King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 135 Who Wants Such a Little Kid?

Chapter 135 Who Wants Such a Little Kid?

But at the same time, like a child, he is not very controlled.

He prefers to receive all signals from the outside by himself, to understand the structure of this world.

Master Luban rarely let him come to Chang'an City. After all, Chang'an City has such an existence as Master Mozi. Once Luban No. [-] is discovered, he will be arrested and studied.

But I can't stand Luban No. [-], I can slip by myself.

It turned out that he ran to Chang'an City twice, but returned safely. One of them was almost attacked by a demon, but he used the shark cannon to cover his escape.

After Master Lu Ban knew about his playful nature, he simply bought him clothes for children and dressed him up like a child so that he would not scare people the first time he went out.

In fact, if you don't watch closely, it's hard to find how different this child is from ordinary children.

So along the way, he didn't scare anyone else, only Hong Mei and the guard were scared.

Now that she knew that he was harmless to animals, Hong Mei's maternal love rose again.

"I don't know if he can eat, I'll go to the kitchen and bring him some snacks!" After finishing speaking, she ran away in a hurry.

Gu Nian was almost [-]% sure that he couldn't eat anymore.

He looked around curiously, picked up things on the table from time to time to have a look, Li Bai asked: "Are you sure his master is back?"

"I believe it should be!" Gu Nianxin said.

The meaning of Luban No. [-] should be different to Master Luban.

It was impossible for him to let him go outside, if he really didn't, she would really take this little kid away.

Gu Nian looked at him curiously, brushing his presence in front of him from time to time.

"The one you saw is a goblet, and that potted plant..." Gu Nian explained to him.

However, it was interrupted after a while: "Do you think I don't know? Hehehe, I know, idiot..."

Gu Nian: "..."

She was wrong, she wouldn't like this little kid, whoever loves it will want it.

In the evening, Gu Nian asked Li Bai to take Luban No. [-] away.

"You let him live in your house for the time being, you have to watch him seriously, you can't let him run away, if Master Lu Ban contacts you, negotiate with him, if not, we will contact you tomorrow..." Gu Nian said to he said.

Li Bai knew that if Master Lu Ban was really equal to Master Mozi as Gu Nian said, then this person would probably be the one who deciphered the things at the bottom of the river.he
Of course, Luban No. [-] would not be allowed to escape.

"Don't worry! I'll take good care of him!" Li Bai still had some doubts in his heart, such as why Gu Nian swore to know the origin of Luban No. [-] and the name of Master Luban, which he had never heard of.

But none of that matters anymore.

Gu Nian nodded.

When Gu Nian arrived at the door of the house, she lingered for a while, but didn't open the door to go in, because she didn't know how to face it.

At this time, the door of the next door opened, and a little white dog galloped out, and immediately jumped under Gu Nian's feet, wagging its tail happily.

Gongsunli was a little surprised to see that it was Gu Nian.

"Nian Nian, why are you here?" She didn't know that Gu Nian lived next door.

"I live here," she said.

Gongsunli was a little surprised. Ming Shiyin has always been quiet and quiet. He bought all the small courtyards around here, but how could this one be rented out to others?

But no matter what, I was very happy to see Gu Nian.

"If I knew you lived here, I would have come to play with you every day. But I don't know if you will feel disturbed by it?" she asked.

Gu Nian shook his head: "How could it be?"

She still likes Ali very much.

At this time, the people in the yard heard the movement and came out.

"Who?" It was Pei Qinhu who came out.

It's not surprising to see that it's Gu Nian, but at this moment, there is a smell of barbecue in the yard, but in the smell of barbecue, there is a little burnt!

"Oh, that's terrible!" Gongsunli smelled the burning smell, and hurried in again.

Xiaobai looked at Gu Nian tangled, then at Gongsunli, and finally bit Gu Nian's trousers, insisting on pulling her away.

The little milk dog barked.

Gu Nian knew that the food was probably made by Ah Li, so he couldn't eat it.

Pei Qinhu said to Gu Nian: "Forget it, you come in, or you won't be able to eat dinner."

Gu Nian was hesitating whether to go in, but at this time, Gongsunli also said to Gu Nian: "Nian Nian, come and help me, can I still save my steak?"

Hearing her annoyed tone, Gu Nian stepped in out of curiosity.

This is not the first time she has entered Ming Shiyin's yard, but she saw it at night before, and now at dusk, she sees the peonies in the yard blooming extraordinarily gorgeously, much more gorgeous than hers.

At this moment, on the gazebo under the greenhouse, an elegant young man was holding the chess pieces, frowning and thinking as if no one else was there.

The square inch of the chessboard seems to be his world, and everything around him is blocked by him and has nothing to do with it.

As for Ming Shiyin himself, he frowned, watching Gongsunli frantically packing some burnt steaks.

When Gu Nian looked over, he happened to meet her gaze, and then smiled at her friendly.

Gu Nian couldn't laugh, because Gongsunli said to her in frustration: "It's too late, it's only a short time, it's all because the tiger keeps distracting me."

She complained and stared at Pei Qinhu. Pei Qinhu felt very innocent, shrugged and said: "I knew that you couldn't do it. You don't have this talent, so you have to learn cooking."

After finishing speaking, Gongsunli's paper umbrella flew out.

Pei Qinhu jumped away, took the steak beside her, took a bite and said, "It's not bad!"

Gongsunli: "..."

She just fried a steak and he ate it without tasting it herself.

But seeing that his food was delicious, she felt that her cooking skills were pretty good.

"I just knew that I can still cook, Nian Nian, let's come together, I told my husband and brother Yi Xing that the steak I fried is already very good, they don't believe it, you check for me now, I will make it Fully cooked!"

Gu Nian said: "Okay!"

Just watching from the sidelines, occasionally pointing out a point or two.

In fact, frying steak is not a very high-end operation. Soon, she cooked three pieces, one for Ming Shiyin, one for Yixing, and of course the last one for Gu Nian.

"Nian Nian, try it too. I think everyone is a neighbor, so you can come to play more in the future. Although I don't live here, I often come to Mr.'s small courtyard. Nian Nian, your cooking skills are so good. In fact, I can come to my husband to cook occasionally, and then the two families will be together, and the provincial husband always eats outside."

(End of this chapter)

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