Chapter 19 Script (1)
Mei Zhen and Them (a play in four acts)
Meirui is satisfactory, and snowflakes bloom in the cold.

Remotely pity the water and wind at night, pieces of Tingsha.

——Huang Shanshan's "Title of Plum"

(first act)
Appearance characters: in order of appearance
Li Qiong's old lady in her 40s (widowed)

Li Wenqi's Fourth Miss Li Qiongnv

Mei Zhen Li's girl
promoted servant
Tang Yuanlan, an older international student who came back from abroad
Missy (born by Li's ex-wife, not Li Qiong's daughter) Li Wenjuan
Zhang Aizhu Wenjuan's girlfriend
Huang Zhongwei Studying Historiography A Youth Who Likes Painting
Location: The study shared by the third and fourth misses
Time: During the recent winter vacation
These three more delicate wing rooms have been used by the mothers as study rooms for the girls. (One of the three girls has graduated from college, and the other two are still in the second grade.) Although all the utensils in this room are old ones from the study at home, they will be arranged for the children on the spot. But I don't know where on the desk, on the bookshelf, on the chair, on the couch, or even on the floor, all clearly reveal the atmosphere of the young girls' dormitory.Now there are only mother and Wen Qi in the room, (Wen Qi is usually called the "fourth child", the third sister Wen Xia and eldest sister Wen Juan are not at home) mother (Li Qiong) obviously does not belong to this room!She is so elegant and tidy, sitting upright on a straight-backed chair to read a letter, with a pair of dainty eyeglasses on her face in her 40s. "Fourth" Wen Qi is lying on the small sofa reading a book, that special curled up posture means that she is the real owner of this place without a doubt!She stared blankly at the book, naturally and sweetly blending with the surrounding air into a piece of youthful enjoyment.It was one afternoon during the winter vacation, and there was still some sun in the room. There was a pot of daffodils, a stove, grapefruits, oranges, half-eaten ones and whole ones.

After reading the letter, the mother stood up and looked around, her eyes resting on the "fourth" lovingly. After a while, she walked over to another low couch and checked the various woven fabrics on it.The fourth child read in a daze, turned over a few pages, and then read back, without noticing his mother's actions.

In Qiong's new year, you guys don't need to make such a mess in the house!

(He lifts up the woven fabric on the low couch and puts it down again)

Qi (raises her head from the sofa and lays down again) It belongs to the elder sister and the third sister, and I can clean it up after a while.

JOAN (smiling lovingly) That's it.Fourth brother, I come in around dinner time, and you still lie down and read a book like this!

Qi (brutally) Maybe! (still reading)

Joan (still smiling helplessly, turned back before going out) Oh, I forgot, the second brother said in his letter that he would live in Tianjin for a day and be home the morning after tomorrow. (Pause) Are you going to treat us the night after tomorrow?
Qi the day after tomorrow?Oh, by the way, the day after tomorrow, (suddenly closes the book and raises his right chest slightly) When will the second brother say it will arrive?

Joan said the morning after tomorrow.

Chi that would do--better.In fact, I said it was a treat for him, to make him happy.

Second Brother Qiong said that after half a year of work, he has become a lot more popular, and he may think you are too crazy! (Secretly proud of my favorite son)

Qi won't, I found many of his old classmates, and... also invited Cancan.

Mom remembers that he likes Cancan a little bit?

Joan, I don't know, who likes whom, who will tell mom about your affairs?

Let me tell you, what do you want for a treat, tell me earlier, even if you are unreliable as a servant, Rongsheng is unreliable. Although you are childish, you should be anxious now.

Sister Qi said she took care of it.

Sister Joan?She has never been able to take care of herself, and Tang Yuanlan has come back these few days, their affairs are really a bit... I can come if I can help.

Qi (jumps up from the sofa happily and gratefully, still sitting on the edge of the sofa and looking at Mom) Really?Mother! (coquettishly) Mom, really? (throws the book aside)
Why doesn't Joan believe it?

