him and her cat

Chapter 106

Chapter 106
GGbond can't help sighing, the king of popularity is the king of popularity, it is unreasonable, and he is "welcome" no matter where he is.Heads are all snatched.


Shujia couldn't help laughing too.

She was still biting the apple in her mouth, mumbled, and whispered, "Why are you so pitiful."

Zhou Dang unconsciously tapped on the keyboard with his fingers, looking towards Shujia.

She blinked her right eye, pouted her lips, and deliberately teased him.

He pursed his lips silently.

Such a short period of interaction was still spotted by keen-eyed fans.At the same time, a local tyrant began to brush the plane non-stop.

Shujia looked down at the phone, the bullet screen was full of:
[Zhou Dang played a game and lost his mind 30 times, I counted it]

【All rise!Wind up]

[Lord, calm down. 】



[Wan's fox and faker have a fight]

[hhhhhhhhh only we, A Dang, can enjoy this luxurious package opposite]

[Girlfriend is next to me, it really affects the game operation]

The last game is coming to an end, WR and several people are very relaxed, chatting in the channel.

"How do you say, are you still pounding?" Beast asked.

GGBond suddenly thought, "Hey, why don't we turn it on again and let Shujia play for him? Isn't Shujia next to him?"

Shujia was delighted to hear their talk, but she didn't expect to mention herself suddenly, so she couldn't help being taken aback.

"Okay, okay." Beast's eyes lit up when he heard the suggestion, "It's the best way to go anyway."

Zzj agrees.

"No." Zhou Dang directly refused.

He refused without hesitation, making the channel as quiet as a chicken for a while.

Aaron was the first to react, and coughed twice: "So determined, are you in a hurry to do something?"

What are you in a hurry for?
When I told Aaron that they were all adults, everyone's expressions became ambiguous.

Zhou Dang didn't say much.

In the end, I didn't continue playing.

He quickly turned off the live broadcast, ignoring countless fans to stay.

Aaron sent a WeChat message to Zhou Dang, saying that he would come to this place for supper later and bring him back to the base by the way.

He didn't bother to reply and closed the dialog box directly.

Seeing that he finished playing the game, Shujia clapped his hands and got up from the sofa with his knees propped up.

She walked up to Zhou Dang, put her hand on his shoulder casually, and muttered a few words: "Remember to send me a message when you go back."

He looked up at her, "It's still early."

"Then why don't you continue to play with them." Shujia looked down at him, forked a piece of watermelon and fed it into his mouth.

He put his arms around her waist and replied in a low voice, "boring."

In this relationship, the person who actually needs to be accommodated and cared for is Zhou Dang.

He is silent most of the time, occasionally exuding a distressing vulnerability.

like a cat.

Lazy, proud, quiet, but loves to be pampered.

Shujia calculated in her heart that this year's All-Star is about to start, and Zhou Dang will definitely go if there is no accident.

LOL's ALL START is a competition that brings together e-sports stars from all regions of the world. Every year, the most popular players in each position participate.

Zhou Dang's online support rate is terribly high.

The All-Star ADC position has always been contracted by him.

I heard that this year the venue will be Brazil.

Shujia rubbed Zhou Dang's ears and said, "Oh, you might as well stop playing professionally, I will support you."

Every time I think about being separated, I feel a little uncomfortable.

"All right?" she asked again.

Fingers rubbing his smooth chin.

She looked down at Zhou Dang.You can clearly see the clear and detailed shape of his collarbone, and even the concave curvature is just right.

Before he answered, Shujia sighed, kissed his thin eyelids, and said to himself, "It doesn't seem like this is good. You have so many fans. They will probably cry to death after you retire."

Zhou Dang held her hand impetuously and brought her into his arms.

"Why do you keep taking advantage of me?" He asked suddenly.

Shujia was taken aback for a moment.

Has he asked this question before?
Shujia pressed his forehead against his, Li Dio sweetly wrapped his arms around his neck softly, and whispered: "Little pervert."

Zhou Dang did not deny it.

I don't know if all couples are like them. They just want to be together all the time.

Later, someone will pick him up for supper.
His fingers inserted into her waterfall-like long black hair, his movements were unabashedly possessive and aggressive.

"Good book."


(End of this chapter)

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