Reborn Night Rise

Chapter 1000 The Crashing Game

Chapter 1000 The Crashing Game

"Damn it, boss, what kind of move is this? How does it feel like a god, she can do whatever she wants?" In the team, the newcomer swallowed his saliva.

Christine smiled slightly when she heard this. Even among the mysteries, the blood elf goblin assassin is the weirdest job. It is rumored that the first goblin assassin was a girl who lived countless years. At the age of five, she had played games with countless people, and even many Titans of the Pantheon had lost things under her hands, and this was the only guy who gave the Pantheon a headache.

The last time she appeared was rumored to be chaos. When the seven demon kings of hell were alive, she played a game with the seven demon kings alone. No one knew what the game was. Anyway, the seven demon kings were sealed forever. Seven Hells, and she also disappeared after this incident. Many people said that she actually lost that game, but if she lost, why would the Seven Great Devils be sealed?This question is no longer known.

But her strength is recognized by everyone on the highest plane, and she is also a hero who avoided the disaster of war with her own efforts!

Although she has no descendants, the blood elves royal family has separated an excellent blood line to inherit her profession, established a family of blood elves and goblins, and gathered all the blood elves' mysterious professions.

This profession is even rarer than the number of Shadowtalkers. Today's Federation can play with this profession. Judging from the current information records, it seems that there is only one person, Caroline Goth! ——
"I asked a question." Caroline smiled and said, "The heads on your body seem to be from the Federation, which means that this is not the first time you have met us. So how did you get the uncle's gene?"

After the monster howled for a while, it suddenly quieted down suddenly. It lost its eyeballs, and there were two huge black holes in the huge black mud, which made people feel like one or two bottomless whirlpools.

"Actually...he's not dead!" The monster suddenly made a low voice.

As soon as these words came out, Christine in the distance felt awe-inspiring, secretly thinking that it was terrible, this monster seemed like an ignorant thing, but he didn't want to have such a delicate mind, and so accurately grasped Caroline's psychological weakness!

Don't look at this sentence as a lie that can be easily dismantled, but it is the biggest demon in Caroline's heart. The demon is a wonderful thing. It seems innocuous to outsiders, but it can make an extremely smart person lost.

If you are not her, you will never understand some of her persistence. This monster is terrible.

Sure enough, Caroline, who had regained her clarity, fell silent again. She closed her eyes, as if hesitating for something. Chris wanted to remind her, but she knew she couldn't do this.

Chris, the person who destroys the qualifications of the game, has met many times over the years, but no matter how strong he is, he has never survived, because the one who dominates the game is
"I believe it!" Caroline suddenly opened her eyes, with a flash of color in her eyes, and said with a grin: "I believe, uncle did not die at that time!"

The monster was startled suddenly, and said in a panic: "How could you!" A sneer came from the sky in surprise, and then the monster's huge eyeballs were instantly evaporated!

Whoa!The severe pain caused the monster to let out a scream. It could clearly feel that its eyes were permanently lost, and no matter how strong its resilience was, it could not be recovered. This was a kind of deprivation, a kind of eternal deprivation!

How could this world have such power?

"Okay!" Caroline said with a smile: "The roles have changed, and now it's your turn. What are you betting on, you say it yourself!"

"Heart!" The monster gritted its teeth, and there was incomparable hatred in the voice!

With the establishment of its bet, there was a strange laughter in the air, and then a huge scimitar appeared out of thin air, and a cold light flashed. The monster's body that could melt everything was still cut open by the blade The heart was taken out of the chest, and at the same time, a blood hole appeared in Caroline's chest. The fresh heart was placed in the air, and it beat very regularly.

"Do you like that person?" the monster said in a deep voice.

Karona was silent for a while, and suddenly said in a very solemn tone: "I love him!"

"Damn it, it's real or not." The older generation of players in the distance all looked gossiping, and the captain really had a bad taste.

The monster suddenly let out a stern laugh: "I believe it!"

Then, there was another strange laugh in the air, and with a touch, the monster's heart burst instantly. The monster was shocked, and a large amount of black liquid flowed out from its body, as if melting. It hoarsely said: "You cheated!"

"Don't blame the system if you lose!" Caroline said triumphantly: "No one can cheat in the game of Goblin Assassin. I don't blame you for your lack of knowledge. After all, you are just a beast with some wisdom. People who know the rules Who is it? Hehe, countless records in the federation are wrong. I also know the inside story when I arrived at the legend. It turns out that our first generation of goblin assassins is basically a demon, the first generation of demons in the seven hells: Belial, the Lord of Lies !"

Everyone was shocked at once, there is such an inside story, the hero of the blood elves is actually one of the demon lords of the chaotic hell?

"The rules she set, unless it is a god, no one can cheat in the rules, including herself!"

"Then why." The monster asked inexplicably, "Why?"

"Of course you are wrong!" Caroline smiled and said, "How could I fall in love with the uncle? I am Lace, Lace, and I like little loli the most!"

Everyone: "."

Whoa, whoa! !

The monster continued to let out a shrill roar, not sure if it was angry or threatening.

"'s my turn!" Caroline's expression suddenly became heavy: "This time... let's bet our lives!"

"No!!" The monster backed away in horror, but with the ridicule in the air, countless huge arms emerged like spider legs, holding it tightly, and a dark void appeared on the ground out of thin air. A bottomless abyss, the monster can feel that in that abyss, countless terrifying creatures are grinning at it, as long as it loses, it will be captured and eaten by those unknown creatures! !

This kind of terror that cannot be counter-terrorism made it more and more desperate, screaming and struggling constantly, but it didn't work at all!
"I'm asking you." Caroline didn't care about the other party's struggle, and asked in a cold tone, " he still alive?"

(End of this chapter)

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