King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 142 Luna and Reg are Here

Chapter 142 Luna and Reg are Here

It's just that there are three chapters in advance, even when you arrive in Chang'an City, you must obey all his actions.

At this moment, Xuan Ce could only watch helplessly as the people on the side held the lo-mei, and walked away happily.

But thinking about seeing sister Nian in a while, he will also help cook a lot of delicious food, especially big pieces of meat, Xuance immediately became motivated.

"Brother, we have traveled such a long distance, how do we know where Brother A Kai and Sister Nian live? He didn't say where he is in his letter? He only said that he was doing something for someone surnamed Di!" Thinking of food, Xuance I didn't have that much motivation, so I wandered around the streets of Chang'an.

I think it's better to find them now.

Baili Shouyu hesitated for a while, and said: "Let's go to Dali Temple to find Master Di, and then we will probably be able to find Ah Kai!"


It is true that Kaiyin and Shouyue met at Dali Temple, because this time was the day that Kaiyin and Yuanfang had agreed upon.

It's just that he seemed a little confused by the sudden appearance of yet another younger sister and younger brother!
"Brother, I'm Luna, do you remember?" Luna went over and hugged him.

For this younger sister, Kayn didn't have much doubt, and felt a little kind, so he patted her head instinctively.

"Brother!" Reg had a lot to say to his brother right now.

This time, he and Luna also sneaked out, but Luna's strength is stronger now, and they came all the way without any danger.

But as an older brother, he actually faced a lot of pressure along the way. He was always worried that something would happen to his sister, or that they didn't know where Kayn and Lucy were at all, and they would do a lot of useless work.

But fortunately, everything was worth it now, and they finally saw their brother.

Reg also hugged Kayn.

Baili Shouyue watched this scene with great relief, and was also happy for Kayn and his younger siblings.

Xuan Ce glanced around and said, "Brother Ah Kai, where is Sister Nian?"

Kayn looked a little unnatural.

Luna immediately said: "What about my sister, I miss my sister."

"Lucy should be at home. Let's go find her and we will definitely give her a big surprise." Reg was a little excited.

After all, the brothers and sisters who have grown up for many years, the relationship between him and Lucy is similar.

That time she left secretly, he was still at home blaming himself for a long time, feeling that he had not fulfilled his responsibility to take care of Lucy, so that he didn't find out that she had run away.

At this time, everyone including Shouyue and Xuance looked at Kayn expectantly.

But he didn't know how to tell them that he had already moved out.

On the contrary, Yuan Fang stared at them curiously for a while and said, "It's just right, I also want to go to Sister Fox's for something to eat, so let's go together!"

Thinking of the family reunion today, Sister Fox will definitely make a bunch of delicious food, but he should have no problem with eating and drinking. After all, he also helped brother Ah Kai investigate a lot of things.

Xuan Ce looked down at Yuan Fang, and it turned out that there was a little guy who was shorter than him.

And the ears are so big.

Yuan Fang smiled at them friendly.

Then he said; "Let's go, Brother Akai, what are you still doing, go home, let me tell you, Sister Fox actually opened a restaurant, and now the business is booming, if it wasn't for the restaurant's regulations, as long as If you can welcome women but not men, I think we might be able to see Sister Fox if we go there now."

Reg said: "The restaurants are open, as expected of my sister, awesome!"

"That's right, big sister is the best!" Luna said appreciatively.

During this period, he didn't notice Kayn's expression, but he was somewhat relieved.

Gu Nian stayed in the restaurant very late before returning home.

However, as soon as he reached the door, he heard laughter and laughter inside, wondering if he had entered the wrong house, so he backed out to have a look.

That's right, this isn't Ming Shiyin's house next door either.

When she opened the door, suddenly someone rushed up and hugged her, which shocked her.

Until Luna yelled at her: "Sister!"

She just recovered from her dazed state!

"Luna!" She was really happy, and then she saw Shou Yue, Xuan Ce, and Fifth Brother Reg, and she was very happy in her heart.

I touched Luna's head and found that she seemed to have grown taller and more beautiful.

Already showing the outstanding demeanor of a girl.

"And me, don't you just remember Luna?" Fifth Brother Reg came up and said dissatisfied.

"Fifth Brother..." How could Gu Nian not remember him, Fifth Brother is a living treasure at home, and has always been an extremely active existence.

Gu Nian also likes fifth brother Leige very much, but when he reaches out to hug him.

She was a little awkward and wanted to refuse, but this intention was discovered by Reg.

"What are you hiding, little girl? I'll be your elder brother when I grow up. When you were young, I used to take you around to have fun."

The two were about the same age, and Reg was only one year older than her. He was indeed the one who took care of her the most when she was young.

In fact, Kayn saw this scene from afar, feeling a little sour in his heart.

Maybe she didn't reject Reg, but his affairs brought some shadows to her.

Hearing this, Gu Nian laughed, relaxed his mind, and hugged Reg.

"Fifth brother, I'm not hiding. Why are you all here? What about the second brother, the third brother and the fourth brother? Do mom and dad know that you are here?"

Gu Nian asked Reg, then looked at Luna.

Both of them felt a little inexplicably guilty, and she knew that they also sneaked out.

Why use the word Ye, probably because I have set a bad example for them.

"Sister, the power of the moonlight I have fused has become stronger. Along the way, I am stronger than Brother Fifth, and I have beaten away a lot of demons." Although at this moment, she glanced at Kai again. Yin, maybe she is not as powerful as her elder brother.

But sooner or later, she will be no worse than her brother.

Because her talent is unparalleled.

Reg was a little embarrassed by what Luna said.

"I'm not that bad!" After Kayn and Gu Nian both left the Star Family.

The other members of the Star Family are getting more and more dull every day.

After all, a family that was originally good fell apart. Although it was because of the power of the curse, there were also reasons why they were not strong enough.

Be it Reg, Oakes, or William, they are all practicing harder and harder.

Therefore, he can guarantee that he has not held back Luna all the way.

Gu Nian sighed silently.

"You are too capricious, Mom and Dad don't have to worry about death if they know it!"

After all, he came all the way, and he couldn't bear to be harsh.

(End of this chapter)

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