Chapter 20 Script (2)
Tang smart people are not naughty?Wen Qi, I don't know why your family doesn't send her to school now?
I don't know much about Qi, anyway, I haven't sent her to school for a long time.When grandma was around, she used to say that mom used to her, but now the uncles and uncles and even the elder sister don't like her, saying that she has gone to school, can't get in, can't get in, don't know what it is!Didn't we go to elementary school together at that time?In a school, the eldest sister always felt that it was inappropriate...Everyone in the Tang school knew that she was...Qi naturally knew, which made everyone extremely awkward.Later, my mother sent her to another middle school, and most of them didn't go back to the second year of junior high school...Why Tang?

Qi felt that she was too offended, once she was a little bit wronged - a stimulus, (pause) don't say it, (look back) who came in after a while, it's hard to hear.

(Pause)...Brother Yuan, do you think the eldest sister has changed from before?
Tang has changed a lot... In fact, everyone has changed a lot. In the past six years, everything has been different... Everyone - very modern.

Qi, especially the eldest sister, don't look at the three sisters who are confused, but they are actually more modern, a bit pro-style, but very contradictory, she said so herself, (laughs) and mother, Brother Yuan, do you think mother is a Really modern? (Speaking urgently) Strictly speaking, the eldest sister is not modern, I mean, her thoughts... Tang (interrupting Wen Qi with a wry smile) Can I smoke a cigarette, okay? (takes out the cigarette)
Qi Of course, - you smoked!
Tang Yuanlan lit a match, and walked to the window with his cigarette in his mouth, his hands behind his back.

Qi (sitting down on the sofa as usual, bending her legs up, boredly) I——can I smoke a cigarette too?
Don (turning around and smiling) Of course—you're done!
Qi, I don't have a cigarette!

Don I'm sorry. (takes out the cigarette case from the bag in a funny way, opens it and passes it to Wen Qi, and asks her to take the cigarette herself) Qi (takes a cigarette and asks Tang to light it) Brother Yuan, do all writers know how to smoke? ?

Tang (to tease the fourth child) Of course!To really become a literary giant, you have to learn how to smoke cigars!

Qi (learns to blow smoke rings) Brother Yuan, are you a little awkward with your elder sister?You are not good with her, are you?

Tang (laughs without answering, picks up the novel on the sofa to read, surprised) Are you reading this? (satisfied) Do you like it?nice, isn't it?

Qi is great! (reaches out to take the book back) Brother Yuan, it turns out that when you were enthusiastic, at first I thought you were not enthusiastic about anything, that you didn’t love anything in the world!

Don why am I not enthusiastic?(speaking slowly) beautiful things in the world...beautiful books...beautiful people...I also know how to love!Why do you make me look like a dead man!
Qi is not, I see you talk so little, it's weird, (again hastily)
Mei Zhen and I often say you are strange!
Tang (voice is different than before, but very low) You and Mei Zhen?Mei Zhen also said I was strange?

Qi, no, no, we are just saying—I can’t understand your temper... (Extremely embarrassed, flipping through the novel and showing Tang) You read this book or you sent it to your elder sister. If your elder sister doesn’t like it, I will pick it up and read it... Sister Tang doesn't like novels, does she?I didn't plan that she would watch it, I thought maybe someone else would like to watch it!

Qi (honestly) Who? (guessing again)

Tang (silently, just smoking a cigarette and walking to the low couch, ready to sit down comfortably, suddenly touched the woolen fabric, jumped up, turned around and removed many needles and threads) Good guy, there are so many creations here!

Qi (startled, laughs, gets up and walks over) I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this is all my sisters' creations, and it was thrown here!Let me tidy it up for you. (Tang takes off the half-knit sweater from his hand and lifts it up high.) Look, it belongs to the third sister. She knits it and wears it for skating. Even though she is an ordinary person, she still has to wear the sweater. ! (Comparing to himself) Look, this color can't be considered too "bourgeois", can it? (naughty and happy)
Tang Yuanlan picked up another big red velvet thing.