Qi letter, letter, mother! (Get up and throw on mother's right shoulder, half push mother to walk a few steps)
Joan (simultaneously) is still acting like a baby at such an age!
Mama Qi, (in a begging tone again) Mama...

Joan (struggled to keep balance by the fourth child) What's the matter?Say it well!

Ki, can we borrow that nice set of tablecloths of yours?
Joan (hesitating) The one with the yellow border?

The piece Qi Daddy bought for you.

Joan (playing at the old fourth face) Thank you for remembering!It's been five years since Dad, so the tablecloth is just a souvenir.Well, I'll lend it to you. (Sentimental to the fourth child) This year's father's birthday, you should buy another flower to honor your father.

Qi (naturally) Well, I’ll buy another box of candy for you, (mom’s tone) No teeth!

Joan (with a sad smile, going out and turning back) There's one more thing I want to tell you.

Don't think that Mei is really a girl, that child is very promising, smart and capable, you ask her to help you more... You know that the uncle always picks on the child, and the elder sister often tortures her and fights with her , I really can't say... I sympathize with Mei Zhen very much, but because the elder sister was not born by me, I have a lot of troubles in many places!

Mother Qi is relieved, Meizhen will never be more happy with me.

When Li Qiong got off, Wen Qi jumped back on the sofa to stretch, and stared at the book again.The small door opened slightly, and Mei Zhen who came in was about nineteen to twenty-one years old. She was plump but not thin, not tall, and she was born delicate and innocent, with lively expressions on her face, especially her pair of bright eyes. People like it.

Mei (turns up the front of the gown's gown, with a pile of peanuts inside, hurriedly) Fourth Miss!Fourth Miss!
Qi (turning the pages of a book, ignore)

Mei Li Wenqi!

Qi (turning her face) Mei Zhen!What's the fuss about?
Mei, I—— (panting) I was playing cards at Mrs. Chen's place, and I won a lot of groundnuts and a few persimmons! (Puts the persimmon on the bookshelf shaking) Qi Hao, you are playing cards again, and when the eldest lady comes back later, I will "sue" you.

Mei (playfully holding the front of her skirt and going to the sofa) You smell the smell of peanuts, you have to report, I will go back to the room and eat alone. (to go)

Qi hei, don't go, don't go, sit here and peel it for me to eat. (still have to read the book)

Mei nerds will really enjoy themselves!You have to give me a little more money to gamble, and I want to roll the "dice" later.The old aunt of the Chen family is here, and the Chinese New Year is very lively.

Qi is a bad girl, you have to learn all the bad things to be happy, who is as old-fashioned as the Chen family opposite... Mei (laughing happily) Is anyone as good as you ladies? (Pulls a small stool and sits down) Anyway, people think that there is no good girl. Didn't the old man call me bad at the dinner table yesterday?If I don't learn some bad things earlier, it will be inconvenient for others! (peeled peanuts)

Qimeizhen, your mouth is too fast, no wonder Missy doesn't like you! (still reading)
Mei (hands peanuts to Wen Qi's mouth) These two days, the eldest lady has been unhappy, but it has worn me to death!I didn't dare to make a sound, because I was afraid that the eldest lady would tell the old man again if she heard it, and make your mother difficult.

Qi (puts down the book and sits up a little) By the way, my eldest sister is really unhappy these two days!Tell me, Mei Zhen, Brother Tang Jiayuan has a weird temper, isn't he weird?I see that the eldest sister seems to be very disappointed in him (stretches out her hand and asks Mei Zhen for peanuts)...Give me two and I will peel them myself...The eldest sister is a person with the greatest vanity...(Eating peanuts, Mei Zhen bowed her head and also Peeling peanuts) Brother Yuan of the Tang family doesn't seem to care about anything... (eating peanuts again)... After all, I didn't know whether Brother Yuan and his eldest sister were engaged at that time, and the two of them are awkward for a while!I count that Brother Yuan has been abroad for six years, who knows if he has anyone!
(Pause) You know about the eldest sister, her little Yan has been making a fuss for a while, and now Xiao Lu is chasing her all the time!I am so puzzled!

