Reborn Night Rise

Chapter 998 The Terrible Void Realm

Chapter 998 The Terrible Void Realm
"Xiaotong, oh Xiaotong" A girl in gothic-style clothing walked over with a pot of purple syrup made of something unknown, and handed it to the white-clothed person under the speechless eyes of a group of Odin District professionals. loli.

"Would you like to try something delicious?" the girl asked expectantly.

It's delicious, right?A group of people looked at the things in the crystal bowl with black lines on their faces. This beautiful fruit really fits this guy's cooking style. What the hell is that kind of purple fruit that wriggles like a bug? How dare you take it to eat
The ideal material for dark cooking ah really.

What made them even more speechless was the little loli in white, who was able to maintain that kind of calm and serene smile in the face of Lord Caroline's dark cooking from the beginning to the end.
Guo Xiaotong took a look at the bowl, and in the expectant eyes of the other party, shook a spoonful and put it in his mouth, chewed it carefully for a while, wrinkled his fat face slightly, then nodded and smiled: "It's delicious. That's it. The more coconut flour you put in, the less it will taste better."

"Enn." Caroline happily kissed Guo Xiaotong's cheek, and happily took the crystal bowl to find ingredients.

Xiaotong smiled and continued to sit there quietly and read a book.

The people around were stunned for a moment, and finally someone couldn't help but asked: "Lord Baidi, that, Lord Caroline's personality is like this, really... really hard for you."

"It's okay." Xiaotong always had that gentle tone and was very approachable, nodding and smiling, "It actually tastes good, you can try it."

"Ah, no, no, let's forget about this delicious food, you should enjoy it yourself." A group of people hurriedly shook their heads and backed away.

In the team, Christine, who was in charge of the actual command of the team, gave a helpless wry smile. As the first group of old people, although Carmen's fall has greatly damaged their strength, luckily, the luck in the Odin area is not bad. At the beginning, there were only four seed players left, and they also got the guidance of the first batch of professional veterans. Their strength has improved a lot, and many newcomers have emerged in the country. Now the Odin District is not weak in the entire Federation. After Western Europe, it belongs to the fifth powerhouse!

That rookie swordsman's aptitude is good, but he still needs to sharpen it. In the Odin area, the ones who really hold up the scene are actually Lystacia and the unreliable Caroline!
After Carmen's death, this guy has been depressed, seldom speaks, silently improved his strength, and became the first strong man who stepped into the legend after Guo Lang and his group. Although few people saw her make a move, but Secretly, some people even thought that the Nordic Northas might not be her opponent.

Some people may feel disdainful about this conjecture, but she knows that it is very possible that Jack and Caroline in the Nordic region have fought against each other, and they have not survived three moves. The disgusting bald head may have been killed by Caroline.

Nowadays, Northern Europe is nosy everywhere, like the cosmic police, but few dare to control their Odin area. The reason is that the strength of these two legendary powerhouses is not inferior to them!
But this guy really has some heart.
Christine shook her head. She can only say that she is lucky. This guy has such a good relationship with Guo Xiaotong from the Guo family. On the one hand, it is because of her thick skin. The same, seems to be able to tolerate the nonsense of his teammates.

"Ah..." Just when everyone was speechless, a shrill scream suddenly came from a distance. Everyone was startled, and the voice was somewhat familiar.

It's Caroline!

Guo Xiaotong, who was reading at the same place, disappeared in an instant. Even Christine didn't realize it, and his heart trembled: "Good posture!"

"What's going on?" Following the voice, Guo Xiaotong saw Caroline with a pale face. It's rare to see her lose her composure. Maybe others don't know her well, but Guo Xiaotong knows her better. This girl didn't act that much. Simple, the heart is actually very dark, but because of this, the other party's kindness to him is not impurity, and Xiaotong Xiaotong has such a good relationship with her.

In terms of psychological quality, she is definitely a strong person. What could scare her like this?
Guo Xiaotong looked over, and there was a black swamp in front of him, wriggling and making a gurgling sound, like magma, exuding a vomitous stench, and in the swamp, there were countless human heads floating on it, Guo Xiaotong looked carefully and couldn't stop The flying catkins that occasionally floated in the air sank instantly when they landed on it. How could the head float on it?
And these heads are very familiar!
Some people are well-known in the federation, including felons wanted by the federation, blacklisted characters, and strong national powers. Among them, she has dealt with several times. She is an epic-level strongman in Xiluo District. When talking about Nuo Lanjing's voice with herself, she met several times. She is a seedling with good potential. She has judged that there is hope for a legend in another 30 years.

But now, like those heads, floating on the swamp, revealing that creepy smile.

The scene is indeed very weird, but there are a lot of weird things in the universe, so you can't be scared like this?Guo Xiaotong frowned and looked at Caroline. The crystal bowl fell to the ground, a red ball that looked like internal organs, filled with a lot of peanut butter and purple dew.

It looked delicious, Xiaotong pursed her lips, the other party was so scared that all her food fell on the floor, wouldn't it be so?
Following Caroline's gaze, Guo Xiaotong looked over and found a very strange face, which looked like a middle-aged uncle. If it weren't for that weird smile, this uncle should be regarded as a more attractive tough guy style, but Many girls like this type, but why are they so scared? Is she an acquaintance?

Just as Guo Xiaotong was about to ask, the group of people from the Odin District rushed over behind him.

The first to rush over was naturally the Ranger of Light who is also a legendary powerhouse: Christine!

"How?" The other party was also curious at first, but after seeing everything around him, he suddenly froze, with the same expression as Caroline on his face, which made Guo Xiaotong a little puzzled.

"Kakamen?" Christine's face was pale with disbelief.

"Carmen?" Guo Xiaotong narrowed his eyes. It seemed that Caroline had mentioned that he was a very strong uncle. She had also known the boss of their team before. It seemed that he died on the Red Sun Country No. [-] for the first time in a world martial arts performance. Ace: The hand of Abe Jingxuan!
But that was decades ago, right?How would it appear here?There was a black halo in Guo Xiaotong's eyes. She was sure it was not a hallucination. The hallucination was a kind of hypnosis aimed at personal thoughts. Even if there were hallucinations in this world that could make her fall into the trap together, what she saw should not be the one she didn't. People I know, if there is Guo Lang in there, then it meets the standard of hallucinations.

In other words, it is true!
"This is really true." Guo Xiaotong said with dark eyes, "It's a dangerous place."

(End of this chapter)

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