King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 136 It's time to move out of here

Chapter 136 It's time to move out of here
Gongsunli's idea is good after all.

But Gu Nian and Ming Shiyin looked at each other, and instinctively felt that she should stay away from this person.

Usually, when she passed by the gate of this yard all the way, she would walk by quickly, why would she deliberately approach.

As for eating together together, that's even worse.

"A Li, stop frying, I have to go back and cook for my brother!" she said to her.

"What are you doing, let him come over and eat together, look at how many steaks I bought today?" She may not be good enough to do it for herself, so she bought a lot of steaks as a test product!
"This, isn't it good?" Gu Nian hesitated, because she didn't know if he was at home or not.

Secondly, she didn't think he would come here either.

"Tiger, what are you doing in a daze, go over and call his brother over!" Gongsunli said.

Ming Shiyin also nodded: "Yes, this is the first time that our neighbors have time to sit together for a meal, so it's okay to call your brother over!"

So Gongsunli asked Gu Nian to sit down first.

Not long after, Pei Qinhu really called him over.

Gu Nian did not expect that he was really next door.

When his eyes touched him, he also looked back at her, but the eyes were full of deep meaning, the feelings she couldn't understand in the past, now she understood.

But he turned his head a little scared.

"You are Nian Nian's brother?" Gongsunli has heard many people describe him, but at first glance, it is not quite the same as the description.

In the description, he is a bit cold, but right now he has a feeling of melancholy.

Maybe it was because she stared at Kayn for a long time, so Pei Qinhu coughed: "Why don't you make it for me to eat, it's not enough for me."

"Oh!" After Gongsunli realized it, he went to fry it again!
In her opinion, it was something to be happy that so many people joined in the dinner tonight.

After a meal, Gu Nian was unwilling to eat, feeling like she was sitting on pins and needles, because Kayn was sitting next to her. Although she didn't say a word, she could feel his eyes occasionally resting on her body.

A Li and Pei Qinhu occasionally quarreled between the two of them. Yi Xing ate without eating or sleeping, just like a noble son. Although he also showed a little curiosity about this brother and sister, he never had any Watch them more.

Ming Shiyin sensed something wrong with the atmosphere between the two of them, and a playful smile curled up on the corner of his mouth.

Poured peony wine to Gu Nian and Kai Yin.

"You two, try the peony brew I made. I don't entertain guests easily with this wine, but you two are not ordinary guests either."

Gu Nian took a sip, but Kayn wanted to stop her, but found that she hadn't drank too much.

"Not bad!" The wine is good wine, with a delicate fragrance in the mouth, the aroma of peony, and the mellowness of wine.

"I originally buried ten altars of fine peony wine in the yard next door. If you think it's okay, I will give it to you!"

As soon as Ming Shiyin's voice fell, Gu Nian almost couldn't spit it out!
She silently glanced at Kayn, but his expression was calm.

Gu Nian couldn't tell Ming Shiyin that his peony brew was gone long ago.

"What's wrong? Miss Gu..."

"It's okay, sir is really versatile, even the skill of making wine is outstanding." Gu Nian said quickly.

"That girl, just drink more..." He filled Gu Nian's wine again.

Kayn stretched out his hand and took her wine glass, "Sorry, Sister She doesn't know how to drink."

He drank it in one gulp, and Gu Nian wanted to say that it was her cup.

"Brother Kai is really a good brother..." Ming Shiyin said with a half-smile.

Gongsunli nodded quickly: "I also want to have an older brother."

Gu Nian lowered her head.

When they finished their meal, Gongsunli proposed to sit in Gu Nian's yard, but Ming Shiyin said, "You forgot, you think you are very free today, and I have too little work for you?"

Really stingy, Gongsunli complained in his heart, but he didn't have the guts to disobey Ming Shiyin's order.

He bid farewell to Gu Nian and left in a hurry.

Gu Nian also left Ming Shiyin's courtyard, and she and Kaiyin came out one after the other, but they were not as close as usual.

When I returned to my yard, it suddenly became deserted.

It feels like the laughter of the past seems to be a long time ago.

Everything can't go back to the way it was before, and Gu Nian doesn't know how to face him anymore.

Only go back to your own house first.

"Nian Nian..." He stopped her behind him.

Gu Nian's pace faltered slightly, but he didn't look back.

"I'm going to move out of here for a while and go to Mrs. Di's house for a few days..." He had already packed his things, and sat until the afternoon, waiting for her to come back.

Obviously, he could leave a letter behind, turn around and leave.

For some reason, he still had an expectation in his heart, always thinking about being able to look at her and get a response from her.

But now she understood that she was unwilling to look at him more from the beginning to the end.

Gu Nian turned her head and saw him smiling at herself, then picked up the package, turned around, and left.

His steps were heavy and he walked slowly.

But she didn't call him, and when he reached the door, he turned a corner with the package on his back, and he was nowhere to be seen again.

She finally couldn't hold back the tears.

Brother, she no longer has a brother.

I felt very uncomfortable in my heart, but I didn't have the courage to run out and call him back.

Sitting under the steps, hugged himself, crying in a mess.

I don't know when it will rain.

The drizzle wet the clothes on his body, but he didn't care.

Suddenly hearing the sound of the door opening, she couldn't help but ran out.

"elder brother……"

However, when she got to the door, she only saw Ming Shiyin, a layman with an umbrella, standing under her eaves.

When I was so embarrassed, I saw him.

There is no way to avoid it.

Staring at each other, Ming Shiyin took out a handkerchief from his sleeve!
Gu Nian didn't answer, but just wiped away tears with his hands, and asked lightly, "Why is Mr. Ming here?"

"When I was cleaning just now, I found something. I guess you or your brother dropped it, so I took it here and returned it to you." What he got in his hand was a letter.

Handed it to Gu Nian, without asking her why she was crying just now, or even asking why Kayn wasn't there.

Gu Nian took the letter and said lightly, "Thank you!"

If the letter wasn't his, it was Kayn's.

She accepted it instead.

"You're welcome, isn't it appropriate for neighbors to help each other?" He said with a slight smile.

Gu Nian no longer had the heart to be polite with him: "Is Mr. Ming still busy? If there is nothing else, I'm going in."

(End of this chapter)

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