King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 107 Could This Feel Like Like It?

Chapter 107 Could This Feel Like Like It?
"Then you can go home." Gu Nian said.

"What about yourself?"

His topic made her stunned for a moment, and then she said uncertainly: "I probably want to go out for a while, and when I'm done, I want to go back!"

After all, she also likes the Land of Warriors, and now she misses her other brothers and Luna a little.

After he finished asking these words, he suddenly fell into silence.

Gu Nian didn't quite understand why he suddenly asked this question.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you ask these questions? Did you remember something?" She asked quickly.

He shook his head. In fact, it turned out that he was not very special in her mind.

Everything she did came from a responsibility.

Because of this, he felt very uncomfortable.

The reason why he didn't like Li Bai and Marco Polo's approach was probably because he felt that they disturbed the peaceful life between him and Gu Nian.

But now it seems that in her eyes, he is not much different from them.

It turned out that she would still leave him when he recovered his memory and was no longer under the curse.

Realizing this, he stopped talking.

Gu Nian felt that he was a little depressed emotionally, but she couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

Before he left, she said: "Brother, I don't blame you too much! And I'm sorry..."

She felt that what she said before was a bit too much.

"No need to say sorry..." He didn't need her to say sorry.

Because no matter what he does, he should choose to forgive.

Turning around, he left.

The next day, Gu Nian did not set off with him early in the morning.

The reason is that Marco Polo hasn't woken up yet. The second point is that she has already asked Hong Mei for leave, and she has to find a place to move again today.

When Marco Polo woke up, his head was still a little groggy, Gu Nian prepared a light diet for him.

By the way, I apologize for what happened yesterday.

Unexpectedly, he smiled.

"Lucy, you don't understand Brother Akai's intentions. In his eyes, I'm probably the one who wants to take his sister away. I understand what he meant when he treated me like that yesterday. You have a good brother."

Gu Nian: "..."

So he tried his best to persuade her to drink yesterday, did he just think that the relationship between her and Marco Polo might develop into a lover?

Gu Nian looked a little embarrassed.

Marco Polo smiled and said, "If you were my sister, I would be worried too. But, Lucy, I have always treated you as my sister!"

He also didn't really want them both to be misunderstood.

When he said this, Gu Nian also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although her appearance is very beautiful now, it is not enough to be loved by everyone.

She was thinking, her brother really cared about it and then he was in a mess.

In the end, because of this, she wrongly blamed him yesterday.

"I'm very honored to have a brother like you, but why didn't you tell my brother earlier yesterday?"

Marco Polo laughed: "Brother Akai's attitude, if I open my mouth, he will not believe it, and most likely think that I am talking nonsense, and I am approaching you with an excuse to get the moon first."

When Gu Nian heard him say this, he felt even more that his brother, although a bit stubborn, was a bit machismo.

It's pretty good for myself.

It's just that there's something wrong with the way he cares.

Gu Nian felt that if he came back tonight, she must reward him by cooking a delicious meal.

"Actually, my brother has too much of a filter for me. He thinks that everyone likes me, so just don't take it to heart!" Gu Nian thought about it, and suddenly understood why he had something wrong with Li Bai before. son.

Gu Nian silently felt a little emotional.

It's like in the eyes of parents, their children are always the best.

Probably in the eyes of my elder brother, no matter how I look at my younger sister, everyone loves her!

She is 16 now, and she can fall in love, no wonder he looks nervous.

No way, my brother is just worrying blindly!
Gu Nian, who felt that he had understood all the causes and consequences, thought that he should tell his brother that she was not ready to fall in love yet?

Marco Polo said: "Of course I don't take it to heart, but you should not blame him for it!"

Gu Nian felt that she would not blame him.

Kayn has been a little absent-minded all day long.

Di Renjie was extremely rigorous in his work. Originally, he was invited here to help, but in the end, he was almost a disservice several times.

Frowning slightly, he said to him: "A Kai, are you feeling unwell today?"

Kayn suddenly heard him talking to himself, then shook his head: "No."

But then he fell into contemplation, frowning for a while, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth for a while.

Li Yuanfang, who was watching from the side, sighed silently.

"According to my observation, most people worry about gains and losses, and lose their souls, most of them are trapped by love!"

Tapping a finger on his forehead, Di Renjie glared at him and said, "How old are you, do you know what it means to be trapped by love?"

"I'm not an ordinary kid. Besides, when I ran errands for you, have you thought about how old I am?" Li Yuanfang immediately retorted. The whole Chang'an city's secrets, big and small, could not escape his ears. .

He got so much gossip at a young age, and no one pity him.

He had to be arrested as a child laborer, but now Mr. Di still talks like this, it really has no human rights.

Di Renjie was a little helpless at his words.

"A Kai, you go back first, there is nothing important today anyway!" Staying in Dali Temple would not be of much help.

Might as well let him go back.

So Kayn nodded when he heard the words, and after he walked out, Li Yuanfang said to him: "Brother Ah Kai, do you like a girl who dare not confess? If you entrust me to help, I can help You go to pass the letter, that is, the price..."

With a bang, this time it was a token smashed over.

"Yuan Fang, don't forget that you are a public official..." This was too outrageous, Di Renjie's eyes were full of serious warnings.

Li Yuanfang stuck out her tongue, the salary evaluation was not high.

He also has to support his family, so what's wrong with working part-time to earn some extra money?
It's not about taking bribes!
Master Di is really too strict!
However, when Kayn heard this, he felt a little struck by lightning.


Will he feel like it?
Recalling these days, she seems to have become the most important part of his life. He will be unconsciously influenced by her emotions, and will feel unhappy because of the people around her. Her mind is filled with every frown and smile...

But she just regarded him as her elder brother!

 Thank you for your kind reward...

(End of this chapter)

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