundless, impatient and patient,

In the fog, a rainbow bridge is torn down in the middle; who will see the flowers blooming!Willing to hear the cuckoo sing,

Believe that the bright moon will shine forever,
You are gone, the cold light can be faintly reflected in the bottom of the water
You're gone too, that half of the chain

I'm gone, I'll take it with me to my longing
Those sons and daughters, your poet's hope!

those loud,
Tomorrow and tomorrow, after that, Wade will be like that

You feel tired in the lonely ordinary, the melancholy of the world
Who will support it?You don't care; a star is ideal, is it a smile on the lotus leaf?
From now on, hang in the sky?The poet's footsteps like floating smoke.

Wei De, you are such a poet, which road do you only believe in?

You are so young, as if

published in
June 1935 "Literature Monthly" Volume 6 Issue 7

The sky is just dawning, the bell is just ringing...

You said you were tired, kind of
don't throw it away

don't throw it away

This past passion,
Now like water,

At the bottom of the cold mountain spring,
In the dark night in the pine forest,

faint as a sigh,

You still have to keep the truth!

The same is the moonlight,

The same is the lights across the mountain,

sky full of stars,

only make people invisible,
hangs like a dream,
You ask the night to go back
That sentence - you still have to believe
stay in the valley
There is that echo!

published in
September 1936, 3 "Ta Kung Pao Literature and Art Supplement"

when can we have again
That piece of stillness; Rong Rong stands in the spring breeze,

Facing the mountain, facing the small river?
when will it be like that

Full of hope; draped in fresh green, whispering poetic thoughts,
Climb the tower, and listen to the bell?
When, and when, the heart can really understand
The distance of this time; the age of mountains and rivers; the silence of yesterday, the sound of bells
yesterday's person
How to draw another shadow in today!

published in
September 1936, 3 "Ta Kung Pao Literature and Art Supplement"

Inscribed Bodhi Leaf
Recognize this transparent body,
The leaves of wisdom fall in the world?
Depressed, merciful—a cold flash of the day,
A leaf fell silently to the ground,

only proves that wisdom is lonely
The lonely will eventually die before the wind!
yesterday and yesterday, beauty

Still can't escape the majesty of time; believe that here sleeps the most beautiful

Skeleton, a trace of the soul as a souvenir by the moon,
The shade under the Bodhi tree was last year!

published in
September 1936, 5 "Ta Kung Pao Literature and Art Supplement"

Mount Tai at dusk

remember that day
The heart is the same as a long river,
let the evening come,
The moon hangs on the chest.

Like this Qingdai Mountain,


The heart is the barrier side of loneliness;

Don't forget the sunset,
Reckless, but listen to the wind blowing under your feet,
It's Night - Published in

September 1936, 7 "Ta Kung Pao Literature and Art Supplement"

sorrow in august

White ducks swim in the yellow pond,

The sorghum stalks are so green that they are just over the head,

How does this beating heart fit,

A narrow road in the field, this sorrow in August?

The sky was washed by the rain last night, the hills

Leave another shadow in the sun;

The sheep follow their herders into the village,
The well is covered under the shade of a big tree, and it looks like a heart!

No one ever said anything about August,

Summer has passed, and it is not autumn yet.

But I look at the ridges of the fields, the melons on the earthen walls,

I still don't understand how life is connected with dreams.

published in
September 1936, 9 "Ta Kung Pao Literature and Art Supplement"

over willow

Repeatedly knocking and asking the same heart,
Pieces of rosy clouds have been burned to ashes,
From one end of the street to the other,

It is also the same dusk that rushes into the dust.

Melancholy overwhelms all freshness,

It's strange that I can still see it on the street at this moment,

Gwangyeon's entanglement emerges from the chaos,

A willow tree hangs in front of the dead building!
published in
September 1936, 11 "Ta Kung Pao Literature and Art Supplement"


My heart is now as flat as a desert,

Thought like an Arab alone;
Looking up to the sky alone

The strange rays of the setting sun far away,
Quiet, turn your ears to listen again

A string of camel bells in the distance.

In this white surrounding,

(End of this chapter)

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