Qi (grabbing it in her hand) This is my elder sister's treasure, something that is in the limelight, look, (putting a red dress on her shoulders, spinning around in the room) Let me look in the mirror... [Miss Wenjuan and Zhang Aizhu, Walk in together lively.Wenjuan is a beautiful young lady, tall and tall, very good-looking when she walks, with neat eyebrows, but for some reason, she always seems to be impatient with someone, so she is used to locking the tip of her eyebrows, making people a little afraid of her, and I don't know when I offended her, it's so sad.

Zhang Aizhu has a lot of attention in her squinted eyes, she can laugh very much, but she always laughs so unnecessarily, now she is obviously laughing lively, chattering some happy things in her voice.

Juan (silently, looking at Wen Qi coldly) What is this for?

Qi (smiling and saying indifferently) Who told you to let go of all your work and leave?Brother Yuan has no place to sit, so I came to clean up for you.

Mr. Zhu. Don’t be in a hurry, don’t blame Wenjuan, it’s all my fault... (goes to the window to brush her hair and wipe her lips)
Don (embarrassed) I just got here too. (to warm the fire)
Juan (looks coldly again) Just here? (looks at the peanuts on the ground and is slightly angry) Who made the peanuts all over the ground like this? (to the fourth child) The house is messy, why don't you ask Mei Zhen to clean it up?You spoiled her even more!
Qi (with a good-natured smile) Don't get angry, don't get angry, I'll be a girl. (To tidy up the bits and pieces) Who is angry with Juan?Not to mention you being a girl! (rings the bell) Aizhu, I'm sorry, the house is such a mess!
Zhu, you really like to be refreshing, and you want to look good. She likes to look good in everything. (Smiling to Tang) Isn't it?

Mei Zhen entered.

Miss Mei is back?
If Juan is back, she won't come back, you can also clean up this house!Do you see what this house looks like?
Mei (surreptitiously making faces with the fourth child, who covers his mouth with his smiling hands) I just came here, and when I saw Mr. Tang coming, I was in a hurry to get some snacks.

Juan, I said that cleaning up the house is cleaning up the house, don't bring it to the snacks.

Mei (pouring her lips) That's right, that's right. (stretches forward) Can you take off your coat?If you want to take it off, just give it to me, so I can hang it up, and it’s not refreshing to pile it up on the chair, isn’t it?

Juan (takes off her coat angrily and hands over) Take it, have some snacks!

Mei (walking in front of Aizhu without paying attention) Miss Zhang, take off yours too, so I can hang them up together.

Aizhu took off her coat and handed over the plum.

Mei (to the fourth child half-playfully) Fourth Miss, you are tired, let me pick it up later. (Winks with the fourth child again, then goes out with a pile of coats)
Tang (comes from the stove and rubs his hands together, laughing loudly) This girl is amazing!

Juan (angrily) How can I say this!
Don didn't say much, I just said she was amazing.

What's so funny about Juan?Originally, it was the good look that the fourth sister was used to, but when guests came, Mei Zhen still behaved like this.

Don't blame the fourth younger sister, let alone Mei Zhen. It was a bit embarrassing. In this day and age, people are still called maids, and it's embarrassing to be the master. Since you have let her go to school and get a good education since she was a child, you can't treat her like a servant. Just like a mother!
Juan (ashamed and angry) Who treats her like an old lady?Since she is a girl, even if she has entered school and studied a little, she should still do something at home, and her mother has already paid her a monthly fee.

Tang’s problem is not in doing things, she will definitely do things, the problem is how do you tell her to do things… tone, attitude, how do you tell her not to… don’t think… Zhu (to Wenjuan with a smile)
Mr. Tang has a lot of complaints from scholars... She doesn't know how embarrassing people are, you Meizhen is really annoying sometimes... Mr. Tang, you just came back from a foreign country and have a lot of ideas, all of which are too ideal. In China It just won't fit.