Mei, I remember that the eldest lady and Mr. Tang didn't seem to be officially engaged, but it was about it. You know those methods were weird at the time... (eating peanuts) Oh, I remember, it was Mr. Tang's aunt at first —— Mrs. Aunt Liu—come to talk to the eldest lady. At that time, Mr. Tang left by himself.Aunt Liu said it was okay, she was the one to decide the matter, (playfully chewing peanuts) Later, Aunt Liu probably knew that she couldn’t make the decision, so she didn’t bring it up again, but your uncle’s temper, so he insisted This matter...Qi Now I think they are really awkward, the elder sister is not happy, Tang Jiayuan's quietness is even more confusing!

Mei, why are you worrying about other people's many things?

Qi (amusingly) I'm not worried about my eldest sister, I just feel a little awkward!

Marriage, Mei, is somehow always awkward!
Not so for Kina.

Mei (contemplative and speechless, still eating peanuts) I hope you don't feel awkward tomorrow.

Qi (stands up and goes to the stove to look at the torch and throws the peanut skins into it) You see, Zhang Aizhu, my elder sister's good friend, is not special, and she has spent the past few days wriggling around here, asking about my second brother!
Mei (still holding her skirt and standing up too) Let her inquire!Her eyes are squinted and twisted!
Qi (pointing to Mei Zhen with chopsticks) You're being naughty again! (Suddenly puts down the fire chopsticks and walks over to the small round table) Mei Zhen, I have something serious to discuss with you.

Mei Ke is amazing, what's the matter?Don't be your lifelong event, right? (Pour the peanuts from the lapel on the table)
Qi don’t make trouble, listen, (sitting on the edge of the chair and shaking her two dangling feet. Mei Zhen sits on a chair opposite and listens) The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, aren’t we a treat?Cough cough... bad? (jumps down and walks towards the desk) Have you sent out all the invitations for us?The day before yesterday I saw that there were quite a few invitations that hadn’t been sent, (flicking through the drawer in a panic) Oops, where have all the invitations gone?

Mei (casually) Didn't Missy say that I don't want to take care of it?

Qi (closes the drawer loudly) Oh no, no, you should know, Missy's words are not reliable!She said you don't want to take care of it, but she doesn't necessarily remember to take care of it herself!

(Turns through another drawer) She said...Mei (secretly amused) Come on, come on, don't worry... We girls can only think of this level, if the young lady loses her temper, we can't take other people's affairs Wrong!It was sent out the night before.Many missing addresses have also been filled in. Do you think I am qualified enough to be a secretary?
Qi (returning to the sofa with a sigh of relief) Mei Zhen, you really "can"!If I am promising tomorrow, you will be my secretary!

How can you be successful, Mei?I'll listen to you!

Qi I want to write a novel.

Mei (smiling) Maybe I'll write too!
Qi (also laughing) Maybe! (Suddenly becomes serious) But Mei Zhen, if you want to write, you need to study more and work harder now!

Mei, you are right!I want to read more books, and I don't have the mood to do things. Do you think the eldest lady promises to me?
Qi tonight... Mei tonight to watch!it is good!Can you get up in the morning?We don't have any Saturdays or Sundays!
Qi, I discussed with my mother to give you a holiday on Saturday and Sunday... May it be, when your sisters come home on Saturday and Sunday, invite four or five guests who can eat and make trouble, or no matter how busy you are. Dress up and go out, what holiday do I have?

If you want to give it to me, just give it to me on Monday, like Zhongyuan Company...Qi, well, I will speak for you tomorrow, and now I will ask you seriously... Mei, good guy.Seriously, you haven't said it for a long time?

