King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 143 Who is your future brother-in-law?

Chapter 143 Who is your future brother-in-law?
Luna stuck out her tongue, and then, Gu Nian also greeted Shouyue Xuan Ce.

It was also extremely lucky to learn about Luna and Reg's encounter with Hua Mulan from their mouths.

Gu Nian thought, fortunately they met Hua Mulan, if they met someone else directly and gave them wrong information, maybe they would miss it.

"In any case, we still got together!" Reg felt that the hardships along the way have become worthwhile.

Seeing his elder brother walking far away in silence, he pulled him over and sat next to Gu Nian.

"Brother, our family finally met, don't always think about us."

"Yeah, brother, you already recognize Sixth Sister, but don't deny us!" Luna heard Hua Mulan say that when Gu Nian first came to the Great Wall Guards.

Kayn thought she wasn't his sister at first, and thought it was a fake, so he made some troubles.

But if he is willing to accompany her to Chang'an, he recognizes this younger sister.

Now that I recognize my sister, I must recognize them too.

But they didn't know that Kayn and Gu Nian felt a little uncomfortable at this moment.

But Gu Nian's face was still extremely calm, she knew that if she didn't give him hope, time would eventually heal something.

Perhaps, it was just her appearance that made him brood in his heart. There was no blood relationship, which brought him a little bit of delusion. All of this came from her in the process of taking care of him.

Maybe it's not enough to be liking, but he is too attached to the feeling of being taken care of, so he mistakenly thinks these are liking.

Gu Nian never thought that they could become a couple.

"That's great, cheers to the reunion of your brothers and sisters!"

Everyone also toasted, and Xuan Ce and Yuan Fang silently watched everyone's glasses filled with wine, Xuan Ce then asked Shou Yue with some anxiety, "Brother, can I have a little wine too? "

"No, you are allowed to eat meat today, but children are not allowed to drink alcohol!"

Then Xuance looked at the cup in Luna's hand.

Soon Luna's cup was taken by Gu Nian and changed.

"What kind of wine do you drink at a young age? You can only drink fruit juice!" Gu Nian acted like a sister.

Luna stuck out her tongue: "I don't like to drink yet!"

But immediately, two hands stretched out, both wanting to take away the cup in Gu Nian's hand.

So everyone else stared at her.

Kayn withdrew his hand, and Reg also took Gu Nian's cup away.

"Remember, you can't drink too."

Gu Nian: "..."

Xuan Ce suddenly felt extremely balanced, even sister Nian couldn't drink alcohol, so he should eat meat with peace of mind!

Well, the beef made by my brother today is really delicious!
Although the Great Wall guards reunited on their side, brothers and sisters reunited, there seemed to be endless topics to talk about.But it didn't stop him from burying his head and eating hard, he was full!
It turns out that this promise-keeping brother is so good, what he makes is no worse than Sister Fox's.

He really likes the atmosphere here, without Mr. Di's interference.

It's a pity that he has other tasks at night.

I had to leave after eating half of it, and sighed silently.

It's hard being a spy!

When Yuan Fang left, they wanted to stay, but they couldn't.

Only shortly after he left.

Li Bai came in from the outside.

"Nian Nian, I heard from the butler that you came and left today, why don't you stay a little longer?"

As soon as Li Bai finished speaking, he saw the courtyard full of people.

"Niannian..." Shouyue chewed on these words silently.

Seeing that it was him, Gu Nian was stabbed in the heart again, but in front of many people, she did not lose control.

Li Bai laughed and said, "It turns out that the Great Wall Guards are here, no wonder you want to come back."

He walked to Gu Nian's side, sat down naturally, and pushed Reg away.

His attitude attracted many people's attention.

"Lucy, who is this person?" Reg was unhappy.

When Li Bai first heard the name Lucy, he was taken aback for a moment, but he remembered that Gu Nian had told him before that she was called by this name in the west.

"I'm her lover, but you two..." He had never met Reg and Luna.

Both of them had the faces of foreigners, so naturally they had some doubts.

After he finished speaking, Shou Yue was choked up.

"Lover?" Luna looked at Li Bai critically.

Reg even put his hands on his hips and looked him over from top to bottom.

"Brother, why didn't you mention this matter in your heart?" Reg still felt inexplicably sad.

My younger sister has grown up and wants to fall in love!

Although this is inevitable, as an older brother, he does not look down on this future "brother-in-law" who appears.

From this point of view, they are not from the West. Could it be that Lucy of his family will marry in Datang in the future? You must know that it took them three or four months to lie down in Datang. Isn't it very inconvenient to contact.

If they bullied Lucy, how would they know?
I have to say that Reg's divergent thinking is quite strong.

He leaned close to Kayn's ear and said dissatisfiedly: "Brother, why did you agree to Lucy dating this kid? Besides, how could it be so cheap to let him be with Lucy?"

Back when his younger sister was a bean sprout, the Land of Warriors was also the daughter of nobles, and many people flocked to her. Now his sister is as beautiful as a fairy. If she returns to the Land of Warriors or the city of Haidu, she will not worry at all. Can't get married!

Anyway, Reg felt that his sister was fine with everything, and only hated himself for not rushing over earlier to stop this matter.

Kayn felt bitter in his heart, and he tried to stop it again, only because of his selfishness.

Now that she knows what's on his mind, she might despise him even more!

Only then did Li Bai know that the two who came were actually her brother and sister.

Looking at these two picky faces, I thought in my heart that it seems that there is another sister-in-law and brother-in-law who want to please.

"I think this is my future brother-in-law, right?"

As soon as Li Bai said this, Reg immediately became dissatisfied: "Who is your brother-in-law?"

Right now it's just a relationship of lovers, whether it will be successful in the future is still the same thing?

Besides, even if Lucy agreed, he didn't agree, and his parents didn't agree yet.

Li Bai didn't care about Reg's fury, "Anyway, it's a matter of time, but he's quite a cute kid."

Reg: "..."

Shou Yue watched their playfulness with each other, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

I still remember that the promise at that time was the season of maple leaves, and she would return from Chang'an, but it's not yet autumn, but everything has changed!

But what could he say?

He took a sip of wine sullenly.

 Thank you Queen of Spades for your tip
(End of this chapter)

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