Juan (coldly after a long silence) Is it not good that people are enthusiastic about the oppressed in society?But I really don't know who can oppress Mei Zhen?If we don't get bullied by her, oppression is cheap, that guy... uses her status to impress many people's sympathy!Meeting Wen Xia, our warm-hearted third lady, is even more terrible... Zhu is actually a girl with a temper, and now she has reached the age - they used to say that the girl is at the age of getting married, and she is very difficult to control. It turned out to be something like that!My mom said... (chuckles)
Qi (interrupting suddenly from the side) Don't be wicked!

Juan, how strange it is for you to see, Fourth Sister is so protective of the girl!
When the door opened, Huang Zhongwei brought a large tray of refreshments in with a smile, and Mei Zhen followed behind helplessly.Huang is young, lively and mischievous, dressed in a foreign suit lined with a flowered sweater, healthy as an athlete, but with a little more fluffy hair, a pair of particularly sensitive eyes, and the active expression on his face shows that he is not completely good-tempered and in a bad mood Sometimes you can lose your temper, and you can regret it after you lose your temper.Because of this, many girls who could fall in love with him are a little afraid of him, and this also protects him from becoming a model lover.At this moment, he happily romped into the small study that he was quite familiar with.

Huang is here to bring you snacks! (looks around) Eldest Miss, Fourth Miss, Miss Zhang, Mr. Tang, how are you all? (Ask Mei Zhen with a cross-examination in his hands) Where do you put this?

Look, Mei, I don't know how to do things but I want to rush to do them! (pointing to the small round table) Oh, put it here!

Juan (frowned at Mei) Mei Zhen behaved, okay?

Mei (pushes her lips, disapprovingly) Mr. Huang is willing to take it, so what's the point of playing around?
Zhu (acting as if she hates Meizhen, turns to Huang) Zhongwei, what a coincidence you came, we are discussing the issue of improving society and liberating maidservants.

What is Huang talking about? (puts down the tea tray) What's the problem?
Zhu liberates the handmaid problem.

Mei (as if being stabbed to ask Zhang) Miss Zhang, wait a moment, such a good topic, let's discuss it after I leave, I am here, I will hinder your thinking later! (Turns around quickly)

Tang Yuanlan coughed and wanted to speak but didn't.

Huang (disturbed, exchanging frowns) Meizhen is angry.

Qi can you blame her?
Juan is angry, let her be angry.

What does it matter what I say, "the issue of liberating the maidservant", so what if the maidservant heard it?Don't we still say "liberate women"?Should we as women be angry when we hear this?

Qi (ignores Zhang) Let's eat dim sum!Zhongwei, it's all your fault, causing trouble for no reason!

I'm so sorry Huang! (looks at Missy, angrily) Who would have thought that you have such strict rules here?I see, I see, (anxiously) Mei Zhen is really... well... Qi (stops Huang's words) Don't say it, it's bad luck to be a girl!
Huang Na, don't you want her to be a girl?
Don't talk childishly, Qi—let's have some snacks!
Juan (sneeringly) You decide!
Huang (ignore the eldest lady, Xiang Wenqi) Why are you talking like a child?

Tang (adjusting his voice, in a low voice) Wen Qi means: It's not a question of letting her be a girl.The problem is: as long as Mei Zhen is in their house, even if she is not treated as a girl, she is still a girl, because in name, but in reality, she is nothing else!It's not a lady, it's not a guest, it's not a relative... Qi (looks at Yuanlan in amazement, remembering what she said to Mei) Brother Yuan, since you know so clearly, what do you think Mei Zhen can do?
What can Don do? (Pause.) Maybe there's only one way, let her go, get out of your house, forget about you, go to school, get her to do something else—you'll help her a little at most—anything, just go.

Juan is another one who knows how to make decisions—this meeting even has a solution, I think you can simply entrust Meizhen to your care, Yuan Lan, you can also ask her to set up a social service department for your newspaper.

Qi, eat some snacks, don't argue! (Pouring tea) Zhongwei, give this cup to Aizhu, and this cup to Eldest Sister.

