him and her cat

Chapter 113

Chapter 113
Shujia muttered softly, "Why do I feel like so many people are looking at me?"

"Because you are Zhou Dang's wife."

Jiang Yuyu explained simply and clearly.

They meandered through several corridors.

Shujia held a cup of milk tea, thinking slowly.

When I see Zhou Dang later, what should I say?
Absently, she bit the straw all the way.

When we got to the recording studio, there were a lot of people.

It was the first time for Shujia to come to this kind of place, and he felt it was very novel, so he looked around a few times.

The scene was very noisy, everyone was busy, it seemed that not only the WR team was filming, but also people from other clubs.

Jiang Yuyu took her to sit down in a corner.

"Where are they?" Shujia looked around.

"Here." Jiang Yuyu lifted his chin in one direction.

Shujia followed the line of sight she pointed at.

"Wan's skin is really nice."

The two make-up artists who had just finished putting on powder for the WR players stood by and started chatting.

Makeup artist A: That kind of milky skin, I am very envious of a woman.
Makeup artist B muttered: It's just that the temper is too difficult to handle.

"Pfft." Aaron couldn't help laughing again, covered his mouth, and waved his hand, "No, no, no."

The director shouted: "—ka!"

"What the hell." Beast thumped Aaron unbearably, "It's been NG five or six times. When will we be able to shoot well?"

"No." Aaron was a little innocent, explaining, "It's just that black camera poking next to my face, I want to laugh."

GGbond rolled his eyes.

Originally, the plan of the shooting group was to start with two shots:

Zhou Dang violently tore his clothes, and GGbond wet his clothes.

However, the two of them didn't cooperate very well.

The director talked to them for a long time, asking them to look for the sense of the camera and become more evil.

After shooting for a long time, GGbond lifted the clothes stiffly and unnaturally.

So I had to go to shoot Zhou Dang first.

In order to create the effect, the makeup artist specially sprayed Zhou Dang's black hair wet.

Let the water droplets slide down one by one along his cheeks, and there is that sexy atmosphere in the camera.

But Zhou Dang had no expression on his face, extremely indifferent.

A pair of black pupils, single eyelid slightly raised, unable to smile.

Don't talk about sexy, just give people a kind.

He felt cold and murderous all over his body.

In the end, the director gave up and planned to shoot a general shot of the whole team first.

Unexpectedly, the well-known e-sports male model team in the circle, one by one, has no camera sense.

One of the movements of Aaron is to look up, and then look to the side and the beast.

But every time they meet each other, he laughs.

NG countless times.

Really convinced.

The filming team collectively supported the forehead.

"Forget it." The director waved his hand with the walkie-talkie, and told the assistant: "Let the WR people rest for a while, and call the OP people here to shoot."

Shujia was sipping milk tea when she felt her phone vibrate.

She took it out and saw that it was Zhou Dang's phone.


Zhou Dang: "Good book."

She responded, "Hey." Her eyes flicked around, looking for his back.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Thinking of you, what about you?"

"I was just taking pictures." He said in a low voice.

"Oh~" Shujia suppressed a smile, and deliberately asked, "Why are you a little bored?"

He said: "It seems that the filming was not very good."

"Really." She smiled, "You are so good-looking, you should be very photogenic."

Zhou Dang was silent.

Shujia lowered her footsteps, passed through the crowd, and walked in his direction.

"Zhou Dang." Shujia called him suddenly while holding the phone.


"Do you believe in magic?" She bit her lip, holding back a smile that was about to overflow from her throat.

"What magic?"

He doesn't understand.

Aaron was talking to the person next to him, holding a glass of boiling water, when he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye.

He was stunned.

Shujia immediately blocked her lips with her index finger, and made a silent hush.

Aaron swallowed the greeting that came to his mouth abruptly.

Me, fuck.

"Do you miss me?"

Her voice seemed a little noisy.

Zhou Dang hummed vaguely, and then added: "Think."


Shujia laughed, "I'll make a Shujia for you, and send it to you, okay?"

Her voice was so small that only two people could hear it.

He sat on the small sofa, propped his elbows on his knees, lowered his head for a while, and replied in a low voice, "Okay."

Before he finished speaking, his face suddenly became hot.

Zhou Dang raised his head suddenly and was stunned.

The tips of her black hair were still dripping, her face was pale, as if she looked tired after not sleeping all night.

Shujia stood beside him with a smile, holding a cup of warm milk tea and pressing it against his cheek.

She held up the phone and waved to Zhou Dang.

"Halo, your magic lady, please sign for it."

(End of this chapter)

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