him and her cat

Chapter 108

Chapter 108
Beast looked left and right, and said to Aaron beside him, "Brother, don't you feel... a lot of people are looking at us?"

"Look, we are not very normal. A group of King Yan from e-sports is sitting here."


Aaron squinted at him: "I'm not afraid of the sky, I'm not afraid of the earth, and I'm afraid of being seen by others?"

It was close to twelve o'clock in the evening, and the hot pot restaurant was still full of people.

It was hot and noisy.

Doudou was absent-mindedly settling accounts at the counter, sighed, and drifted unconsciously to the corner of the table in A4 area.

I glanced at it for a long time, then lowered my head again with flushed cheeks, and continued to sigh.

Really did not expect ah did not expect.
Tonight, she was working the night shift for someone else, so she missed a movie with her boyfriend. Originally, she was still depressed and listless.

Unexpectedly, around eleven o'clock, a group of people opened the door and entered the store.

A few very young boys, wearing very little clothes and with slightly messy short hair, were chatting together in twos and threes.

After they entered the restaurant, the air was so quiet for a moment, almost all the eyes of the customers in the hot pot restaurant were focused on it.
The group of people seemed to be used to it, ignoring the suddenly solidified atmosphere, and took their seats one after another under the guidance of the waiter.

Doudou stared straight at the group of people, and opened her mouth in disbelief.

my god that's not. no
As a veteran fan of mixed e-sports circles for many years, she recognized them almost instantly.

WR people.

As a golden scum in the N district, although she is not an absolute fan of this team, but because of her good looks, she is very famous for this e-sports male model team who just won the championship in five battles a while ago.

The upsurge of the S6 finals has not faded. Every time Doudou swipes Weibo, there will be a blockbuster about WR. The homepage is completely dominated by WR ladies and sisters.

Various video clips, gif laughing pictures, live video, expression packs
So now, those people who can only see it on Weibo and game videos, real people suddenly appear in front of them...

Still a group.

It's really booming and in a trance.

Unable to restrain the excitement in her heart, Doudou immediately felt that it didn't matter if she went to a hundred movies with her boyfriend.

WR ah.
They are from WR.
In the electric group, there are countless girlfriends who are fans of YY every day.
Moreover, the WR female fans are very powerful, and they often fight with other teams when they disagree.

She quickly took out her phone, took advantage of the manager's absence, secretly took a few photos there, and poked her friend on WeChat:

Dude, you'd never guess who I ran into.

Friends quickly replied: Eason Chan?
Doudou: no (mysterious smile)

Friends: oh
Doudou stopped teasing her, and passed all the pictures she just secretly took.

3, 2, 1
She counted silently in her heart.

The mobile phone kept vibrating, and the friend really exploded, sending more than a dozen messages in a few seconds:

——Mist grass? !!!
--This is real? ? ! !

——Whoa, whoa, whoa, @. @
——They, they actually... eat hot pot at the restaurant where you work? ? ! ! !

——Where is the quick-acting heart-rescuing pill! ! !
——I mean, how can you memorize it to such an extent that you have never met a WR person in Zhabei! !
- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
——Wait, I'm coming to you! !

Doudou was speechless, typing with his fingers on the keys:

Don't get too excited, your natal life doesn't seem to be there.

Jiyou's destiny is the ADC of the WR team.

A well-known handsome guy in the circle.

Doudou can listen to her talk eight hundred times a day, similar to:
Ah, my husband is really handsome today.Ahhh why am I not Zhou Dang's girlfriend.Ah, how about Zhou Dang and that little internet celebrity emotional thief. Today's Wan is still the Wangwangwan with a high score like drinking water.Zhou Dang was so handsome when he played the game.My husband is so sexy even after drinking a glass of water, covering his chest.Ever since Wan fell in love, I've been falling in love every day.If only I could be satisfied with Zhou Dang last time or be satisfied in this life last time
Jiyou was really disappointed and sent a voice message:
"Damn it, if you didn't say it earlier, it made me so excited."

Just as Doudou was about to put the phone away, the girl next to her suddenly bumped her arm.

"Hey, look, there's a handsome guy."

Doudou looked up.

A young man, wearing a black windbreaker jacket and sports trousers, carrying a sports backpack, walked straight to A4.

The side face is thin and delicate, a little tall, with short black hair.

Everywhere they passed, people looked sideways.

It wasn't until he pulled out the chair and sat down that Doudou came back to his senses.

In a daze, she took out her phone again and sent a message back to her friend:
Your life. Just walked past me. 0.0
So handsome.

Jiyou replied in seconds, just four words:
——"Wait for me."

The girl who has a good relationship with Doudou wiped the glass at the side, leaned over and asked in a low voice while wiping, "Hey, what kind of fresh meat is sitting at A4?"

She really felt that group of people were unfamiliar.But since they entered the store, customers have got up and went to the table to ask for autographs and photos.

Doudou shook her head mysteriously, and glanced at the girl: "It's not a celebrity."

It's a group of people who are all fans of Ultimate Fantasy.

"Not a star?" The girl was puzzled, "Then"

"Do you know about the e-sports circle?"

"I only play Sword III, does that count as e-sports?"

Doudou was speechless, choked for a moment, and explained: "No, competitive games like LOL, DOTA, and OW."

"Oh oh oh, LOL, I know." The girl nodded and looked over there secretly, "Are they professional players?"

Before Doudou answered, the girl was surprised: "The current professional players look so good."

"Then they are very popular?" The girl continued to ask.

"Of course." Doudou nodded, "Just a while ago, a group of people sitting there won the highest honor in e-sports, do you know?"

The girl wiped the glass for a while.

"Wow, so powerful?"

Doudou glanced at her, "You should check Weibo more and check trending searches, old lady."

After a few seconds, Doudou looked at Moments, and Jiyou posted a post with a set photo of the WR Finals:
Dear fan circle friends, I am going to meet WR.

You can call us W fans a cancer in the fan circle.

But what I want to tell you is:

If the earth does not explode, the fan circle will not be harmonious.

The universe does not restart, and the fan circle does not stop.

In the wind and rain and in the festival, the cancer in the rice circle is waiting for you here.

There are no four seasons, only two seasons.

Winter and summer vacations are the peak season, and going to school and work is the off-season.

Where there are them, there is my XXX.

Under the white light, Zhou Dang looked tired.

GGbond took a sip of wine, picked up vegetables with chopsticks, and glanced at the people next to him: "Brother, why does it seem to be wilting?"

A Sima face.

(End of this chapter)

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