Let's eat dim sum.

Tang (still talking to Juan calmly) She can't make decisions for you, anyway, sooner or later you still have to do that, you still have to let her go, she can't stay with you forever.

Of course Juan can't!
Brother Qi Yuan, you know that Mei Zhen thinks the same way herself, and so do I... Fourth Juan, did Mei Zhen tell you that she is leaving?
Qi didn't say she was going to leave, but she thought she should leave after talking.

Juan, I knew she had no conscience. We treated her really well. She lived and dressed like us when she was young. She was too young and didn’t do anything. She went to school later. Get paid!Yuan Lan didn't know about these situations at all.Yuan Lan, you can ask Aunt Liu, and you still ask her, when grandma was around, Mei Zhen made the old lady angry a lot, Aunt Liu knew.

Don't these are irrelevant, a person always has the ability to be a human being, the—— Pride.Who wants to do it, do it... Oh, what Aizhu said just now: "Handmaiden"!No matter how much you pay!

Zhu (picking up the unfinished sweater, standing up without speaking) Wenjuan, stop arguing, let me ask you, where is the fabric from yesterday?Go and show it to me, okay?

Juan is good, after I finish this tea, you come to my room to compare, I really want to replace it.

Zhu (smiling again with squinted eyes) Don't change it, if it's too late to do it, Xiao Lu will invite you to dance next week, right?Don't change it.

Juan, you don't know, it's just that it's not fashionable, it's not right.Xiao Lu's eyes were extremely sharp.

Huang (sitting on the sofa and reading a magazine after eating, interrupted suddenly) What is fashionable or not, how is it right, how is it not right?
Tang Yuanlan looked at Wenjuan and was speechless. Hearing Huang's words, she became interested. She put down her cup and listened. She picked up a piece of cake and went to the corner to lean on the bookshelf.

Zhu, you are an artist, don't you know?

Qi (teasing Huang softly and affectionately) Has her nose turned gray?
Tang Yuanlan walked by boredly, bent over to pick up a peanut from the ground and ate it.

Huang (seeing) This is not bad, there is food all over the ground! (Also leans over to pick up one) Why, what I picked up was just an empty shell. (bends down to pick it up again)
Qi, do you know where these peanuts come from?
Huang didn't know.

Qi (close to Huang Er) Mei really bet on it!

Juan (cleaning up the work on the chair and going away, she turns around and asks) Where did you come from?
Tang, Huang and Wenqi smiled and dared not agree.

Huang (suddenly mischievously) Someone gambled!
Juan what?
Qi (hurried) It's nothing, don't listen to him, (to Huang) Don't make me angry again.

Juan (gets up bored) Aizhu, come to my room, let me show you the material.

(to everyone) I'm sorry, we'll be back after a while, anyway, it's still early to watch the movie, and the third child hasn't come back either.

Beads (holding the woolen fabric, croaking) You see, this pattern is extremely difficult to weave, I... (comes out with Juan) [Wen Juan and Ai Zhu are on the same page.

Oh, Tang, I forgot to make an appointment to watch a movie today, but luckily I'm here!I thought the second brother came back today, and I came to find him something! (sit down and read the newspaper boredly)
Huang (bluntly) I was not invited, no, let me go! (Looking at Wen Qi) Qi don't go, don't go, we still have something to ask you, we want you to paint some new style paintings to decorate this room.

Huang (inexplicably) what?
Qi We have a treat the night after tomorrow, and we want to use this room as a lounge. Meizhen has a good idea. She said that it will be made into a futuristic atmosphere for people to smoke and talk.We need your help.

Don listened with interest, with a newspaper on his lap.

Huang (scratches his head) The night after tomorrow, good guy!
The door opened suddenly, and Li Qiong walked in.

Joan (mother's color is not as gentle as usual, and her voice is more urgent) Four, you are here, let me ask you, why are you so hard on Mei Zhen?New Year's Eve!
Qi, I don't have... Cousin Tang.