Qi did not!You see, we have a treat the day after tomorrow, and we have nothing prepared!
Mei "our" treat?I am not so lucky!
Look at Qimei!You are good at everything, but sometimes the sourness is not good. Let me tell you, people should not be sour. If a good person is sour, it will be meaningless...I also know that you are in trouble...Mei, you just know it Oh, don't care if I'm sour and stinky!
Qi, but you can't be too courageous, you have to hope for the best, don't be discouraged.You know that acid means admitting failure on the one hand and resisting on the other hand, but resisting or not resisting... How boring do you think!
May, well, I remember your wise words of the future novelist, but you forgot that there is another kind of acid in the world, which is originally a kind of jealousy fermented, such a smell—but I won’t say it ... Qi don't say it.Looking back... Mei Hao.I won't say it, but now I'll tell you the truth, I've thought about the treat a long time ago!

Qi, I knew that you must have evil ideas... Mei, look at other people's good intentions, you are called evil ideas!In fact, I don't care about your business!Don't tell me again, what is a girl's job?

Who cares?I seriously advise you to forget about the fact that this girl is not a girl, (seeing Mei Zhen pursing her lips and sneering) You——you just treat it here as...a friend...Mei's friend?who's friend.

Qi helped...

May helped?Why help?
Qi's distant relative... a distant relative...

Come on, Mei, don't come up with a nice name for me, and you'll crush your precious little head later!A girl is a girl, there is no way to deal with this unlucky thing, and no one can do anything with good intentions, unless...unless one day I will leave and not be at your house!Stop talking, let's talk about your treat.

About Qi's treat, you made me forget all about the treat!
Look, May, your sympathy doesn't go there either, does it?Just say a few words, even if you mess with your serious business, what a delicate lady!
Qi, your mouth is like a sharp knife!

May I'm sorry, I forgot your words again.

What are you talking about?

Don't you say, Mei, why don't you be so sour if you have the courage?
Rong Shengjin, Rong Sheng is about 40 years old northern servant, although there is nothing special about his appearance, but he looks a little funny.

Fourth Miss Rong's phone call...Mr. Huang Zhongwei, what kind of painting meeting did you call? (Turns around) Where are the earphones? Where did the earphones go?

Mei ran away with headphones again!Anything that you forgot where you put it is considered to have escaped!The phone book and earphones all have such long legs? (Also gets up to look around) [Rong Sheng finds the earphones from the bookshelf by the table and hands them to Miss Fourth, and goes out by himself.

Qi (answers the phone) Hey, hey, (angrily) Rongsheng!You hang up the phone!I can't hear you here!Hello, Zhongwei?What's up?

Fourth Miss Mei, let me go out so you can make a call...Qi (pressing on the phone) Mei Zhen, Mei Zhen, don't go, it's about the treat, (waving urgently) Don't go!Hello, hello, what?Oh, oh, are you coming?I'm very busy here, you don't know!scare?I can't hear you, come on!scare?Okay, okay... [Mei laughs and returns to the table to take a piece of paper, sits on a chair with a pencil, and writes while thinking.

Qi (continuing on the phone) Okay, see you later. (unplug the phone, take the earphones to the sofa and throw them away)
Mei (looks at Miss Si) wait a minute, the earphones are gone! (Look down and write again)

Qi Where did we talk just now?

Mei talked about... Let me think about it, oh, what is sour and smelly, and then came the sweet... phone call?
Qi (laughs easily and innocently) Stop making trouble, let's talk about the treat.

Oh, Mei, why do you never get to the topic? (hands the list to Wen Qi to read) I have written a list for you, do you like it?I calculated that there are fourteen candle tables in the house, and I have thought about the tablecloths too...Qi tablecloth, (looks at the list in hand) Thankfully you thought of it too, I borrowed it a long time ago!
May, well, well, count yourself as a quick step!I asked you if you are eating enough?

Qi (happily) Enough, enough. (Looking at the list) Hey, this Black Song Cidan vase is wonderful for plum blossoms, Mei Zhen, why do you think so?

