him and her cat

Chapter 105

Chapter 105
The number of viewers on the Zhanyu online soon became full, and the popularity reached several million.

The craze for winning the championship has not subsided, the STK era is over, and the WR dynasty is coming.

These five boys, representing the honor of the Chinese division, climbed to the top of the world, leading an era of LOL.

After all, it is the first water friend match after the return of the world champion. Although it is just for entertainment and advertising, but with the aura and buff of the five WR players, even passers-by or fans of other teams can join in the excitement to take a look .

It was the first time to meet everyone after returning from the battle, and their live broadcast room was almost maxed out by fans' gifts.

I don't know how many people watched the wonderful lore Bo5 in Los Angeles and cried with excitement, and there are countless fans.

Especially Zhou Dang.

For someone like him who doesn't like to broadcast live broadcasts, for the first time today, the live broadcasts are even turned on, not to mention the cameras.
So those fans who usually want to send money but can't, rich and hungry, have all kinds of small gifts and big gifts really non-stop.

From the cheapest shark's fin to the rocket, everything comes in rounds.

One round after another came, which was jaw-dropping.

With this money, you can enter the top three of the fish weekly list, right?
Shujia watched him play games for a while, and then prepared to go out.

Just when she opened the door, Zhou Dang called her lightly, "Shujia."

Shouting by first and last name.

Shujia stopped and turned around.

He turned his head, exchanged glances with her, and quickly moved to the computer.

The meaning is obvious.

Don't want her to go.

Zhou Dang started the live broadcast, and 10,000+ people were watching.

What he said was naturally heard by everyone.There was an uproar in the live broadcast room for a while.

In the hearts of fans:

Hello? ! ! ! ! ! !

The agreed-upon high-cold personality, the agreed-upon ruthless and ungrateful, the agreed-upon cold emperor.

Why did the painting style suddenly change into a petite and cute one?
The female fan bit the handkerchief while weeping in her heart.


Why am I not Shujia, why is Shujia not me, why am I not called Shujia.

So in the final analysis, tonight is not to watch your game operation, but to watch your live broadcast of slaughtering dogs, right?
GGbond couldn't take it anymore, and complained in the voice: "Okay, the whole world knows that you have a girlfriend, stop barking, play games and be a dog."

Zzj laughed, "Second."

What Shujia wanted to say, considering that he was broadcasting live, she swallowed it back in the end, and walked back to Zhou Dang silently.

He plays games.

She nestled on the small sofa next to her, checking various work emails and news from the past few days while eating fruit.

The end of the year is approaching, and there are a lot of things to do, and Zhanyu's annual celebration and New Year's Eve party are coming.
Shujia thought about it, at this time last year, WR should also have gone to the scene.

Maybe she and Zhou Dang had met before, but they were just strangers at that time.

Fate is really a wonderful thing that can bring two unrelated people together.

The heating was turned on in the room, and it was very quiet, except for the occasional sound of typing on the keyboard.

He just sat there in white short-sleeves, staring at the computer, looking very focused.

Shujia's unrestrained eyes swept over him.

She gradually became a little dazed.

I was thinking, how can a boy's side face be so tender.
Zhou Dang couldn't help but glanced at her, and coughed unnaturally.

In fact, many fans recorded the live broadcast.

When everyone looks back afterwards, careful people will notice that during Zhou Dang's live broadcast, his eyes are always looking to the side.
Shujia didn't realize it, turned on his live broadcast after checking his work email, plugged in his headphones, and watched them play games with relish.

After watching for a while, I realized that Zhou Dang was really seldom talking.

Whether it is normal or in the game, he can hardly be heard talking.

Aaron talked the most, and at the end of a game, it was his voice.

In the game screen, people from the two sides are confronting each other in the Xiaolongchi, the fox played by Zhou Dang suddenly flashes into the wall, and is then instantly killed.

Beast exclaimed, "What does that mean?"

For a while, the channel began to jeer, and Aaron clicked his tongue, "Boy, playing games with you completely made me lose my mood."

"Hahahaha, this is so embarrassing that it overflows the screen."

"Fuck, I hit the wall with my strength." Zzj smiled for a while, and said solemnly: "Brother, don't give it away, we can't continue playing if you don't carry."

GGBond is more direct, and a question mark is typed out.

666 barrage brushes.

The computer screen was black and white, Zhou Dang propped his chin on the back of his hand, and cut the screen to see the equipment.

He didn't say a word, and calmly faced the ridicule from all walks of life.

These few waves of group fights are actually quite funny.

Regardless of whether the opponent wins or loses, they just want to focus on the fire first.Wherever he goes, the firepower is there, and there is no room for output.As long as the group starts, the opponent throws all the skills at him without saying a word.If you kill him, you earn money.

(End of this chapter)

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