him and her cat

Chapter 104

Chapter 104
"Is it hot?"

Shujia scooped up the freshly boiled soup, put it to his mouth and blew it twice, then took a small sip with his lips to test the temperature.

Sitting next to her, Zhou Dang took a small bite of the rice and glanced at Shujia after hearing this.

It was probably a little hot, sweat was dripping from his forehead, and there was a slight blush on his fair and delicate face.

like a child.

She thought it was cute, filled a bowl of soup, brought it to Zhou Dang, and said with a smile: "Drink some, see if the taste is mild."

Her sudden approach stunned him for a moment.

There was a few seconds of silence.

Shujia stroked his soft hair, "Don't be dazed, try the soup."

In fact, it was to spoil him. Wherever Tang needed to try, she had done it countless times.

Hearing her urging, Zhou Dang came back to his senses and let out a "huh".

He was wearing a white round-neck T-shirt, and his exposed neck was a little red.

There is an ambiguous sweetness in the air.

The mixed aroma of beef, tomato, and spices in the pot gradually permeates, and one after another bubbles are slowly spit out.The fragrant juice wraps the boiled slightly rotten beef, which is slightly reddish in color.

Shujia cooked a lot of dishes, but she wasn't very hungry, so she just watched Zhou Dang eat most of the time.

He bowed his head and ate silently, very well-behaved.

After eating for a while, there were red marks on the lips and fingertips, and there was sweat on the cheeks.

Shujia propped her chin, smiling, picked up the kettle on the side with one hand, poured some water into the transparent glass, and couldn't control the smile on her face: "You got something on your face, no, in the here."

She gestured to her face, and said, "There is still one next to the mouth."

Zhou Dang looked a little dazed, shyly stuck out the tip of his tongue, and tentatively licked it to the side.

Food color also.

Shujia didn't know why this word suddenly popped up in his mind.

She pursed her lips, finally couldn't help lowering her head and laughing, pulled out two tissues to wipe him clean herself.While wiping, she teased: "Little kitty with a painted face, is the food delicious?"

Unexpectedly, he nodded and replied seriously: "It's delicious."

Shujia smiled at him, nodded, and fed him another piece of meat: "Eat more if it tastes good."

Zhou Dang nodded, clenched the chopsticks in his hand.

"I can only cook it for me in the future."

His voice was so low that Shujia who was sitting on the other side couldn't hear him at all.

It's like talking to yourself.

In fact, there are still some things that he kept in his mouth and didn't tell her.

When we were at the base. Except for him, GGbond, Aaron, and beast, when they were bored after playing the game, they all got together to watch the female anchor.

Watching and talking about it.

One day, another girl who is so pure and innocent came to the platform, and the dancing hostess was dressed very revealingly, which one would feel very excited to hear them scream when bringing girls.
He felt bored and never joined in the fun.

When you are tired from playing games and want to relax, just go to sleep.

those women.

Singing is not good.

Play games, special dishes.

Dancing, not good looking.

Many people have asked him half-jokingly, "Are you frigid?"

until a certain day.

After finishing the training match in the early morning, while waiting for the takeaway, he was forced by GGbond to watch a live video called "Shu Dandan Late Night Kitchen".

In fact, I don’t remember the other details clearly. I only know that he watched the video with them for nearly an hour that day, and then we all got hungry after watching it together, so we just went around to eat snacks.
He silently remembered the name.

While eating the biscuits, I took out my phone and followed the live broadcast room with the trumpet.

Before officially getting to know Shujia himself, beast whispered in his ear every day.

How happy it will be to find a girlfriend who can cook in the future, I really want to chase that female anchor named Shu Dandan, ah, I went to watch two rockets today, fans helped me to propose a marriage today, and it hurts to be rejected by others.
Later later.

Zhou Dang pried the corner of the wall.

After a few minutes, Shujia put the sliced ​​watermelon and apples into enamel plates and carried them to the study.

The exhibition match of five WR players started on time at eight o'clock.

When she opened the door and walked in, League of Legends was already open on the computer, and Zhou Dang was wearing a headset, probably talking to GGbond.

Shujia walked over with the plate, put the fruit plate aside, took a piece of apple with a toothpick and put it into Zhou Dang's mouth.

Zhou Dang opened his mouth obediently, bit the fruit she fed, looked at the computer, and continued the game in hand.

During the feeding, Shujia just wanted to say a word, but glanced at the screen, was startled, stepped aside, and asked in a low voice, "My God, did you turn on the camera?"

He moved his gaze from the game to her face and nodded.

The black and white eyes are slightly raised, with a hint of innocence.

That's just now. Didn't the thousands of fans in those live broadcast rooms see her?
she's still feeding him
Shujia pretended to be calm, waved his hand, and signaled Zhou Dang not to look this way, and play the game well.

Then he covered his face like an ostrich.

Although it was only for a while, the barrage in the room exploded and turned into an army of screen swipers:
[Wu Cao, you read that right, that was Miss Shujia just now, right Wu Cao! .】

[Miss Sister Sister Sister! ! ! ! 】

【Oh shit! ! ! !I want to feed me too! !good spirits]

[Why does LPL King Yan abuse dogs live? ? 】

【In the middle of the night comes a wave of critical attacks on single dogs by the gods.】

[Fuck, the first sister of Zhanyu, Shu Dandan, am I not mistaken? ? ? 】

【Etc., etc. Why did God Wan suddenly appear in the room?]

【Did you see the slutty eyes just now? This is the first time I saw him so gentle】

【Oh, Zhou Dang just laughed:)】

[Beast, watch your game carefully~!We know you feel uncomfortable, so don't flash up to eat Thresh's hook on the opposite side! ! ! 】

【What kind of flirt is the old man】

[If you want to pretend to deceive yourself, you can't do it]

[The gods are the ultimate winners in life, all the beauties are in hand]

【My swing is not like this usually】

【Zhou Dang, you have changed】

[Why does a popular female anchor suddenly appear in the live broadcast room of a male e-sports model in the middle of the night? ? ! ! ! 】

[Upstairs, come to UC tomorrow to report. 】

Because it was an exhibition match, the main effect was entertainment, and everyone didn't play seriously, they were all talking nonsense.

After looking at the barrage assistant, several other people probably knew what happened just now.

Aaron laughed, and taunted: "Ah Dang, what did you do, the Reverse Kong Dari Immortal?"

GGBond: What do you mean brother, you abuse the dog like this and affect my game operation.

Beast: Hehe, today's Dangjiang is also a day full of energy!

Zhou Dang didn't say anything, just quietly listened to their teasing, and played the game indifferently as always.

(End of this chapter)

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