him and her cat

Chapter 112

Chapter 112
Shujia was completely stunned, looking at the phone, not knowing what to say.

My mind went blank, but I suddenly remembered Zhou Dang's tired and hoarse voice when I called yesterday.

There was an inexplicable sour feeling in my heart.

Weibo private messages poured in like a tide.

She searched for keywords at random, and all of them were Weibo with a tag similar to #周森冲冠一一早为纸色,改热一区上顶国服#.

And there are many friends forwarded and ridiculed.

Aaron is a typical watcher who doesn't think it's a big deal. After forwarding it, he will add a sentence:
[Witnessing your slut from day to night, all the kings and masters of Ionia are trembling.

Forced to blow up ashes, young man. ]
So fans from all walks of life left messages under his Weibo:

[Ashes disappear?nonexistent. 】

[Keke, please stop Ah Dang, you have lost so many points in a frenzy]

[Zhou Dang, even if you score points, if you lose, I lose. 】

[E-sports Wife Maniac No.1, WR.Wan]

Wife Beloved
What kind of adjective is this.

Shujia is in a complicated mood and can't laugh or cry.

After a while, Jiang Yuyu poked her on WeChat.

Send a Yang Yongxin emoticon package:

[Today I'm afraid either you will die or the gate will be broken]
It feels like in just a short period of time, people all over the world know about it.
Shujia replied with a series of ellipsis.

Jiang Yuyu: When I woke up, I found that you suddenly became angry.

Shujia: What kind of woman is the target of criticism in the e-sports circle?
Jiang Yuyu: No, don't you think it's crazy for Zhou Dang to fall in love.

Shujia: Huh?

Jiang Yuyu: It feels like since Zhou Dang met you, I almost don't know Zhou Dang anymore, because I thought he didn't like women before.

Shujia: I don't like girls. Such an exaggeration.

Jiang Yuyu: Ang, then I secretly nicknamed him Curry gaygay in private.

This is true.

Jiang Yuyu has a good relationship with another LPL host. The little girl graduated from the Communication University of China. She is very beautiful and has good conditions in all aspects.She heard from her friends in the circle that many people chase after this girl, but they all look down on her, and they only like Zhou Dang.

And it seems that he has been a fan of Zhou Dang for a long time. He has been developing in Beijing, and he came to Shanghai to host the LPL because of him.

I often fly between Shanghai and Beijing just to interview Zhou Dang sometimes.

The video of this girl interviewing Zhou Dang was popular for a while.

That video really made people laugh and cry every minute, almost embarrassing.

With such a beautiful woman by his side, he still didn't move at all, not looking straight at her.


Unrequited indifference.

Netizens have to admire.Really awesome.

Brother, next to you is Su Xi who is interviewing one of the female roles!

What a great beauty!

How many men want to strike up a conversation, and you are trying to make trouble with this fierce look? ? !

As expected of the No. [-] Yan Wang standing on the refrigerator, the one is cold and indifferent.

After chatting with Jiang Yuyu on WeChat, Shujia sighed, thinking about whether to call Zhou Dang.

But it's nothing serious, thinking that he just finished all night, maybe he was sleeping.

Tangled for a while, or give up.

After cooking dinner at home, I went to the study to make up the live broadcast.

Time just passed by.

As soon as I returned to Shanghai, things suddenly became more complicated, and WR continued to have big and small activities, flying around all over the country.

There is also a cup game before the All-Star.

After playing the German Cup in Wuhan, they flew back to Shanghai and made intensive preparations for the S7 Spring Championship.

In addition to the shooting of preseason promotional videos and promotional photos, the end of the year is approaching, and the LOL New Year's Eve official program recording team has also set a time with WR.

The work intensity is not generally great.

After more than half a month, Shujia suddenly received a call from Jiang Yuyu.

Her voice on the phone was slightly excited, and she told Shujia an address for her to come.


Shujia was surprised and asked a question.

"Aren't you happy to see your boyfriend?" Jiang Yuyu laughed.

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the rain at the end of winter began to fall in Shanghai. It was so cold that it was so cold.

Shujia wore a cashmere coat and went out with her straight, scribbled hair. She stopped her and went straight to the address of the building given by Jiang Yuyu.

Before going up, I remembered that Jiang Yuyu said he wanted to drink milk tea.Shujia went to a nearby milk tea shop to buy some lattes.

The elevator reached the fourth floor and stopped with a ding.

As soon as Shujia stepped out, she saw Jiang Yuyu leaning on the pillar next to the sofa and playing with his mobile phone.

A few staff members stood sparsely around, chatting.

"Oh, you're here." Jiang Yuyu looked up to see her, put away his phone and came over.

Shujia handed over the drink in her hand and asked, "When will they finish filming?"

"It's still a while." Jiang Yuyu put his work ID around his neck, and walked with Shujia to the recording studio in high heels.

Along the way, many eyes fell on them.

(End of this chapter)

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