him and her cat

Chapter 107

Chapter 107
The phone was ringing, buzzing and vibrating on the table.

Shujia let out a "huh", struggled to break free from Zhou Dang, regained a little bit of reason, and panted to remind: "Mobile phone, mobile phone."

Subconsciously, Zhou Dang frowned irritably, groping for it, without even looking at it, he just broke it and threw it aside.


Shujia didn't know whether to laugh or cry, pinched the back of his neck, not allowing him to get closer, "Don't make everyone wait too long, be obedient."

Zhou Dang looked at her in confusion for a while, closed his thin lips, lowered his eyes and said:

"Don't what?"

"go back."


He didn't know when, he was able to say such explicit, almost naked love words to her without changing his face.

Shu Jia straightened her crooked jacket, got off Zhou Dang, and picked up the phone on the table next to her to make a call.

He didn't want her to go, so he left the back of the chair and leaned over to grab her.

Shujia paused, put one hand on the back of the chair next to Zhou Dang's ear, and kissed the bridge of his nose.

Her hair poured out straight, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she coaxed in a low voice: "Good boy."

He was visibly overwhelmed, the lines from forehead to jaw tensed.

Shujia quietly looked at Zhou Dang, suppressed a smile, and wanted to rub his little face.

The phone in his hand rang a few times before it was picked up, and Aaron's loud voice came from over there: "Hello?! Zhou Dang?!"


Aaron thought that there was no signal on the phone, so he took it off and looked at it in puzzlement, and then gave two more hiccups.

"Zhou Dang? Are you there Zhou Dang? Zhou Dang? Where is your Zhou Dang? Ah Dang?"

"Fuck your mother."


"No." Aaron choked on Zhou Dang's indifferent voice, "brother, can we have some quality."

Zhou Dang frowned, his patience was about to run out: "What are you going to do?"

"Don't do anything! Come out for supper and go back together by the way."


"There's a Mala Tang shop on West Yan'an Road." Aaron was afraid that he wouldn't know, so he added, "It's the part of the Meili Building."


"Is Shujia here?" Aaron glanced at beast, clenched his hand into a fist, and coughed softly by his mouth, asking hypocritically.

"none of your business."

Zhou Dang's voice was neither low nor high, and he asked him without emotion.

"You said that we are going to run around to pick up activities again. Girlfriend or something, it's always good to have you with you."

Aaron smiled, and hung up with a snap before he finished speaking.

I froze for two or three seconds.

"Xu Jingping." Holding up his phone, Aaron called GGbond next to him in disbelief, and murmured, "Zhou Dang just hung up on me just like that."

Straightforward, without hesitation.

The most aggrieved thing is that he doesn't know where and how he provoked this boss.
GGbond was flipping through the menu, and sneered, "Isn't that normal?"

"Normal?!" Aaron yelled, "With this attitude, is it normal to treat me, the top laner of the LPL?"

GGbond was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and threw the menu in his hand over: "Okay, the light of the top order, let's see what you eat first."

Shujia sends Zhou Dang downstairs.

It has just stopped raining, and the air at night is very fresh and moist.

The stars are thin.

He was carrying a black sports backpack, standing at the door of the corridor, looking at her calmly.

Shujia sighed inwardly, and helped Zhou Dang pull the zipper of the windbreaker jacket up to his chin.

"Go back and take your medicine, try not to stay up late."

She confessed to him.

Zhou Dang looked at her quietly with a pair of delicate dark eyes.

The hair seemed to grow a little longer, and the soft black hair hung down on the forehead.

He has always been not good at expressing, often silent and taciturn.

Shujia never finds it boring, but cherishes it even more.

Silence is not expressing, not trying, but it is often more affectionate.

She opened her arms and hugged Zhou Dang's waist, resting her head on his shoulder, "Suddenly I feel a little bit reluctant to let you go, what should I do."

I can't bear to say goodbye at all.

From abroad to returning to Shanghai, I have become used to being with him these few days.

Now that we suddenly have to separate, my heart feels empty.

Very reluctant.

But he is not her hero alone.

I really have a liking, and I want to have it after a long time.

He froze for a while, then slowly raised his arms and hugged her back, "Then I won't go."

Shujia's warm breath sprayed on the skin of his neck, making it tingle slightly.

There was a smile in her voice, "No, it's useless for you to seduce me with beauty."

Speaking of beauty temptation
Shujia raised her head and looked at Zhou Dang solemnly: "Besides me, don't seduce other female fans, I will be jealous."

"will not."

His voice was hoarse.

"You promise—well." Shujia opened her eyes wide.

Before she finished speaking, the back of her head was held by Zhou Dang with one hand, and his lips covered her silently.

How could it be possible to seduce others.

She didn't know that to Zhou Dang, there were only three types of people.

His teammates, Shujia, others.

After meeting her, time can only be divided into three categories.

Playing games, she is there, she is not.

No one but her.

He had all the affection and persistence she could imagine.

we have everything.

(End of this chapter)

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