him and her cat

Chapter 102

Chapter 102
Shujia brushed away the black hair on Zhou Dang's forehead, and felt it with the palm of his hand.

It's still a little hot.

She touched his earlobe, squatted down, put her hands on his knees, raised her head and whispered to him, "I'll cook, you sleep first?"

She just dragged him to a nearby supermarket just to buy some fresh ingredients and cook for herself at night.

Those things are bought and stored in the refrigerator.

Zhou Dang was still wearing short sleeves, and the air conditioner was not turned on, so his bare skin felt cool.

He shook his head.

"Why, aren't you tired?"

He continued shaking his head.

Seeing his stubborn appearance, Shujia silently cursed him.

In the car just now, she looked very tired, and almost fell asleep with her face on her shoulder.

I don't know why I don't sleep anymore
She looked at someone who was silent, slowly stretched out her hand, gently held his cold fingers, and teased: "You don't want me to sleep with you, do you?"

In fact, she just said it casually, without going through her brain.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Dang was no longer silent this time, and quickly hummed.

Those eyes were dark, but slightly curved, with a small arc, cute and innocent.

After he finished talking, he was afraid that Shujia didn't hear clearly, so he quickly added: "Okay."

There was the sound of rain outside the window, beating heavily on the window.

The room was getting quieter, the curtains were drawn, and the light was dim.

He held her hand, very tired, with a low fever, and slowly fell asleep.

Shujia sat on the head of the bed, stroking the outline of his face lightly and pitifully.

His cheeks were thin and sharp, and there were heavy shadows under his eyes.

Normally, at the base, I only focus on training and competitions, face the computer every day, and don't exercise.

Meals are irregular and lack of sleep.

No wonder he is always sick and looks very listless.

I must feed Zhou Dang fatter in the future
She thought silently in her heart, and when he breathed evenly, she gently pulled out her hand.

Although in his sleep, his brows were subconsciously wrinkled.

Shujia couldn't help laughing, leaned over and pulled the quilt over his shoulders for him.

Before leaving, she stood by the bed and looked at him again.

He usually looks cold and unkind, but his personality is fierce and fierce.The sleeping face is so soft and peaceful, like a tired little animal.

And very pure.

She couldn't help but leaned over and kissed the corner of his lips.

Go to sleep.

little angel.

It was a bit cold, Shujia casually turned over a thin wool fringed shawl and put it on her body, and went to the kitchen to cook.

Walking through the living room with her slippers on, she glanced at the wall clock.

05: 30.

It's still early, so Zhou Dang can sleep more.

The pot was steaming on the fire.

Shujia took the beef under the faucet and rinsed it carefully, and prepared onions, garlic, ginger slices, and spices.

I fell in love with cooking probably when I was in junior high school.

The cousin was busy with work, and Xu Jiaying was still in elementary school at that time, and the two of them were left home hungry at every turn.So later Shujia began to learn how to cook by herself.It was the first time I saw water and rice together, steamed for a while, and it became sticky. It was amazing at that time.

Later, slowly explore more things.Noodles with wine, boiled chicken soup, pork rib soup, beef powder
Learn to do everything.

As long as you smell the hot aroma of the food, and the moment of happiness in the mouth, you simply feel happy.

The smell of food was already wafting in the kitchen.

She found a large porcelain bowl from the cupboard and put the steaming mung bean porridge in it to cool.

Just as I put the bowl on the dining table, the phone in my pocket suddenly rang.

The caller ID is an unfamiliar local number.

Shujia was puzzled for two seconds, but still picked it up: "Hello? Hello."

"Is the book good?"

A slightly familiar male voice came from over there.

Shujia was taken aback, "Yes, you are"


(End of this chapter)

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