him and her cat

Chapter 101

Chapter 101
Get into the habit of smoking and drinking.

Later, I didn't care about anything, I had no youth, no desire, habitual indifference to others, no interest or attention to anything, I just wanted to win the game.

Shujia was sensitive to his loss, leaned over quietly, and cupped his face with both hands: "What's the matter? Are you unhappy?"

Zhou Dang's head was forced to lift up, her face was deliberately squeezed in by her hands, and her lips pursed.

The bright light fell into his eyes from behind Shujia.

He stretched out his hand, wrapped his arms around her waist, buried her in her arms, and said sullenly, "No."

"No?" Shujia lowered her head to look at Zhou Dang, "It's clearly written all over my face that I'm not happy."


He stopped talking again, his thick black eyelashes drooped, and his face was expressionless.

Shujia stared at him.

Zhou Dang was a little at a loss.

Because I spend most of my time at the base, I haven't had much contact with girls, and I don't know how to communicate with them, so I have a low IQ.Most of the time I listen to GGBond and Aaron.

They are the only ones in the team who are very good at girls.

After a moment of silence, he still asked: "Do you think being with me is boring?"

One sentence was asked very slowly, with a lot of uncertainty in the tone.

Shujia was surprised when he heard that.

I looked at him and saw that he was serious.
Suppressing a smile in her heart, she replied duplicity: "It's okay now, I don't know in the future."

Zhou Dang clenched his hands calmly.

After a while, I finally couldn't help asking: "I don't know if you said before that you would always like me?"

His voice was hard and hoarse.

His facial expression was tense, like a little animal afraid of being abandoned.

"You clearly said so."

He became stubborn, grabbed her wrist, his voice lowered, "Speaking doesn't count"

Shujia was beside him looking at him with a smile on his face.

After enduring it for a while, she turned her head to one side and burst out laughing.

He finally realized that she was joking.

Shujia opened her hands, leaned over and put her arms around his neck, and whispered in his ear: "How can I not like you, I like you the most, and I will always like you from now on."

So cute, who can't help but like it.

Her hair brushed the back of his hand.

Zhou Dang had just finished taking a bath, and the warmth emanating from his skin was like the breath of a small animal.

Shujia kissed him on the cheek and muttered, "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Zhou Dang didn't answer.

She began to guess for herself.

After guessing for a long time, something suddenly came to her mind, and she blurted out: "Is it because of Aaron's girlfriend?"

Jiang Yuyu had told her a general idea before, but he didn't say it clearly.

Zhou Dang looked at the ground intently, with short hair softly resting on his forehead, neither admitting nor denying it.

He looked a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Why did Aaron break up with his girlfriend?" she asked.

He hesitated and struggled in his heart, and said, "I was dumped."

"Tricked?" Shujia was curious, "Didn't it mean first love?"

Zhou Dang said reluctantly: "Because Aaron doesn't have time to accompany her."

At this point, Shujia suddenly realized why Zhou Dang asked her such a question just now.

It is estimated that he was mocked or intimidated by Aaron in private.

She tensed for a while, couldn't hold back, laughed, looked at his upright and beautiful face and said, "Zhou Dang, you are so stupid, you are so pretty, how can I have the heart to break up with you."

(End of this chapter)

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