Mei, I am two years older than you, so I eat two more bowls of rice! (laughs) I think the living room needs to be moved to leave more space for you to dance. You should ask your wife to tell the master not to ask everyone to be "inappropriate". (Stands up and looks around) This room we dress up in a weird, modern, futuristic way, (laughs) like in the movies and leave it for the guests to rest, smoke, talk or "make love" - ​​okay?

Qi this bad girl!

May, I think you can ask your good friend who can draw to help, draw some modern things and hang them up, he will be happy!
Qi looking for him?Zhongwei?Ghost girl, you have a lot of ideas!I don't know that Zhongviken won't.

Why wouldn't Mei? (Laughing and going to the table to re-peel peanuts to eat)

Qi (follows her to eat peanuts, then suddenly leans over and looks up at Mei Zhen and asks)
Brother Tang Jiayuan—Tang Yuanlan and Huang—Huang Zhongwei, who do you think is better?
Mei (laughing provocatively) Fourth Miss, tell me yourself, why do you ask me?

Qi (sorry) Damn it!I must beat you! (reaches out and hits Mei's back)

Mei Zhen screamed and nearly overturned the table. The table tilted and peanuts fell all over the floor. The two chased and beat the room.

Rong Sheng frowned silently when he opened the door, but dared not laugh.

Rong, Miss Fourth, Mr. Tang is here.

Fourth Miss and Mei Zhen ignored it, and continued to chase after each other.

Rong (embarrassed, coughing) Eldest Miss, Third Miss Guan Mo didn't come back, right?

Fourth Miss and Mei Zhen still ignored it.

Rong (letting Tang Yuanlan in, hesitating) Mr. Tang, please sit down, the young lady hasn't come back yet. (back out)
Tang Yuanlan is already in his thirties, tall and thin, mature and dignified, but full of humor.

He finds Wei Wei amused by everything, but wants to frown.The sharp corners of the mouth moved a little, then stopped; always seemed to have something to say, but didn't want to say it, just smiled and pulled it down.He was a thoughtful man, but he had a good temper, so he looked a little older than his years.The clothes on his body have a bit of "celebrity style", but they are not tattered or dirty.There are books and newspapers in the pocket, and when you put your hand in it, it seems that some pieces of paper will be brought out.

Tang Yuanlan smiled and looked at Fourth Miss and Mei Zhen, who seemed to be about to talk but stopped. He took out a cigarette case from his pocket, started to smoke, and then stopped.

Qi (blushes and shakes her hair and looks at Tang) Brother Yuan, they are not at home, only me and Mei Zhen are left.

Tang (looks at Mei Zhen and turns to Wen Qi) Wen Qi, why are you playing so lively?
Qi (laughs embarrassedly with Mei Zhen. Qi points to Mei Zhen) Ask her!

Don, let me ask when your second brother will be home?

Mei Zhen leaned over to buckle the shoes because her shoes fell off, then stood up and walked towards the door embarrassingly, and turned back to be busy when she heard the words.

The second brother Qi didn't arrive until the day after tomorrow because he stopped in Tianjin for a day. (Xiang Mei) That bad girl!What are you stunned for?
Mei, you said that the second young master will not come back until the day after tomorrow?I think... I'll pour tea for Mr. Tang first.

Don't be too polite, I don't drink much tea. (frowns and sees the peanuts on the ground) Oh, where did this come from? (Bending over to pick up the peanuts on the ground, peeling them and putting them in his mouth)

Mei (with a silly smile) Look, Mr. Tang is hungry, I'll make some snacks for you! (Turns back again) Miss Si, what do you eat?
Qi casual, you give it!Oh, bring the cake you made, (seeing that Mei is about to come out and calling her back) wait, Mei Zhen, (reaching into the drawer and taking out a few dime tickets for Mei) Oh, take it away, I forgot later , you should bet again.

Mei (laughs happily and mischievously) Miss, my memory is not bad, I will fail to gamble in New Year's Eve, maybe I will hang myself, how unfair it is!

Tang (watching Mei go out) You guys are so lively!

Qimei is really naughty, she can do anything!

(End of this chapter)

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