King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 134 Look, Handjob in the Sky

Chapter 134 Look, Handjob in the Sky

Her eyes were on a child at the door, and she had been paying attention to him for a long time.

He seemed to be staring at his own signboard all the time, and after looking at it for a while, he planned to come in, but was stopped by someone.

"Sorry, only women are allowed to enter here, men and children are not allowed to enter."

The "child" looked up at the guard and said, "Gender discrimination, discrimination against children!"

Hong Mei reckoned that she had seen it, so she walked out and said, "What are you all doing so fiercely? Where did the child come from so cute? Let me see..."

She has no children herself, but at this age, she loves children very much. When she was about to pick up this "child", she suddenly saw the face of "him", and she was startled and backed away one after another. fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Gu Nian felt a little strange, so she hurried down, followed by Li Bai.

Hong Mei kept muttering, "A puppet, a talking puppet..."

The puppet, who can talk, is still a child...

Could it be Luban No. [-]?
Gu Nian felt a little excited.

But looking around, there was no trace at all.

"Where did he go?" Gu Nian asked.

Hong Mei shook her head. Looking at the two guards, they also looked stunned and didn't know what to ask.

Seeing her agitation, Li Bai asked, "Nian Nian, what are you looking for?"

"Let's look for the child we saw just now, Brother Li Bai, we will search separately, we must find him, if we can find him, maybe his master can help us unlock the secrets at the bottom of the river!"

Hearing this sentence, Li Bai's spirit was lifted up.

"Okay, let's find each other separately!"

The two of them turned left and right, and asked passers-by respectively. In the blink of an eye, Gu Nian realized that he should not go far, but he couldn't find it, which made people a little annoyed.

It was at this moment that she felt an infrared ray sweeping across her body.

Gu Nian flew over immediately, and just happened to find him in the alley.

Then at the same time, she was bombarded head-on. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and avoided it.

Then ran away from the opposite side, Gu Nian called to stop him: "Luban No. [-]..."

As soon as the name was called, the other party was obviously stunned for a moment, and Gu Nian took this opportunity to step forward and grab him.

"Master Luban, come and save me, I was captured by a bad woman!" Luban No. [-] took this opportunity and said to a device in his hand.

After he finished speaking, he remained silent.

Gu Nian stared at him for a long time before he couldn't help laughing.

"What kind of bad woman, brat, dare to call me bad! I caught you, and tell your Master Luban by the way, if he doesn't come over in person, I will take off all your arms and legs and let you In the future, I will be Luban No. [-] with arms and no legs."

After Gu Nian finished speaking, Luban No. [-] looked at her in fear.

Then he struggled and shouted: "Bad woman, bad woman..."

The voice is similar to that, shouting in the alley, if someone finds out, they will think that she has kidnapped the child, so they simply stepped forward and carried him up.

"Shut up, don't talk, be good, I'll take you to Wangchun Tower to play, didn't you want to go up before?"

Gu Nian coaxed him like a child.

He was silent for a while, Gu Nian thought he thought he was persuaded.

But at this time another cannon blasted out.

"Look, the handjob in the sky..."

"Handjob, you're big!"

She was indeed in some pain and injured, but she couldn't let this brat go.

It is estimated that the movement in the alley also aroused the awareness of outsiders, and Li Bai came here not long after.

Seeing that Gu Nian was injured, he immediately pulled out the Qinglian sword.

"Don't, don't do it, he's just a puppet, there's no need to learn from him."

He was really going to be crippled by his big move Qinglian Sword Song, Gu Nian didn't know how to get back.

Besides, her injury was just a minor injury, and she could recover completely with magic power in a while.

Li Bai still stared at this little thing very vigilantly.

"What the hell is this?" He was wearing a child's clothes, but it was actually the body of a puppet, but his expression was still vivid, and his voice sounded like a machine, but it looked like a child.

He is full of curiosity about everything around him.

"Luban No. [-], I'm not a joke, I'm very powerful la la la, look at my mouth..."

"Just treat him like a child. This is a puppet robot forged by Master Lu Ban. Anyway, he is indeed very powerful."

Gu Nian could understand Li Bai's astonishment. When she saw the Milady robot for the first time, she also looked amazing.

But she can understand Milady's robots, some of them are like some low-level creatures, just follow the instructions to complete the goal.

But Luban No. [-] is different, he is more like a "human being" with his own IQ and knows how to think.

For example, right now, after glancing around at Gu Nian, he has already copied all of her appearance, and then said: "Woman, I think you are very smart, and you know how good I am..."

Gu Nian got tired of being called by him: "Shut up, don't call me a woman!"

"Hmm... female? A female with a tail and animal ears, and a delicate body..."

Gu Nian: "..."

Therefore, when he was created, his mind was full of messes.

Li Bai couldn't help but want to laugh.

I feel that Luban No. [-] is quite interesting.

Being able to create such an interesting puppet shows that his master should not be too boring.

"Remember, my name is Gu Nian. From now on, you can call me sister Nian Nian, or the beautiful little sister, but you can't call me a woman or a female. It's impolite. Do you hear me?" Gu Nian corrected seriously.

"Oh!" Luban No. [-] responded.

While being abducted by Gu Nian back to the restaurant.

Several people in the restaurant were staring at Luban No. [-], especially Hong Mei, who was extremely surprised when he learned that he was just a created puppet with the IQ of a normal person.

"At that time, I thought it was someone's child, but it was just a puppet. How could his master be willing to release him? He is so cute, and he is not afraid of being taken away?"

"Don't be afraid, Luban No. [-] will not be destroyed. Master Lu Ban can revive Luban No. [-] at any time!" Luban No. [-] heard the words and said.

In fact, right now, Master Luban has received the signal from Luban No. [-].

Suddenly felt a little tricky!
Luban No. [-] is indeed his favorite puppet, and he is more satisfied than No. [-] to No. [-] he created. It seems like a child of his own, possessing an independent living body.

 Sorry, my brain got hot, and I made a mistake in posting, and now I have replaced it~
(End of this chapter)

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