King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 108 Master Li Bai, don't be impulsive

Chapter 108 Master Li Bai, don't be impulsive
Gu Nian inquired about the house on the streets of Chang'an.

If the environment is better, the house price is ridiculously expensive, or it is far away from the city center.

After looking around, it was still their house, which was cheap, quiet and elegant, and the most important thing was that they could reach their respective work places within a short walk.

When I first found this house, Gu Nian himself was a little surprised. The rent in Chang'an City is so cheap, but now it seems that it's not that he picked up the leak, but that everything was premeditated!

Thinking about it, I was terrified, and it became more and more creepy.

After shopping for a long time, I was not particularly satisfied. When I went back, I saw that the door of the house next door was opened a crack.

There was a silver bell-like laughter from inside, the clear voice of a young girl.

A strong curiosity drove her to go to the next door to see what happened.

But at the critical moment, reason stopped her.

She ran straight home and closed the door directly.

It turned out that there was another person in the yard of their house, and the tense atmosphere made Gu Nian suddenly tense.

"Lord Li Bai, don't be impulsive!" This Marco Polo is just a shooter, and Li Bai is a swordsman. If he is not careful, he will kill Marco Polo!

Gu Nian hurried over and separated the two.

Marco held the gun in his hand, aiming at the position, and did not put it down easily.

Gu Nian went over and took down his gun as well.

"Misunderstanding, everyone is misunderstanding! Brother Marco, he is also my friend!"

Finally, they took the dangerous thing from the hands of the two of them.

However, the hostile relationship between the two people seems to have no way to resolve it all at once.

Gu Nian, caught between the two, was really tired.

"Little fox, you really have a lot of secrets!" Li Bai raised his brows and looked a little playful.

His eyes rested on her tail intentionally or unintentionally.

That meaning seemed to remind her that the fox's tail was exposed.

Marco Polo asked, "Lucy, why did you get so close to him?"

These words also have the feeling of provoking a teacher.

Gu Nian instantly felt that there was no human being inside and outside.

What can she do?
She didn't know that the two of them would actually meet.

"We met before."

Gu Nian was interrupted just as he finished speaking.

"I have a very close relationship with the little fox, but where did you come from? You dared to go to the Ganye Temple to steal things. Are you the stranger who is being chased all over Chang'an now? Believe it or not, if I go out and shout, there will be a lot of officers and soldiers Come to arrest you, what awaits you will be severe punishment!"

Marco Polo was not afraid of what Li Bai said, on the contrary he smiled with a bit of recklessness in his smile.

"Don't forget that Lord Sword Immortal, the most upright and upright person in Chang'an City, appeared with me at Ganye Temple that night. I am not afraid of heaven and earth, but I am afraid of suffering. Believe it or not, I was caught in the sky. In the prison, if someone tortured me casually, I accidentally told everything about that night!"

"Really? But, the Empress trusts me more than you! At least I'm harmless to Chang'an!"


These two men are testing each other's purpose.

They fought against each other once that day, and Li Bai had a slight advantage, but Marco Polo was well prepared. At the critical moment, he was able to get rid of Li Bai and entered the Ganye Temple in advance.

The news Li Bai learned was related to Noah's Ark.

If the same is true for Marco Polo, then this man's ambitions are obvious, and he must show no mercy!
Even if he is a friend of the little fox!

Gu Nian had never seen Li Bai like this before. He was so cold and cold. The three-foot-long sword in his hand exuded a cold light, as if he could use the Qinglian Sword Formation at any time to kill all directions.

"Brother Li Bai, what he's looking for is the heavenly book..." Gu Nian said.

She knew what Li Bai was worried about, so she just revealed it directly.

Marco Polo frowned, apparently unable to understand why Gu Nian wanted to tell her such an important matter.

"We don't pay attention to other things, we only pay attention to the book itself." Anyway, he already knew her secret that day.

Therefore, she didn't think that if she said more, he would have any reaction.

Sure enough, after being slightly surprised, Li Bai looked at Marco Polo, and Marco Polo's expression made him believe Gu Nian's words.

"Both of you actually misunderstood each other. Although brother Marco came from the west, he has no hostile attitude towards Datang. You can rest assured about this, and I am the same!" Gu Nian promised Li Bai.

Li Bai withdrew his sword: "Since the little fox said it, let me believe you once, but the long sword in my hand is not always so reasonable. If there is any change in Chang'an City, if it is related to you, my Blade is not a vegetarian!"

"But I'm afraid you won't succeed?" Marco Polo sneered.

Seeing that these two people were still at odds, Gu Nian said: "You two are not afraid, can you go to the street and fight? I am very afraid now, because I am worried that I will not have time to cook, and my brother will not be able to eat dinner when he comes back Already!"

Li Bai took a look at Gu Nian, then he was a little dissatisfied and said, "The only thing you're thinking about is your brother, don't you know I'm helping you?"

He felt that Marco Polo's origin was unknown and his purpose was very suspicious. Now that he was being searched by officers and soldiers all over Chang'an City, he might implicate her at any time.

It's a pity that she still looks like she has nothing to do with herself.

After all, he drew his sword back.

It's not that they can't beat Marco Polo, but it's because they feel that if they really fight, they will have to attract officers and soldiers in no time!

"Yes yes yes, I know brother Li Bai, you are helping me, you are the best!" she coaxed quickly.

"It's not too bad, I'm hungry. Here's a roast goose!" Like an uncle, he simply sat on the stone chair, and then looked at Gu Nian as a matter of course.

Looking back now, the first time I ate her roast goose, it tasted really good.

Gu Nian was a little speechless, but at any rate, the tense atmosphere just now was gone.

Seeing him stop, Marco Polo also stopped his movements.

But he was still a little wary of Li Bai.

"Okay, you wait here. You two stop fighting, I'll do it!"

After returning to the kitchen, Gu Nian put on her apron and started to get busy.

It's just that the more she thought about it later, the more wrong it became. She first raised an older brother, who was a foodie. Although he didn't admit it on the surface, now there is another Marco Polo in the family. To prepare, and then there is another Li Bai...

(End of this chapter)

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