Huang (simultaneously) Aunt.

Joan has been here for a while, I'm sorry, I want to ask the fourth brother a few words.

Mama Qi, don't ask me, Mama knows my elder sister's temper, but today Zhang Aizhu deliberately made things difficult for Meizhen!It's a little too difficult for Meghan.

JOAN (sitting down and sighing) I don't know what to do!Mei Zhen is really smart, and she is getting older, and now we can't follow the old rules here, so it's better to tell her where to go now, and I don't feel at ease where to send her, and to be honest, I am a little bit reluctant.You sisters often make troubles that make people cry, so I have no idea!

It's okay Qi, don't worry Mom, I'll go and persuade her to go, okay?
Huang is right, go and persuade her, it was my fault just now.

Joan went to the Chen's house across the street in a fit of anger. I think that Mrs. Chen was a little bit hostile to her.

Qi (opens her eyes wide) Why are you so malicious, Mom?

Joan Zuo is not her opium-smoking brother!Mr. Chen is also a ghost.Come on, how do you children understand these things?Mei Zhen is such a smart person, she still doesn't understand those people's intentions.

Wasn't Tang Na Lao Chen accused of embezzlement of public funds?
Isn't Joan?But later, I found a lawyer and spent some money, and the matter was so-so, and the matter was suppressed; recently, I have been inexplicably active, and who knows what is active there.A very young young mistress, she is a very nice person, so Mei Zhen often went to visit her to play, but I always felt that it was inappropriate, so as soon as she got there, I asked someone to call her back, and I didn't tell Mei Zhen Those complicated situations (pause for a moment, Xiang Wenqi)... Fourth brother, you should go over now, so as to persuade Mei Zhen to come back!
Qi (Wang Huang) All right, I, I will go.

Huang, I will take you there.

Wen Qi took the coat from the wall, and Huang put it on for her.

Mommy, I'm leaving.Brother Yuan, see you later.

Huang (waving his hand in greeting to Tang) All right, goodbye.

Two people get off.

Tang (takes the cigarette case and hands it to Li Qiong) Does cousin smoke?

Joan (shaking her head) It's not that I'm partial, the fourth child is very kind.

Tang I know, cousin, Wen Qi is a good boy. (Looks at the cigarette and leans on the back of the opposite chair) Qiong Yuanlan, I love Juanjuan very much, but to be honest, she has a temper since she was a child.You know, she was not born to me, and sometimes it made me very embarrassed... When I was young, I said that she sometimes didn't listen to her, and it was too embarrassing to beat her, especially her grandmother had a lot of hearts, so I got used to her a little bit.Now you're back... [Tang Yuanlan stands up suddenly, lays the smoke on the side of the stove, lays down the soot, and stops when he wants to speak.

Joan (hesitatingly) Is your business coming soon?
Tang (looks up and says in embarrassment) I think our matter... Joan, I hope you can persuade Juanjuan to think of a way to make her feel satisfied with life... I know she has been a little bit tempered lately, but she admires you very much, She is very willing to listen to your words, you have to know that she always feels a little wronged by not having a mother.

Tang, I really don't know how to tell my cousin, and I don't know whether I should say that.I—I find it a little embarrassing.I didn't approve of that method at the beginning, it was all done by Aunt Liu alone.Later, I wrote many letters in foreign countries, telling them and my cousin that the previous method was too ridiculous to be considered formal, let alone restrict Juanjuan's marriage.I didn't know that Aunt Liu didn't mention it at all, but it made relatives think we were officially engaged.

Joan, I fully understand what you mean. At that time, I also suspected that it was your Aunt Liu who did it.

You also have to know that I am in a difficult position. You are my cousin, but Juanjuan is not my own. Juanjuan’s uncle is conservative. In his eyes, it seems that I should interfere even with the length of your stay in a foreign country. Not to mention others!I just knew at the time that you guys weren't officially engaged, and I couldn't tell.

(End of this chapter)

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