Reborn Night Rise

Chapter 999 The Terrible Void Realm

Chapter 999 The Terrible Void Realm
"Help me." Although it was weird, the familiar voice once again made Christine and Caroline stiff. This voice had not been with them for long, but during that time, that powerful uncle gave them light!

"Uncle." Caroline said with a choked voice, "Is that you?"

"Come back!" Guo Xiaotong directly grabbed Caroline and prevented her from going any further. Although she didn't know what was going on in this weird swamp, it would definitely not be a good thing to step into it.

"Look clearly, he is not your uncle." Guo Xiaotong said coldly: "Look at those eyes, they are void, it should be some kind of monster that got your uncle's gene, killing intent can imitate the appearance and voice, you Look, can't you feel the malice in his eyes?"

"I..." Caroline followed Guo Xiaotong's voice, showing a trace of hesitation on her face. When she looked into the other person's eyes, she froze for a moment, and then regained a bit of clarity. The malice, this kind of expression and that look in the eyes, the real Carmen will not be revealed, such a light-like character, even in the face of the enemy, will not show such a terrifying expression.

"Caroline, save me. Save me, Caroline!"

"Look!" Caroline's original clarity was instantly lost by the voice, and she said excitedly, "It's Uncle, he recognizes me, it's really him!"

Christine, who has always been rational, was also a little confused, and murmured: "Gene...shouldn't there be such a complete memory?"

"Really?" Darkness flashed in Guo Xiaotong's eyes, and a terrifying chill suddenly enveloped the audience, causing everyone in the Odin area to tremble from the chill, including Christine and Caroline. Also includes monsters from the Black Swamp!

"It's the same kind!"

In the swamp, there was a hoarse and unpleasant sound, and all the heads showed hideous expressions. They realized that the guy in front of them was a void more terrifying than them!

"It's the same kind, the same kind!"

Such roars kept coming out of the swamp, and then the whole swamp began to squirm as if it had come to life, gathering into a ball, and finally formed a huge giant. Black viscous liquid continuously flowed out from the giant's body, and when it fell to the ground, Make a sizzling corrosion sound!
And on its body, the countless heads let out a shrill roar!

The giant roared, and had no intention of fighting, but ran desperately in the opposite direction. The speed was extremely fast, which did not match its bloated figure at all.

"Stop!" Christine was the first to react, pulling her hand out of thin air, and a dazzling golden longbow appeared in her hand out of thin air, exuding a bright light, and when it was fully drawn, it was like a new moon. With a perfect arc, it went towards the monster like four shooting stars. The bow opened like an autumn moon, and the arrow went like a shooting star!
Secret Technique: Prison of Light!
The four meteor-like arrows did not directly nail the monster, but nailed it around the monster, forming a light curtain, completely stopping the monster!
But the next moment, the light curtain suddenly turned black, and then visible to the naked eye became a puddle of black water flowing into the monster. This scene made all the blood elves stunned. Just kidding, the power of light is the most Can pure power be corrupted?

"Run?" Guo Xiaotong smiled. Until this time, her smile was exactly the same as the deity's, full of emptiness and predatory nature and slow malice!
boom!Guo Xiaotong stomped his left foot slightly, the movement range was very small, but the resulting effect was earth-shattering, the whole world jumped suddenly because of this light stomp, and then saw the monster was instantly shattered into pieces , the countless heads revealed their true appearance.

Where is this still human?Under those heads, starting from the neck, there are extremely disgusting arthropods, like centipedes, with densely packed legs and torso, which makes people feel scalp numb at first sight!

"Ah!" In the sky, the shocking roar caused the blood elves to cover their ears one after another, and then the naked eyes could see that the silt that was blown away gathered into a ball like going back in time and space.

"Oh?" Xiaotong smiled: "It's a bit resilient." Just as she was about to make another move, a cold voice suddenly sounded: "Let me do it."

Xiaotong turned around and looked, the voice was from Caroline. What surprised Xiaotong was Caroline's expression now, like a cold doll, exuding a chill that surprised her a little.

"Okay" Guo Xiaotong returned to her previous expression, smiled gently, took two steps back, and let the other party give up the home court. There was no way this monster could have won her!
At that moment, the moisture in the air suddenly disappeared completely, making people feel that breathing has a hot feeling, which is very uncomfortable, as if the lungs are about to burn!
"Wow, the captain's momentum is so strong, I feel dry mouth!" A newcomer in the team said in surprise.

Looking back, he found that his teammates, including Christine, had disappeared.

"SB, hurry up, the captain is angry!"

"Fuck me? What's going on?" Seeing everyone running for their lives, the man was a little puzzled, but seeing his teammates panicked, he still felt a little guilty and ran out.

boom! , not long after running, I heard a roaring sound behind me. Looking back, the entire mountain was completely melted at the position just now. Having already run tens of kilometers, it was startled, and even its own golden armor began to melt visibly with the naked eye. Not daring to delay any longer, he frantically ran in the direction of his teammates!

Whoa! !The black monster let out a shrill cry, but she couldn't run out, as if some force imprisoned her, no matter how hard it tried, it just couldn't get out.

At this time, Caroline was completely naked, wrapped in flames, and a scorching fireball appeared in the sky. The light of the fireball shone like the sun, almost illuminating the entire area nearby, causing great turmoil.

"Now. Let's play a game!"

"Wow, wow!!" The monster tried desperately to struggle, but no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't escape. Finally, it felt something, turned around and looked at the girl wrapped in flames, and said hoarsely, "What are you playing?"

"A game between the questioner and the deceiver!" Caroline's face was full of evil smiles: "The questioner can ask a question, and the deceiver can deceive the other party with the common sense of the question, and then the questioner will judge whether it is true or false. If the judgment is wrong If the question is correct, the questioner can lose the chip, and if the judgment is correct, the chip will be collected in turn!"


"It's a chip." Caroline grinned and said, "Of course I'm here to order, um. What are you betting on?" After thinking about it, Caroline's eyes lit up: "I don't want to bet big on the first one, let's bet on my eyes first!"

Speaking of which, she actually took off her pair of golden eyes and put them in the air, and then looked at the other party with a pair of empty eye sockets. He pressed the opponent firmly, and then closed his eyes!
"Then." Caroline said with a foolish smile, "I'm starting to ask questions!"

(End of this chapter)

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